View Full Version : Lyman 9mm 147 gr bullet lubing?

12-17-2012, 09:50 PM
I finally got around to casting some 147gr 9mm bullets. The questioned I have is since these are bevel based should the the small amount of lube that fills in where the bevel is be wiped off before loading or not? Also I'm using a 356 sizing die and it seems I am using way less effort than when I size 40S&W or 45 bullets.

12-17-2012, 10:55 PM
If you don't wipe off the base, you may end up with squib loads. I have had issues with ammo I reloaded where in melting lube contaminated the powder so that all I got was a pop, and a barrel full of unburnt powder. I would try to size .357--.356 is almost always too small, despite what the Manuals may tell you. There are a couple of reasons why it might seem as though your boolits size with little effort compared to the larger, but my guess is that it either a mold casting small, so that you are not sizing as much, or it is simply a function of the decreased surface area. A 9mm bullit of equal length will have only 80% of the surface area of a similar length 45, with a consequently smaller resistance when you force the boolit through the sizing die.

MT Chambers
12-19-2012, 07:36 PM
Another bullet that really gets done up nice and slick on a Star with no lube on the BB.

12-20-2012, 01:58 AM
...........I have that Lyman mould and use it to great effect in my 38 Super. The BB is pretty small, but lube DOES end up there. I've never worried about it and the loaded cartridges are stored in 50 round boxes, nose down. Now I've never kept any for 2 - 3 years, but I'll bet some have set for maybe 9 months or so. Here in So. Calif it does get warmish a couple times a year. If you want eliminate 98% of the lube on the BB simply put a GC in the die like you were trying to GC the boolit. Most of the time the slug will be removed w/o the GC. If the GC comes out, put it back. Another method is to punch out a styrofoam disc from those trays markets use for pre-packaged cuts of meat. Put it in the die for the boolit to sit on. Punched out just slightly larger then the dies' ID will cause the edge to displace slightly upward and seal off the BB.
