View Full Version : Trespasser!!

Idaho Mule
12-16-2012, 07:12 PM
We ended our deer season here on Dec. 1. This afternoon I went down into my lower pasture to park a trailer and discovered that some rut filled buck had attacked a nice young Maple tree that we had planted in my FIL's honor. This guy is leaving a nice big track, about a 3 1/2" to 4" long so he is a dandy. His horns raked the tree as high as I can reach and I stand right at 6'. What really bends me out of shape is that I have been looking for this guy all season and never caught him off guard. Now he's here pissing on MY post and season's over and I can't do much about it. I guess the good thing is that he lived thru the season so I can have the pleasure of hunting him again next season. I think the tree will survive, rant over. JW

12-16-2012, 07:22 PM
There is a silver lining in every cloud if you look for it.
Think about the bright side, he has the chance to sow some good genes before you can try again, giving you more years of frustration. lol

12-16-2012, 08:53 PM
lWell, he won this round! But as you say, there is always next year. And hopefully he will be larger and an even better trophy. And the anticipation iwll sharpen the sense of victory when you do get him.

41 mag fan
12-16-2012, 08:55 PM
He's taunting you!! Lettin you know he beat you on his turf!!

bruce drake
12-16-2012, 09:23 PM
You need to go climb into the hills behind your house and urinate in every rut mark of his you find to let him know you will track him down next year.

12-16-2012, 09:53 PM
You are lucky. Our trespassers have been skinny, tattooed, with bad teeth and a northern accent. Lord only knows how long you would have to boil one to eat it.

12-16-2012, 10:15 PM
Trespassers and poachers around here are usually locals who blame out-of-staters. Big old, beat up, thin, post-rut bucks on my place who have survived hunters, poachers, disease, accidents and bumpers are always welcome here to rest.
Any special trees I want protected from bucks are easily fenced.

12-16-2012, 10:32 PM
Apply fibered roof tar to your tree for the next few years till the bark grows back together...

Iowa Fox
12-17-2012, 12:11 AM
You need to go climb into the hills behind your house and urinate in every rut mark of his you find to let him know you will track him down next year.

I actually do this at my place just to watch them.

Idaho Mule
12-17-2012, 09:26 PM
Thanks for the support guys. I will just sit tight and wait till next year I guess. I am glad he is spreading those genes. I am fairly positive that some of his ancestors racks are now decorating my walls. I also relish hunting one like that, it's just fun matching wits with them and trying to catch him when his guard is down. I relish that. I do think my tree will survive but it is definitely scarred for life. I had a guard fence around it for 4 years, but removed it this summer. JW