View Full Version : Think about this guys

12-16-2012, 02:30 PM
Guys it is the A.D.D drugs we give the kids today.Adderal and the likes of it.the drug my dad give me worked best i think.I think it was called a belt.But who am i.You know thay started that in the last 30 or so years.just look at the age of the thugs that do things like this.So that is my take on this thing.
It is just a sad day that i will have to pay for a sicko doing a dumb thing.

12-16-2012, 03:47 PM
It is hard to blame it on any one thing. Take a look at the top ten massacres (shootings) in this country, several of them were men in their 40's and before ADD was even invented.

I am not saying that drugs should replace a belt, but I think it does the most harm to the kid that is raised on drugs.

gray wolf
12-16-2012, 04:40 PM
Now this is a discussion very worth talking about. Will the news bring it up ? NO way,
Big Pharma would never allow it. These people are mentally ill and that's what the focus should be on. That and the killing fields, Um, excuse me, the gun free zones.

12-16-2012, 05:11 PM
We might as well blame it on the Mercury in the immunizations required for school i doubt we will ever learn what the cause is but we do know one thing these nuts like the freedom of their evil acts they get in a "Gun Free Zone" something to consider?

12-16-2012, 05:14 PM
Like one of our local radio host said, some people are born broken, and there is no fix for it.

gray wolf
12-16-2012, 10:53 PM
Like one of our local radio host said, some people are born broken, and there is no fix for it.
My friend I think tho it saddens me to think it-- I find some element of truth in your statement.
For those of us that believe in the Lord and prayer--
we can pray for them, and protection from them.

12-17-2012, 12:07 AM
"broken" is a term I have used, and it seems like a really valid one.

Broken people need to be institutionalized - prison for the known violent ones
and mental hospitals for the 'wannabe' or 'likely' violent ones. They need to
be kept isolated from society at large.


12-17-2012, 03:20 AM
They need to be identified & removed..............sad to even think or say it.......but what else can be done to save the innocent.

12-17-2012, 08:00 AM
I just got an e-mail from the ATF apologizing for any delays due to high volume of gun sales.
Apparently, the innocent are realizing they need not be defenseless any more.
To quote my favorite author: "be wise as serpents, but innocent as lambs"

Another quote, this time from my grandmother (don't know who said it first)
"Believe none of what you hear, and only half of what you see."

12-17-2012, 08:07 AM
Big Pharma would never allow it.

I get tired of hearing or reading this type of nonsense. There is no "Big" anything. There's only businesses that generate incomes and investments for the American populace. It boils down to parenting and personal responsibility.

12-17-2012, 08:36 AM
I have to agree with GRAY WOLF on this one. No, I am not saying "conspiracy theory". But it is a proven fact that BIG money buys whatever spin on the media that the BIG wants. Case in point, 2 places. The Des Moines Register in Iowa and the Rocky Mountain News in Colorado. Both medium size circulation dailies that supported sportsmen and outdoors activities that were both centered around the family and their participation. Upon being bought by a major media conglomerate, guns became EVIL, no more family anything, one small column (on Sunday) regulated to outdoor activities of which hunting gets a small part. The only "sports" reported had to do with the mindless sports with a big budget. I am sure there are other examples of the same. These 2 papers also became the liberal left with the associated political agenda that went with it and you know what that means for us here.

Given the resources of some of the BIGS, it is not too far a stretch to see that throw enough money at it, you could conceivably have any opinion aired regardless of the truth.
Just my opinion, of course, no offense intended.


Wayne Smith
12-17-2012, 08:40 AM
Guys it is the A.D.D drugs we give the kids today.Adderal and the likes of it.the drug my dad give me worked best i think.I think it was called a belt.But who am i.You know thay started that in the last 30 or so years.just look at the age of the thugs that do things like this.So that is my take on this thing.
It is just a sad day that i will have to pay for a sicko doing a dumb thing.

Sorry, but that one won't fly. Methamphatemine has been available and freely used for generations. It was commonly used in WWII by both the USNavy and the USArmy Air Force to keep officers awake long term - both for convoy duty and for long missions. Dexatrim was sold in grocery stores and advertised in my memory - a higher dose of dexadrine (methamphatemine derivative) than is currently used for ADHD. These drugs are not new nor are they more common than they were. Now, at least, one needs a prescription to get them, you can't just buy them at the grocery store.

This one I know about! I am a Licensed Clinical Psychologist.

12-17-2012, 09:31 AM
Institutionalizing people? Forcibly? That wont help, this guy had shown no previous behavior that indicated he was dangerous.
Stops these of psych meds? What do you think the fore mentioned institutions would be giving people?

There is no simple answer.

What I do believe is that we have a simple choice to make. We can chose to love with this type of event and be free or we can give up many of our freedoms in hopes of being safer?

So, what do you want? Freedom or safety? Is it really even a choice? Without freedom nothing else matters.

12-17-2012, 10:01 AM
They need to be identified & removed

So who would do the identifying? Maybe a panel of people that think that anyone showing an interest in firearms is dangerous and potentially crazy! There would be too much room for bias and corruption and surely would lead to wrong conclusions about who would be removed.

41 mag fan
12-17-2012, 11:57 AM
People are broken, have been since Cain and Able. Violence is a part of the human nature, it's infused into everyones brains, maybe even our DNA.
If you follow evolution and look at the society and families of chimps ect, there seems to always be an outlaw amongst the clan, and the clan takes care of that outlaw, usually he's on the outskirts of that clan and is constantly put in his place when he or she gets out of control. Sometimes it's even the death of the outlaw that occurs.

Same way with human evolution, theres always an outlaw amongst a certain amount of people. As the human population grows so will the mentally sick or violent humans.
It seems this is an carnivore culture. You see it in lions, chimps, tigers, cheetahs, anything that consumes meat.
Vegetarian animals like elephants, gazelles, ect ect, don't have violent animals in their mix.

So maybe the consumptiuon of meat is a basic culprit, and with all the drugs, steroids ect in meat maybe that makes violent humans more pronounced....I don't know, just my thinking at this time

gray wolf
12-17-2012, 12:34 PM
Lets open our eyes here to what is taking place. With this horrible event taking place we are now seeing the arrow of accusation being pointed at the mentally ill, more so than ever before.
We have also seen in the not to distant past the finger pointing at people with PTSD ( veterans )
come to mind. Now we see Autism up front and in our face. Not that long ago the rate for Autism
Was close 1 in 1,000 What is it now 1 in 88 or close to that ? Why,?? Yes why ??
Have the people started to copulate in a different Way, Do they eat the wrong food while carrying a baby ? Why has the rate gone Up ? and why is it in play now with this last horrible shooting. Many, many studies have shown and talked about the poisons in the vaccine cocktails that our children receive, only to be hammered down and demonized by big pharma and there and there ilk. IMHO there is a ray or truth in what the notable scientist have said.
The drugs our children our given because they are a little fidgety in school ??
because they don't fit in with the program ??
Tell me how this all came about ?
Fact is IMHO the gun ban push in under way now full swing, along with another AWB I foresee
A big push that will entertain Mental illness and another way to ban people from having firearms. Of course some people should not be in the same room with a firearm, crying out lowed men--that's a given. But as they keep adding to the list of what qualifies for a mental disorder
for you know it everyone will fall into one of there mental Pigeon holes.
Lets just look at Autism, OK, everyone that is autistic cannot own a firearm
( not far fetched with the thinking process going on now and the new push we see taking place )
So 1 in 88 cannot own a firearm, do the math, How about PTSD ? They sure have boosted the numbers in that arena. Just a chance happening ? Lets add some folks on Psychotropic drugs
Last I saw over 40% of the population is on some mood altering psychotropic drug.
Lets add them to the list of the can't have a firearm folks. Is my tin foil hat slipping or do I see a pattern here, Cause, effect, and come up with the solution. Works every time.
My little rant is only a small part of whats going on, OK, but I don't here that on the news,
well of course not, you hear on the mainstream what they want you to hear, along with all the Di-info as to create dissension among the sheep--so everyone has a different point of view.
Then we form a comity, come up with what they say happened-- it then becomes the law of the land and be dammed if you go against it--cause if you do you are labeled a nut case tin foil hat person.
Watch and see all the play that mental illness gets on this one. Do a little research about how many mass shooters were on psychotropic drugs.
Is there any doubt or disbelief they want our guns ? I think not. The disbelief has to do with what they will do in order to accomplish it. I can hear it now ( OH! they wouldn't do that )
Ok yes they would, they end justifies the means, it always has, just like Might makes right.
Sorry men, no scales on these eyes.

12-17-2012, 01:06 PM
Quote "So, what do you want? Freedom or safety? Is it really even a choice? Without freedom nothing else matters."

Once honest people are denied guns we will be niether free OR safe!!!

12-17-2012, 01:10 PM
No simple answer is the immediate answer! That said, there are numerous factors that are contributing possibilities and potential partial answers. City vs rural meantalities, liberal and socialistic teachings in our institutions of higher learning, possible/probable overmedication of some, lack of parental control and discipline, Media Hype when disaster occurs, political correctness, altered history being taught, and the list goes on and on! Among things that might help are the reintroduction of morals, values, standards, family disciplines, religion & faith, respect for elders and the tridations that they grew up with, a work ethic, etc.,etc.,etc.

12-17-2012, 01:51 PM
find it interesting that Obummer called for prayer but that is forbidden in public schools and public buildings, is he advocating breaking the law? just a thought on the Hippocrocy of our government.

12-17-2012, 04:12 PM
A most excellent point Freightman!

12-17-2012, 04:59 PM
Freightman - you forgot the crocodile tears. Justice and Vet dept just decided that they would decide which vets (by vet board) were 'unstable' and prevent them from having guns. Normally, this is done by a court hearing. Saw an article in NYT about the Conn. incident. It had pictures of 2 ar's and a glock, weapons he supposedly had. And he had many hundreds of rounds with him. A kid with 2 ars, body armor and maybe 10 30 rnd clips climbs through a window he broke? I need a cart to take that much to the range. When will the media fire these insane writers?

12-17-2012, 05:01 PM
The video "games" these kids play where they repeatedly "kill" someone and then the same character is "alive and well" in the next game must have some effect on these people.
So many people have no idea what actually happens when someone or something is shot. I remember the first few times I shot a game animal I was sad I had taken the life. I completed the process by consuming the animal and came to realize this is a natural part of nature. My Dad was a trucker so delivered to many businesses in town. One Saturday morning I went with him to the meat packer to pick up our order. That was a truly eye-opening experience!

This last shooter came from a broken home. Don't know why the mother had the guns but she was responsible for these. Don't know the circumstances of the storage and what access her son had to these. My sons do not have access to my safes and they are grown men. My wife has access but has never opened them.

I don't know what the answer is but it needs to be found so these sensless shooting stop. The guns are not the cause but do provide a means of killing a larger number of people faster than weapons like knives.
I have one grandaughter in 1st grade and another a few years behind and could not stand it if something like this happened to them. This has really hit home with me.
On another site there was a link to a school incident in which the attacker injured 20 or 22 students with a knife in China. So it is not just guns, but attackers hunting victims in area where they are known to be unarmed.

Hope the answer is found soon but I'm afraid it won't be in time.

12-18-2012, 09:11 AM
Your right Leadman, it probably won't be in time, my time at least but it is good to remember what it was when I was young, before all of this did not exist! OR-if it did exist, it was not over hyped by the radio and tv news of the day!


12-18-2012, 09:27 AM
A nut job kills some children and everyone is looking for something to blame for his actions.
Face it, he was crazy, he was willing to kill his mother. It is unlikely that guns, drugs, or a parent beating him with a belt, or giving him a hug when he did bad things made him into a nut job.

Using his actions to focus on guns, drugs, bullying (which may be a factor - there now I am doing it) as an excuse, cause or catalyst of his actions is misleading.
No one every brings up their child with the hope or goal the child will be a mass murderer.

The perpetrator who believed killing others was his role in life, or his salvation is the one to blame first.
Not gun, not gun owners, not video games, and not prescription drugs.

Ever one is looking for answers. The simple answer is this guy was crazy and wanted to kill people.
It is too bad that the media, the president, and anyone with an agenda is using this horrific act to promote their own agenda.

It is too bad that the parents are not allowed privacy in their grief, but face reminders of their loss in the media, messages from the president, the attention of those using their loss to promote an agenda.
No matter where the kin of the victims turn for escape, the media, the internet, the news, they are faced with the media event their grief has become.

Even if they came here to escape that event , what do they find but a reminder of that event.
It is time for the media, and politicians to allow these folk their grief and to allow them closure.

41 mag fan
12-18-2012, 09:44 AM
10X you're right on on that, it's time for the media and everyone to let the parents grieve and start the healing process.

No simple answer is the immediate answer! That said, there are numerous factors that are contributing possibilities and potential partial answers. City vs rural meantalities, liberal and socialistic teachings in our institutions of higher learning, possible/probable overmedication of some, lack of parental control and discipline, Media Hype when disaster occurs, political correctness, altered history being taught, and the list goes on and on! Among things that might help are the reintroduction of morals, values, standards, family disciplines, religion & faith, respect for elders and the tridations that they grew up with, a work ethic, etc.,etc.,etc.

1Shirt...you hit the nail on the head. theres so many factors that could if not be the cause for what has happened. It's just sad to think that a culmination of things through the last few generations have led to what we see regularly. Sad thing is it's not just here but all over the world anymore.

12-18-2012, 01:03 PM
At the end of the day, I believe it mostly boils down to an almost total lack of acountability for ones actions engendered by our politically correct, Liberal/socialist predomanent way of thinking.

12-18-2012, 01:48 PM
At the end of the day, I believe it mostly boils down to an almost total lack of acountability for ones actions engendered by our politically correct, Liberal/socialist predomanent way of thinking.

Coupled with "not my fault" and pointing at gun owners and saying "Blame them guys over yonder!"