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View Full Version : sad to say....stock up!!

12-15-2012, 11:52 AM
We all here will now have a storm to ride out due to the actions of some nut case. How long it will last, who knows, but I can see price gouging and shortages in the future for components. I Hope I am wrong!!

12-15-2012, 11:59 AM
I think you are absolutely correct. Obummer has a record of being a dilligent anti-gunner and unfortunately this terrible situation might be exactly what he has been waiting for. Time to start setting components aside, as well as all the equipment to fabricate whatever we can. Might even be time to learn how to make powder and priming compound.

12-15-2012, 03:01 PM
I 'm lucky to still have a job in this economy, and on top of it all I was lucky to get a bonus check. Bought 200 lbs linotype, 10,000 more pistol primers, brass, and some more magazines for my "evil" guns. I see the Politicians caving on the gun control issues for sure in January. Things will be getting bad for our hobby and passion for sure.

12-15-2012, 04:43 PM
Bought 5000 various primers and 2 pounds of powder yesterday to add to the collection.

I'll be picking up a 1000 .223 jword bullets as soon as I can find some

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

white eagle
12-15-2012, 04:50 PM
stash all your guns and bury your money there coming

12-15-2012, 04:55 PM
I know hoarding is counterproductive and is the reason ammo and components are so pricey today, we are our own worst enemy in this case, but I too ran out and stocked up on powder and primers. What else can we do? I know some will, and correctly so, say we are causing the problem by hoarding and that's certainly been true in the past but the last time I sat it out I found myself doing without! I guess hoarding may be the root cause of the shortages and high prices but like it or not it's "get your share while you can" or you very well may have to do without!

12-15-2012, 05:36 PM
As OLDRED said, I too, got caught out last time. Am stocking up as we speak. While it is true we are our own worst enemies in buying components, it is an issue that is forced on us by an event(s), ignorant people, and those who have an agenda to do.. their end game has never been totally revealed to me other than disarm the American public first.

It will start with bans on high cap anything, then move to semi-autos (including our 1100s and Benellis and A5s and etc...). Then the rally cry will be register ALL guns and a committe will determine whether

a) do you need one
b) are you considered "safe" to own one
c) guns will be centrally stored and you will have to check out your own gun and ammo

Sounds crazy...look at the UK

12-15-2012, 05:46 PM
They will look at the law pertaining to purchasing.

There isn't anything they could of done to prevent this.
Isn't it already a law that you must be 21 to purchase a handgun??
Yet he was 20. How did it get the two handguns he used?? He didn't use the AW he had. It was still in his car.

They will not come for your guns. What i can predict happen is that they pass a AW/high cap mag ban.
Then they will tax ammo and components.

sent from my mobile.

12-15-2012, 06:05 PM
The thing to fear in the short run, is what happened to Australian gun owners. I don't think they can own any semi auto anything, and/or pump anything. And there was a big govt mandate to turn in and distroy those that were turned in. For you guys down under, please correct me if I am incorrect.

41 mag fan
12-15-2012, 06:29 PM
The thing to fear in the short run, is what happened to Australian gun owners. I don't think they can own any semi auto anything, and/or pump anything. And there was a big govt mandate to turn in and distroy those that were turned in. For you guys down under, please correct me if I am incorrect.

Guess there'll be alot of dead gunwoners lying around, i sure wont give up what i got even if they come for it. It's not me nor my fault that some idiot can cuse so much grief for everyone involved and everyone this will effect.

But be prepared for a whole rash of gunlaws to come down the pike and the way our idiot in chief will get his wishes is a last minute negotiation with repubs....you want budget reform with no tax increses, i want gun bans, ect. A back door deal will be made...wait and watch.

12-15-2012, 07:19 PM
I too would probably hide my guns and not just hand them over but fellas we have got to fight this coming legislation "tooth and nail" because it's not going to be a matter of whether they get them or not. It may make us feel a little better to take a tough stance and we can proclaim the "get them when they pry them from my cold dead fingers" slogan all day long but in the end when it comes down to giving them up or going to jail I think most will comply. Even those who don't will have still lost just about everything as we know it now, think about it if a person is facing prison time for just possessing a gun what would we do with them? I, and I'm sure most everyone else here, would keep a home defense weapon but it would have to remain hidden so the sport would essentially be dead except for tightly controlled range shooting (if we were even that lucky) so what good would they be to us? If they just go after the semi's and AW type guns (at first anyway) it would be the same thing for that part of the sport, for instance if a person now owns a nice but unregistered 45 Thompson what can they do with it?

12-15-2012, 07:21 PM

I just recently suggested it might be a good idea to start stocking up on ammo and got chastised by some for suggesting such.

12-15-2012, 07:35 PM
In Australia what they did to us is you cannot own a semi auto rifle or shot gun, also pump action shot guns are banned, mag capacity was reduced to 10 rounds, you can still own semi auto pistols in Australia but you need to be a member of a registered pistol club to own any sort of hand gun that is how it has always been, you must fill out a permit to acquire for each firearm and wait for police approval before you can pick it up, some of the larger long range military calibers are much harder to get and the authorities keep bring in little changes from time to time, things may vary from state to state but that is the bulk of the changes.

Love Life
12-15-2012, 10:45 PM

I just recently suggested it might be a good idea to start stocking up on ammo and got chastised by some for suggesting such.

Yes you did, but you may have helped more people prepare than you expect.

Anywho I watched a man buy $3,000 worth of 22 lr in Sportsman's warehouse today. They still had about 90% of what you would need in stock.

I went to buy a couple 8 lb kegs of my favorite powders and all they had were 1 lb jugs. Oh well, off to powder valley I go.

12-15-2012, 11:53 PM
Yes you did, but you may have helped more people prepare than you expect.

Anywho I watched a man buy $3,000 worth of 22 lr in Sportsman's warehouse today. They still had about 90% of what you would need in stock.

I went to buy a couple 8 lb kegs of my favorite powders and all they had were 1 lb jugs. Oh well, off to powder valley I go.

I just got my order from Powder Valley today. 26 pounds of powder and 17,000 various primers. Put the order in a little more than a week ago.

I suspect the guy buying all the 22 ammo will be reselling it at a gun show next month.

12-16-2012, 12:32 AM
Well I didn't go by wallmart today, but Fred Myers and sportsmans were both stocked well. I did pick up some 22 shorts and magnum primers. the last time a certain person was elected it was several months before you could buy any kind of 22 shell or even caps for a muzzle loader here.

12-16-2012, 12:49 AM
Lots and lots of talk today about gun control on TV. How drastic will the changes be? Don't know, but one thing is sure, the fence sitting non gun owners might jump over to the anti-gun crowd. This has really hit all Americans in the gut. Reactionaries will act quickly while they have momentum. The president does not have to worry about re-election. Our governor was about to sign legislation loosening carry restrictions to include schools. Now, iffy.
I think first impact will affect gun owners with children at home, safes will become mandatory. All states will require registration and background checks with a waiting period. A limit on the number of guns per household. A reduced magazine capacity. Another assualt weapons ban. ( I just finished building my first ). Worst case, we may even have to see a shrink before being allowed to buy. We would have to pay of course, and the state will pick the doctor.
I can think of alot more nightmares, the absolute worst woud be black booted uniforms knocking on the door to collect mine.

12-16-2012, 12:49 AM
Here we go! Spread a little more panic, people, maybe we can get every supplier sold out of primers and powder by Christmas.

I got caught a little short in 2007 because I was concentrating on things other than shooting, and didn't have a good place to store more than my little personal hunting/SD/varmint-control stash, but when I ran out of cheap .22s and had to pay $30/brick for Fiocci it sure got my attention. As soon as availiability returned and prices came down as far as it looked like they were going to, I restocked, several times. Why wait until a crisis to think about getting supplies? Don't put yourself in a financial bind over it, but components are like gold to a reloader, the stuff lasts a long time so investing in them is always money well spent.


Stephen Cohen
12-16-2012, 12:54 AM
As OLDRED said, I too, got caught out last time. Am stocking up as we speak. While it is true we are our own worst enemies in buying components, it is an issue that is forced on us by an event(s), ignorant people, and those who have an agenda to do.. their end game has never been totally revealed to me other than disarm the American public first.

It will start with bans on high cap anything, then move to semi-autos (including our 1100s and Benellis and A5s and etc...). Then the rally cry will be register ALL guns and a committe will determine whether

a) do you need one
b) are you considered "safe" to own one
c) guns will be centrally stored and you will have to check out your own gun and ammo

Sounds crazy...look at the UK

You Sir have just described how they screwed us Australians over.

12-16-2012, 01:22 AM
Yeah, I know this is silly. . . but I'm looking at getting a flintlock or two. I can handle the BP and flint own my own, if the SHTF I want to be prepared. ;)

I did call my LGS and they said had my preferred primers. But the lady did say that they were swamped.

Buckle up your chin straps is all I can say.

PS Paul
12-16-2012, 01:26 AM
Obummer looked sad giving the address, but inside, as evidenced by his body language, he was saying "YES!" an incident to further his agenda at exactly the right time.

12-16-2012, 01:34 AM
I had no doubt that the vultures would exploit this situation as soon as I heard it happened. And of course His Highness will use this any way he can.

I am just saddened beyond comprehension by this.

12-16-2012, 01:38 AM
I have read multiple pundits criticizing the NRA for not 'saying' a lot, right now.

It strikes me as perfectly proper. This dancing in the blood stuff that is going on with the anti-gun nuts is grotesque.

To sit in silence and mourn is proper and dignified.

On another note. A disturbing thing to me is that we are prisoners to the next nut job. It is unfair. We ALL know it will happen again and again. If we somehow weather this storm, it is only a matter of time until the next nut (read villainous psychotic) murders multiple innocents. Then, back into the breech. . . Murderous villains are coeval with man and ALWAYS will be with man.

12-16-2012, 01:43 AM
Blah blah blah! All you doom & gloomers need to take a chill pill.

First, don't even post in this thread unless you've already said your piece to your congress critters. Tell it to them first before whining here.

Second, political vigilance is necessary ALL the time. Its not whats on the news that you need to worry about but the stuff that never makes the news. What else is going on that is being overlooked while the media distracts the nation with this tragedy?

Third, regardless of this tragedy gun rights is surging back, both in popular culture and in case law. Have you joined SAF yet? When's the last time you took someone shooting for their first time?

By all means, stock up. But act more and whine less. There are things you can do that make a difference. Preaching to the choir ain't one of them.

So there.

12-16-2012, 01:45 AM
If we all had sense just buy what we need it all will be fine.The hoarders and gunshow profiteers are the problem.I have been through about 4 of these scares and personally never paid the inflated prices asked.I went to shooting a match airgun off hand three days a week to save primers during the primer "shortage" of about 15 years back.

12-16-2012, 02:07 AM
Blah blah blah! All you doom & gloomers need to take a chill pill.

First, don't even post in this thread unless you've already said your piece to your congress critters. Tell it to them first before whining here.

Second, political vigilance is necessary ALL the time. Its not whats on the news that you need to worry about but the stuff that never makes the news. What else is going on that is being overlooked while the media distracts the nation with this tragedy?

Third, regardless of this tragedy gun rights is surging back, both in popular culture and in case law. Have you joined SAF yet? When's the last time you took someone shooting for their first time?

By all means, stock up. But act more and whine less. There are things you can do that make a difference. Preaching to the choir ain't one of them.

So there.

Shutting your mouth and allowing people to mourn without condescending to others is never an idea to be passed over without some serious discursive thought. Try it on for size.

I haven't called any Congress folk and I posted in this twice. I will not be calling any before Wednesday.

Now what?

Preaching to the choir is often a very necessary skill to be deployed both polemically and rhetorically. So often it is the lethargy of the like minded that have caused many issues throughout the history of mankind to be hors de combat. Winning the lukewarm is the ultimate goal but. . .

The practice of ignoratio elenchi is also counterproductive. The guy posted about stocking up. "We all here will now have a storm to ride out due to the actions of some nut case. How long it will last, who knows, but I can see price gouging and shortages in the future for components. I Hope I am wrong!!"

Absolutely NOTHING wrong with that postulate. I mean NOTHING. Reasonable advice. There is nothing in his post prohibitive of action. NOTHING. It is a false dichotomy in the extreme to act as if it is either follow your dictates or his. It's not an either/or. He does not pose it as such.

Coming on here with some kind of horse**** condescension is counterproductive.

By all means, taking your advice is very reasonable but your delivery is horse****.

12-16-2012, 02:43 AM
Ignaratio Elenchi.....sweeet!

12-16-2012, 03:07 AM
Shutting your mouth and allowing people to mourn without condescending to others is never an idea to be passed over without some serious discursive thought. Try it on for size.

Coming on here with some kind of horse**** condescension is counterproductive.

By all means, taking your advice is very reasonable but your delivery is horse****.
Excuse me, but where did I criticise anyone for mourning the tragedy? That's not even what this thread is about.

Your delivery is horse****.

These "stockpile it and burry it" threads are a constant theme on gun forums yet the people who post such things in so doing demonstrate that they do not have their thumb on the pulse of the times. Most of these people can't be bothered to actually put in any actual work towards improving the situation. (I'm speaking generally, not calling anyone out.)

If my rhetoric is offensive to you then I guess that's too bad. I call'em like I see'em.

Love Life
12-16-2012, 03:40 AM
What if I'm just here to party? I plan on buying all the components I can so I can put them in a treasure chest. I will then stand over said treasure chest, rubbing my hands together, and laughing maniacally while yelling "Mine! Mine! Mine!!!!!" Muahahahahahaha!!!!!

Stephen Cohen
12-16-2012, 03:45 AM
Having been through the pending doom, you Americans now face,I must say please do not give the anti gun brigade the ammunition they need to show how unfit you are to hold your guns. This is a highly emotionaly charged time, comments, such as burying guns, dead gun owners who wont give up their guns, will be used against you to show how you must be relieved of these weapons, they believe, your unfit to have. I know your feelings and worry of the unknown I have been there, but for god sake keep these feelings to yourself, the anti guners already have 24 dead children against you,showing your inability to uphold the laws of the land and your willingness to resort to gun play will be all they need to take it all. So please please keep a cool head and fight these laws by letting your elected members know your feelings. Some of our laws were being looked at for a little loosening but this will put paid to that. we must all show we are indeed law abiding and fit and proper citizens even if our elected representative are not.

12-16-2012, 03:55 AM
Stephen, you have some good points, but something else to think about is WE have proven at EVERY turn crime has gone down in every state and place the general populance can legally protect life and limb. The facts are there in statistics, undeniable in black and white. Any person or politician disputing the facts are doing it out of plain ignorance or just intentionally pushing for the downfall of ALL our rights, not just gun rights. The gun rights we have was intentional to protect any and ALL other rights and freedoms we are suppose to have.

12-16-2012, 03:59 AM
Excuse me, but where did I criticise anyone for mourning the tragedy? That's not even what this thread is about.

Your delivery is horse****.

These "stockpile it and burry it" threads are a constant theme on gun forums yet the people who post such things in so doing demonstrate that they do not have their thumb on the pulse of the times. Most of these people can't be bothered to actually put in any actual work towards improving the situation. (I'm speaking generally, not calling anyone out.)

If my rhetoric is offensive to you then I guess that's too bad. I call'em like I see'em.

"First, don't even post in this thread unless you've already said your piece to your congress critters. Tell it to them first before whining here."

Why should I excuse you? You are acting like nothing more than an ******* who comes on here laying down dogma and condescending to others. You blatantly told people not to post in this thread UNLESS they had already done what you required. That is ********. You dictated action. And I told you to shut your mouth (or keyboard, as it were) and let people mourn. I did not state that you criticized people for mourning. What you did was to mandate action that must be taken before anyone even responds to a forum post concerning a reasonable notice to stock up. This can be accomplished without diving headlong into the political arena, prior to it. Saying it might be a wise idea to stop by after church Sunday and stock up is totally appropriate. Running flailing in print or on camera or with incessant calls to political leaders is dumb, right now. While I fully agree that is something one should stay vigilant about always, right now I say sit tight. My God those people lost their children, dancing in their blood is what our enemies do.

You immediately characterized people here as whiners. I'm here and that damn sure offends me.

You do not know **** about me or very likely most people here. What you do not know you should not make uneducated guesses at.

You chimed in with your post mandating x,y, and z. You do not even understand what I typed to you about a false dichotomy. I tried to make it very clear that the fellow was telling folks to be vigilant about buying some components. You agreed that it was fine and good. Your post has NOTHING directly to do with this, other than a flip acknowledgement of it prudence. You are laying down a tripartite dictum for all to behold.

I realize it will be a novel approach for you, but try this: The next time you see one of these superfluous and redundant posts on "stockpiling and burying", pass it by.

Yeah it's offensive to me when some halfwit comes on a public forum and throws out terms like "whiners" at his his fellow posters and tells them to have already taken action vis-a-vis coming legislation over an event that occurred on the order of 36 hours ago.

Yeah, it pisses me off. And no, I don't think even the crudest of rhetors would call that post rhetoric. It was offensive and it offended.

**[Edit to add: I'll let it drop. Bad day/night/early morning. I do not want to come off as some sort of a bully.]**

Stephen Cohen
12-16-2012, 07:22 AM
Stephen, you have some good points, but something else to think about is WE have proven at EVERY turn crime has gone down in every state and place the general populance can legally protect life and limb. The facts are there in statistics, undeniable in black and white. Any person or politician disputing the facts are doing it out of plain ignorance or just intentionally pushing for the downfall of ALL our rights, not just gun rights. The gun rights we have was intentional to protect any and ALL other rights and freedoms we are suppose to have.

I agree with you 100%, but at the end of the day the media and the political grubs will never let truth or logic stand in the way of their agenda.

12-16-2012, 07:36 AM
Calm it down guys. This topic is very sensitive to all. Please think before you post and above all else be kind with your words to each other in respect to those who have recently passed.

12-16-2012, 09:39 AM
[QUOTE=HATCH;1959119]They will look at the law pertaining to purchasing.

There isn't anything they could of done to prevent this.
Isn't it already a law that you must be 21 to purchase a handgun??
Yet he was 20. How did it get the two handguns he used?? He didn't use the AW he had. It was still in his car.

He used his Mothers Leagally purchased Handguns after he killed her. He shot most of the kids with a Bushmaster AR-15 that he illeagally obtained after killing his Mother! I read a story on Yahoo that said the gun used in the Killings was similer to the ones used by the DC Sniper!! How can the Media even make this type of compairison?? This is where we are going to win or loose the battle thats coming. THE MEDIA, they are the ones that educate or should I say misinform the general public. Many intelligent people I know think a Semi automatic weapon is a machine gun because of the misinformation put out there by the Libral Media!! Once again the Libral Media is perpecuating misinformation because some NUT, Illeagally obtainted wepons and killed innocent people. You won't hear that from them though.
I'm sick about what happened in Newington, but get ready cause its coming!

41 mag fan
12-16-2012, 10:07 AM
Bickering back and forth, is not whats needed now or what'll probably be coming down the pike in the next few months.
Everyone on here thats posted has made good points, we need to mourn.
Last night I got mad, very mad. To the point that I was scowling and very abrupt and very b**chy in my wording. I seen the ages of those kids....
So what to do...??? Theres alot of people out there who don't own guns, and dont care either or about guns. Those people will be the consensus behind any gun control laws, the crooks we have in office will create.

Right now is the time to mourn, get mad, be saddened, maybe do something, whatever that may be, to help alleviate the immediate grief the parents and people are feeling from Newtown. Afterwards the fight to make sure this shouldn't happen should be taken up. the NRA's no response stance right now is spot on.
The NRA's silence is something thats needed at this time. ANY cries about more guns, ect ect that made public will produce a negative. The future is where the NRA, SAF and any other pro gun group out there, needs to be vocal on whats the best solutiuon to this problem and how to curb or deter any future heinous and horrific crimes.
No politician is going to remember, at this time, any responses made about no more gun laws, ect ect.
The time they will remember what their constituents think and feel is when a bill is introduced. Thats when the switchboards need to be lighted up.

12-16-2012, 11:57 AM
[QUOTE=HATCH;1959119]He used his Mothers Leagally purchased Handguns after he killed her. He shot most of the kids with a Bushmaster AR-15 that he illeagally obtained after killing his Mother!

Have the news services changed their story? Both Fox news and the local news here were reporting all day yesterday that he used two hand guns, a Glock and a Sig Sauer and, as they put it, "left the AR in the back of his car".

Charlie Two Tracks
12-16-2012, 12:16 PM
It looks as if the guns were stolen. It will not be good for the individual who has his gun stolen in the future. Even if you are killed (as was his mom) in the process of having your gun stolen, I see lawyers getting involved all over the place. We may be able to keep our guns when this cools down but it will be serious if your gun is stolen.

12-16-2012, 12:45 PM
This is what I read on the web (Yahoo)? I guess I should take my own advice and not believe everything written by the Media. I've heard multiple stories now? So to be quite honest I don't know at this point? I appologize for any confusion I've added to this debate. I'm sure the facts will come out in the next few days.


Have the news services changed their story? Both Fox news and the local news here were reporting all day yesterday that he used two hand guns, a Glock and a Sig Sauer and, as they put it, "left the AR in the back of his car".

12-16-2012, 01:20 PM
Since a couple people here can't seem to follow the no profanity rule here, I'm locking this.