View Full Version : .452" to .454" skips .453" sizer die

12-14-2012, 11:27 AM
Both Lyman and RCBS make .452" and .454" but no .453" sizer die.

Both my NMBH and Bisley cylinder throats mike at .452" to .4525" which would typically mean I bump up to the next sizer die; .453".

What gives and should I run with the .454" or hope the 452" works?


Wayne Smith
12-14-2012, 11:35 AM
Contact Buckshot. He'll make you one.

12-14-2012, 01:08 PM
As long at your .452 die does, in fact, leave them at .452,you should be fine. We get little variations in size, depending on alloy. OR - just eat the cookie and get a .453... Mike

12-14-2012, 01:35 PM
What size is the bore? My blackhawks bores were .453, .451 where the barrel threads into the frame and the throats were .4515. I opened the throats to .454 lapped the barrel so it was a uniform .453. I use a Lee mold which was small so I bugled it, the cast bullet runs .4555 by .4525. I then run them through a Lee .454 die. I use recluse 45/45/10 lube. I shoot about 1000+ rounds a month all cast and have NO leading problems.

12-14-2012, 07:35 PM
captaint is correct. Run some boolits through your die and use a micrometer to check the as cast diameter and go from there. Every variation in alloy will give a different as cast diameter. I'll bet that simple little fact drives the die makers nuts with customers that don't understand it.


12-14-2012, 11:09 PM
Problem solved. My water cooled 285 gr LBT WFN PB come out .453" when I use the .452" sizer die.


12-23-2012, 09:39 PM
Cbrick, I've found that out to be true as well. Don't believe the number stamped on the die. There is usually some spring back when sizing. Measuring the bullets after sizing with a micrometer is the best way to check for size. Especially true when sizing 50 cal bullets as the sizing die walls are very thin to boot.
