View Full Version : Adirondack Jack home of the Cowboy Special has closed it's doors.

12-13-2012, 11:56 AM
Having done business with him on several occasions I can say I liked him and his products and customer service. One thing that impressed me was his innovation and dedication to clever ideas in the same spirit of many of us on this forum.
I wish him well in fight with Cancer and good luck fishing!

Sales of all products suspended indefinitely.

To our loyal customers:
After six years, Adirondack Jack has decided to pull down the shingle at the Trading Post
and pursue other interests.
Once a doc said the three words none of us wants to hear, "You have cancer", the desire to
travel, fish, and otherwise "live while yer alive" has taken center stage. The cancer is in
remission at this time, but financially the house is a wreck, and the desire to put in the time
and monetary investment to continue the "Trading Post" is simply not there.

We had a buyer wanting to take over operation, insuring continued availability of our
proprietary cartridge, but the recent re-election of the left wing regime has frankly caused
the buyer to pull his horns in, cancelling several new projects and acquisitions, this one
among them.

I find this a sad state of affairs, where the "antis" win by default, and it makes me ill to
think of it.

What I need is a buyer who believes in AMERICA and American exceptionalism as much as I
always have.

When the Cowboy .45 Special was introduced, there were many "in the know" who said it
would never get past the first run of 50,000 cases. We sold over half a million of em.

When for two years we tried to get the best minds in the CAS community to make a carrier
that would run the C45S in a winchester '66 or '73 clone, it was deemed impossible.
Frustrated, we answered, "impossible? We're Americans. The impossible is what we do."
A fine gunsmith and engineer was convinced to produce a design drawn up by Adirondack
Jack. It was a running prototype in 5 hours, and the design frozen for production in less
than a week. We've sold hundreds of the "Cowboy Carriers" since.

When Jack drew up an ultra-light 130 grain hollow-based .45 bullet, and had a single cavity
hand cast mold made, the bullet shot very well at levels to rival the "mouse fart" .38s,
eliminating the caliber advantage once and for all. For at least three years various bullet
and mold makers all said "It can't be done on a production basis.
We purchased a Magma Master Caster, and then heard "it can't handle a three piece mold.
Never happen" Jack's response was "We're Americans, we went to goddammed moon.
Don't tell me we can't teach the Master Caster to operate an "automatic" three piece mold.
Together with a fine mold modifier, Jack got his automatic three piece mold made and cast
and sold 150,000 bullets, pumping em out two at a time. The same technology worked out
over the phone with the mold man is now being used for hundreds of hollow POINT bullet
molds, including in fully automatic machines. The point is in MY AMERICA, "impossible"
simply means "takes a little longer." To think the continued existence of this enterprise is
threatened by (what I consider) irrational fears of what the "lefties" MIGHT do, dashing a
business deal the morning after a presidential election, costing me dearly, I cannot, will not,
must not accept that.

But the inventory is gone, the money gone to the docs and such, and now the future of the
cartridge, as of last week well and truly assured, is now in doubt.

If ya'll believe in the product, talk to your entrepreneur friends. WE NEED A BUYER with the
belief in MY America, and the AMERICAN people who will never let anybody take our guns.
I can be reached at adirondakjack@yahoo.com

Meanwhile I'm going fishing


12-13-2012, 11:46 PM
Duke Nukem needs a new enterprise..........


12-14-2012, 01:07 PM
Sonnypie, I know you will appreciate this: He was first guy I know of who had figured out a way to use a Master-Caster to make Hollow based Boolits! I bought a few hundred and man they were the best for my converted 1858!


12-19-2020, 05:43 PM
Did anyone ever buy the rights or equipment to make the Barnstormer II bullet? Several of the older Cowboys I shoot with remember this bullet fondly and I was interested in trying these bullets.

John Wayne
12-19-2020, 08:13 PM
I just said a prayer for Jack and his business. Wish I could do more!