View Full Version : Lucky Son of a Gun!!

12-11-2012, 07:51 PM
Why can't I find something like this in a closet!!

http://hsrd.yahoo.com/_ylt=ApSdApAmouDq5p9tGRxg5AObvZx4;_ylc=X3oDMWF0OXN rZGQ2BF9TAzIwMjM1MzgwNzUEYQMxMjEyMTEgbmV3cyBHTUEgd 3dpaSBndW4gYnV5YmFjayB0BGNjb2RlA3B6YnVmY2FoNQRjcG9 zAzMEZANzdARlZAMxBGcDaWQtMjkwMDMwMgRpbnRsA3VzBGl0Y wMwBGx0eHQDVGhhdCYjMzk7c25vb3JkaW5hcnlndW4sbWEmIzM 5O2FtBG1jb2RlA3B6YnVhbGxjYWg1BG1wb3MDMQRwa2d0AzEEc GtndgMyMARwb3MDMgRzZWMDdGQtZmVhBHNsawN0aXRsZQR0YXI DaHR0cDovL2dtYS55YWhvby5jb20vYmxvZ3MvYWJjLWJsb2dzL 3ZhbHVhYmxlLXd3aWktZ3VuLXBvbGljZS1idXktYmFjay0wMjI xNTUyMzEtLWFiYy1uZXdzLXRvcHN0b3JpZXMuaHRtbAR0ZXN0A zcwMQR3b2UDMTI3NjIxODI-/SIG=13uttjfek/EXP=1355354173/**http%3A//gma.yahoo.com/blogs/abc-blogs/valuable-wwii-gun-police-buy-back-022155231--abc-news-topstories.html

12-11-2012, 09:03 PM
Sadly though this select fire weapon can never be legal as it was never amnesty registered before .68 , nor was it "remanufactured to be legallly transferrable before may 1986. They will have to plead with the BATFE goons to have it waivered to go to a museum or it will be destroyed.

12-12-2012, 11:36 PM
Lucky enough to earn 10 yrs in prison for possession of an unregistered
machine gun?


12-13-2012, 11:22 PM
Article said that the Police did'nt dystroy it, and the owners let the Police keep it at the Police station until they (the woman that turned it in to buy back program) could sell it?? Don't know anything else other than what article says??

Ed in North Texas
12-14-2012, 06:33 AM
I had a neighbor who sent one back. It was dewatted and he paid the $5 to register it. It was stolen by one of his druggie grandson's druggie friends and was never recovered. The only time I expect to have one of these in my hands, and it was perfect but for a small spot weld on (IIRC - been 20 years or so) the bolt carrier. Could easily have been "rewatted".


12-15-2012, 04:14 AM
Lucky ol'e lady.... We found an anm2 in a closet long ago.