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12-04-2012, 11:37 PM
Is there anything that can be put on wiper blades to quieten them down and stop them from squeaking ?

12-04-2012, 11:44 PM
When I am driving, I want a clear windshield. I have not found a windshield cleaner that makes it clear between strokes. It always films up.
I use intermittant except for when it really comes down. Here in Fl. It can rain.
They drive me nuts also.
For me, there is no fix.

12-04-2012, 11:59 PM
If the blades are very old, your best course of action would be to replace them.

12-05-2012, 12:03 AM
The best wiper fluid I have found as far as streaking goes, is rain x brand. The stuff I use is the 25 below fluid, so I'm not sure if the regular rain x works as well or not.

Big Boomer
12-05-2012, 12:16 AM
As the wiper blades come to rest when the wipers are turned off or the intermittent feature is used, the bottom of the blades are leaning in a certain direction due to the movement of the wiper blade. If you take a key or preferably some non-abrasive object and run it along the lower edge of the blade right at the windshield line, that will place the rubber wiper blade either sitting at a straight 90 degree angle to the windshield or a little beyond. After being placed in this position for a few hours or days, and continuing to keep the blades so positioned, the chattering will cease. Squeaking as the blades move across a dry windshield is another matter. 'Tuck (as in Kentuck)

12-05-2012, 12:25 AM
Rain X

12-05-2012, 12:26 AM
Ben, try a paper towel with rain-x on it. I think they also sell a product (rain-x) for wiper blades. Usually when streaking it means the rubber's outer layer has become brittle and hard. New wiper blades are best. Frank

12-05-2012, 12:32 AM
Mine are not streaking, mine squeak.
My windshield has Rain - X on it right now. Has not stopped the squeaking.

Maybe it would be best for me to just go and buy new wiper blades.
The nice ones ( around here ) are about $25 - $35 a set .....OOouch ! !


12-05-2012, 01:21 AM
Wipe the rubber blade with rubbing alcohol it cleans them up and helps restore the wiping action

12-05-2012, 01:32 AM
A clean of the contact part of the blades with vinegar should also work :)

12-05-2012, 01:57 AM
I find no noticeable difference in function or life between the $10 blades and the $25-30 blades.
Now I only buy the cheapos, change them about every 6-9 months and go on.


12-05-2012, 01:17 PM
I buy the cheap $1.00 or rebate "free" wiper blades that Menards offer several times a year. Thankfully both our cars take the same size, I just replace them every 6 to 12 months. Very easy, they just snap on.

12-05-2012, 01:39 PM
You guys have offered good advice.

Many thanks,

dagger dog
12-05-2012, 08:39 PM
The squeaking wiper symptom can be caused by many different problems.

A scale to measure how hard the arm is pressed to the glass used to be part of the mechanics tool box,havent seen one for years, I guess you could use a trigger pull gauge, and see if there is a great difference between sides. The coil spring on one arm can be weak, try swapping sides, see if the noise moves, same with the blades swap them side to side, if they "fit", you may need to replace the arm.

Blade beams that have had the "refills" replaced, can get loose from wear, or they might not be square to the glass. The wiper rubber squeege has to change direction to be able to wipe without streaking and remain quiet. The one size fits most blade "kit" with al the adaptors can cause more problems than the "factory" blade without adaptors. Make sure you have the correct blade.

Turn the wiper on low speed,let it run to the center of the windshield and turn the key off to stop it mid travel, raise the arm with the blade attached with your finger and gently let it back down to the glass look to see if the rubber squeege edge is perpendicular to the glass, it shouldn't be biased in either the up or down position, if it is, the arm can be bent (torqued-twisted) to get the squeege to set square.

If the arms are the bolt on type check to see if the bolt is tight, or if there is play in wiper pivot (also called the transmission)to blade junction, again the arms can be worn, or there could be some loose bolts holding the transmission, to the wiper cowling.

The older the vehicle the more chance of bent or worn wiper arm,blade, transmission and linkage, or it coud be a mix of problems.

12-05-2012, 08:45 PM
Sounds like new blades are the answer. I have to buy the expensive ones bc my truck is fairly new. Still try to get them on sale. Also, every time I stop to wash the windshield I also wash the wipers, giving them a little attention with the squeegee and then wipe them dry with a paper towel. I also use Rain-X.

12-05-2012, 09:33 PM
Wipe the rubber blade with rubbing alcohol it cleans them up and helps restore the wiping action

+1 on this.

another hint,
when I fill up with gas and clean the windshield, I also run the window squeegy/bug sponge on the windsheild wiper. It cleans any oxides/residue off the rubber much like the alcohol wipe mentioned by my MN peep :)

12-05-2012, 09:46 PM
+1 on the Rain X, it works the best of anything I have tried. And change the blades more often, when you first start to notice squeaking.

12-05-2012, 11:53 PM
In Texas we change our rubber wiper blades about every three months, usually due to the heat/sun baking them, or the cheap rubber just drying out (like dry-rotted tires, the chemicals that keep them pliable evaporate). Dust and the perpetual early-morning light frost kills them, too.

The best thing I've found costs $30 each and lasts two years with a little care: The silicone rubber wiper blades with the plastic spines. I can't remember the brand, but they're worth the price. I have one vehicle that I just keep throwing cheap Anco blades on because I get them for $4/pair at work.

Weak tension springs usually cause squeaking, and incorrect attack angle causes low-frequency chatter and honk. Worn transmissions or linkage bushings can exacerbate both.


12-06-2012, 07:27 PM
Cheap blades? The last set I bought were $56 for my Chevy truck, and that was the cheapest I could find.

12-06-2012, 07:35 PM
Why do I remember wiper blades lasting so long, 25 years ago? The guy's at O'Reilleys think that the rubber content is alot lower now. All I know is that my wifes Rav is getting new blades two or three times a year, and it seems like I remember wearing a truck out before I wore out the blades!

12-06-2012, 07:37 PM
Difference between rubber and synthetic.

12-06-2012, 08:10 PM
Ben's Red would probably help. Not so good for the vision though :kidding:

12-06-2012, 10:05 PM
I had a friend that swore by treating the blades with Vaseline every three months.
Light coat, let sit without touching the wind shield a couple hours, thoroughly clean with dry paper towel, followed by paper towel dampened with windshield washer fluid, then a final dry...
He explain this to me after I asked why his wiper blades were nearly warn all the way off. He told me that his wiper blades were the ones he drove the truck off of the dealer lot with, EIGHT YEARS EARLIER!

Sent from a cold damp basement near you.

12-06-2012, 10:36 PM
get new blades, at autozone get the autozone brand about $8 a piece they'll work for about a year and then new ones again.

I've found that no matter how much you spend on wiper blades you still have to replace them yearly.

Rain X brand washer fluid really aids in deteriorating the blade quickly, the standard blue water it bad but not as much. If you can, don't use ANY washer fluid other than water and your blades will last longer and not squeak. The "anti freeze" and "drying agent" in the washer fluid it bad for the blades, but no one will tell you that as they want you to buy more of both.

12-06-2012, 11:47 PM
If my wiper blade start squeaking,I turn off my hearing aids and turn up the radio.Problem solved...............Terry

06-24-2013, 12:11 AM
Use Rain X [ not the washer fluid] and you won't need no stinkin wiper blades

Driver man
06-24-2013, 03:39 AM
Wiper blades squeak because the compound has hardened. I clean them with MEK (Methyl Ethyl Keytone).This rejuvinates the compound and cleans them well. I do this 6 monthly and generally get 2 years before needing to replace them.My vehicle is used 24 hours a day 7 days a week .

06-24-2013, 08:13 AM
I once heard Coka-Cola works for cleaning wiper blades. Never tried it though. Rain-X treated windshields are the way to go. Wipers are only needed for heavy downpours.
