View Full Version : Advice needed for Lube-A-Matic 2

12-04-2012, 10:23 PM
I've purchased an RCBS Lube-A-Matic 2. The purchase was made as an upgrade from my Lyman 450. The new unit should be delivered tomorrow. I've been looking at the instruction manual for the Lube-A-Matic 2 on line at RCBS's website. After reading the directions for installing lube in the reservoir I'm still a little fuzzy on it. It appears that on the LAM2 the lube pressure screw isn't attached to the bottom the lube reservoir, and is taken out during the adding of the lube stick.

Could someone provide a simple plain english explanation of how to install lube sticks in the lube reservoir of the LAM2? Hopefully with this information I'll be better prepared to deal with the startup of a new and different type of lubrisizer. All help will be appreciated. Thanks!

12-05-2012, 09:35 PM
The new LAM 2 was delivered today. Got it mounted and I believe I've got adjusted correctly. I got the bullet lube loaded in the reservoir, and it seems to be working correctly. Adding the bullet lube wasn't as bad as I was afraid it would be. The LAM 2 is a little different than the old Lyman 450. From a posting on the web I was of the impression that the lube pressure screw had to hook into something in the bottom of the reservoir and could be a pain. Happily that is not the case. So far everything is going smoothly. Not having a plug in the bottom of the LAM 2 should be nice. Lube leaked out of the bottom of the 450 and it was messy. I will NOT miss that.

12-05-2012, 10:54 PM
The thing I do not like about the Lam11 is that to check the lube level you have to pull the whole plunger assembly. With the Lam you just lift the cap and look in.

12-06-2012, 10:12 AM
Taking the cap off the lube reservoir is not a big deal to me. I had to do that with my Lyman 450 also. I've run a few boolits through the new LAM 2, and everything seems to be working correctly. I bought the Lyman 450 used, but it had been rebuilt with new seals and such. Wasn't too long before it started leaking. Guess I was lazy since I didn't take it apart and rework the seals. Just dealt with the leaking lube and went on. So far I think the new LAM 2 will make boolit production more enjoyable for me. Keeping fingers crossed. ;-)