View Full Version : RCBS lube any good?

12-03-2012, 10:18 AM
A few years back I got about 15 sticks of the green RCBS lube in a trade. They have been just laying on a shelf unused. I've been using Carnuba Red for most of my boolits and like it mostly. I have noticed CR stuck to fired 45 ACP boolits and accuracy has been so-so. Pretty sure I need a softer lube for the 45's. Anyway, has anyone used the RCBS lube with success? It will be used for 45 and 9mm boolits. I'll keep the CR for rifle because it has worked great for that.

12-03-2012, 11:56 AM
For years, I thought RCBS green was the only lube out there! (its what dad used) I remember playing with his 230 RN boolits when I was a child. I had my GI joe's lined up, and I would whack the boolits with a scrap piece of 1X2 about 6" long. It had RCBS green residue all over it from whacking those boolits.
Once I got old enough to upgrade to a real 1911 (instead of the plastic one my dad gave me) I shot thousands and thousands of 230 RN lubed with RCBS green lube. It works very very well for pistol and I have used it a lot for 30-30 with a 168 Lovern style boolit, at less than 1800FPS. What it will do above that, I cannot say because I never tried it.
I was using RCBS Green for everything until I found cast boolits and learned about FWFL (which is all I use now) but I have a lot of experience with RCBS green.

12-04-2012, 05:49 PM
Just shot some today for the first time, bought a sizer and that was what was in it. Load was 5 grains Red Dot with a 44 mag-245 grain PB made of W.W. seems okay. Edit to add: Cleaned the gun and found a little leading in the first 1/2" of barrel and some scattered down the entire barrel, not bad but more than I see using other lubes in this particular gun.

I usually use W.L.L Commercial-160 degree or C-Red with very good results, in fact a friend used the Commercial-160 on 38-158-SWC to win both the Mn & Wisc. Bullesye State Championships.