View Full Version : Good news at the gun show today.

12-03-2012, 12:09 AM
Talked to a guy that is opening a new indoor shooting range here. Said he will be open in the spring. Said he will be using snail type traps on the pistol lanes and a special heavy built snail traps on the rifle lanes. I told him I was a bullet caster and would be interested in maybe getting some scrap lead. He seemed kind of surprised that anybody would want it. I told him there is a good market for range lead that has been smelted and poured into ingots. He seemed very interested and asked for my name and number...Dale

12-03-2012, 02:31 AM
To much information given................I would have offered, at my own huge expense to cart it away for him free. :bigsmyl2: :bigsmyl2: [smilie=l:


12-03-2012, 02:54 AM
good deal for you hopefully .....dale never hurts to put your lead needs out there , good luck to you .. bob

12-04-2012, 10:16 AM

Hope it works out your way, but don't be surprised if he offers to sell you lead ingots for $2.00 per pound! I suspect that you may have educated him a bit too well!

Maybe you could start a partnership, his lead, your processing. You could split the profits after your expenses are deducted?

Good Luck,


12-04-2012, 12:14 PM
yup too much info. Should have said you would volunteer to clean traps and haul the garbage away in exchange for some free range time.

I will have to do some looking up on the this range. In my area its volunteer run and relatively small, and I know it costs a fortune to run. Even in the fargo (high population if you include surrounding towns) area we don't quite have enough income flowing in.

mold maker
12-04-2012, 01:37 PM
I cleaned all the trash, those filthy contaminated cases, and the hazardous lead from the berms, for over four years, for free,.
Somebody finally caught on.
My cleaned brass is stored in 7gal buckets and there are over 6 tons of lead. At 70, I might have enough to last, but I still cant pass any up.
If you can do the range a favor, you'll do yourself one too.

12-05-2012, 02:33 AM
I cleaned all the trash, those filthy contaminated cases, and the hazardous lead from the berms, for over four years, for free,.
Somebody finally caught on.

yep.............theres always someone that comes along & spoils a good party...........................[smilie=b: