View Full Version : You guys that have sent me moulds recently

06-22-2007, 02:05 AM
............Some I've sent PMs too, but for others (hope you see this) I have finally gotten out from underneath a literal mountain of size dies I've had to make. And some from as far back as early April! I plan to begin the mould stuff this coming week when I get back off work.

My apologies to all.


06-22-2007, 06:24 AM
Deer Mr. Bucksnort- I am still waytin to get the 25 autermaetik bulit I done sended you a lung tiym ago. Thee wife is reely gittin on my nervs. Sensz yu aint sent it my lawyerr Mortimer Hollingsworth Frimp 4th Esq. , that there is whut hiz card read, is a gona git you. Youll be sorry fer messin whith me. So send it now or I am gona git big bucks from you. Arlo Ledbetter Jr.

06-22-2007, 11:45 AM
LOL! that was too funny!

06-22-2007, 12:04 PM
Early April of which year? :)

Wayne Smith
06-22-2007, 04:46 PM
Does that include the .41 Colt case size die? I'm waiting for that beautiful thing - your pic just whet my appetite!

06-27-2007, 08:42 PM

How much do you charge to make a single cavity lyman or RCBS bullet mold into a hollow point or to make a double into a hollow point? What is your address so I can send some business your way?


mazo kid
06-27-2007, 09:16 PM
Well, I got my size die last week and all I can say is that it was worth the wait. Rick did tell me that he had a backlog, also remodeling to do, so I was patient. He does GOOD work and I can think of more stuff to send his way. Emery

06-28-2007, 02:44 AM
Early April of which year? :)

................You are one of my special cases :-) However I REALLY do plan to do it, and before too much longer too!

Wayne Smith, " Does that include the .41 Colt case size die? I'm waiting for that beautiful thing - your pic just whet my appetite!"

................You're another special case, HA! Yup, I'm trying to wade through all this stuff that's been hanging around my bench (NO WHERE as long as Anthony B's, btw).

Bret4207, I have to say, YOU are the special case!


06-28-2007, 10:28 AM
Before you shut down resizing dies, maybe you could work one more in so we could swage Bret down to proper size.
What think yee?:mrgreen:
DaveP kywoodwrkr

06-28-2007, 11:11 AM
Yeah, old Rick has really been letting the fur fly in his shop lately. Marie and I were gonna stop by the other night, but from a couple doors away we could see the chips flying and hear the strong language issuing thick and fast--so we drove on by.

He DID manage to find his way to Inland this week to issue me a Grade-A finest-kind butt whuppin' with the 22 rifles at the weekly Burrito Shoot, probably a sanction for having not shown up myself for the past few weeks.

Rick's work for me is SUPERB. His sizing dies are the best I have ever used--period.