View Full Version : Funny phone conversation with my mom

Love Life
12-02-2012, 02:13 AM
It was the funniest thing. Out of the blue I get a call from my mom with a few questions. She won a raffle, and the prize was a self defense course. I immediately expected the worse, and that the course would be held at a local mall ninja symposium. Until she asked the first question. The first few minutes of the call went like this:

Me: "Where is the course and who is running it?"
Mom: "It is a place called FrontSight in Nevada. Have you ever heard of them?"
Me: "....."
Mom: "Are you still there?"
Me: "I'm still here. Frontsight is supposed to be one of the best courses around."
Mom: " Should I take the 9mm or the 45?"
Mom: "Well?"
Me: " Whichever one you like best."
Mom: "I'll take the 45."

My mom is 51 years old this year, 5'4, and 115 pounds soaking wet. Lesson of the story: Don't mess with momma.

12-02-2012, 02:28 AM
That's Funny as Heck...
Momma will be Bad to the Bone after the Course...It is supposed to be top notch !

12-02-2012, 02:32 AM
Good choice. FrontSight Academy strongly suggests bringing a pistol who's caliber starts with "4". I wouldn't mess with anyone's momma and have zero sympathy for anyone stupid enough to mess with yours! Tell here to have fun out there, but I'm sure she will anyway!


PS does she know that the courses there are lifetime? Pay once and take the same class as many times as you want, at least in some cases.

Love Life
12-02-2012, 02:43 AM
I'll have to look into the lifetime thing Gear. It may not apply since it was a raffle, but who knows. She wanted to come visit us out here (she lives in Alabama) in Nevada so this worked out well.

I don't think mom has missed a Sunday (or Wednesday, or any other possible day) at church since as far back as I can remember. She does a lot of charity work where they go into ghettos to rebuild houses, drop of food and supplies, and other things. She got spooked years back so I bought her a S&W M&P in 9mm. She got really good with it. Later on down the road my brother let her shoot his 45. She liked it and said she was more accurate with it. I said no she wasn't. The bullets were bigger so the holes just looked closer together...

My brother left the 45 with her and she has kept at both of them steadily over the years. She can usually be found at the most awesome gun store in the world. Larry's Pistol and Pawn.

Sorry for rambling, but most stories involving my mother make me smile and look back fondly. Well except for the many, possibly hundreds, of times she took the belt to me and my brother for doing something we shouldn't have been.

12-02-2012, 03:58 AM
Don't mess with old people. They can't run and they can't fight. The only choice they have left is to shoot you!

41 mag fan
12-02-2012, 09:40 AM
You?? Love Life getting a spanking??? Now who would've thought that!!

12-02-2012, 09:50 AM
I'll have to look into the lifetime thing Gear. It may not apply since it was a raffle, but who knows. She wanted to come visit us out here (she lives in Alabama) in Nevada so this worked out well.

I don't think mom has missed a Sunday (or Wednesday, or any other possible day) at church since as far back as I can remember. She does a lot of charity work where they go into ghettos to rebuild houses, drop of food and supplies, and other things. She got spooked years back so I bought her a S&W M&P in 9mm. She got really good with it. Later on down the road my brother let her shoot his 45. She liked it and said she was more accurate with it. I said no she wasn't. The bullets were bigger so the holes just looked closer together...

My brother left the 45 with her and she has kept at both of them steadily over the years. She can usually be found at the most awesome gun store in the world. Larry's Pistol and Pawn.

Sorry for rambling, but most stories involving my mother make me smile and look back fondly. Well except for the many, possibly hundreds, of times she took the belt to me and my brother for doing something we shouldn't have been.


.......was probably the only thing that kept me from going to prison...........

"Age and treachery beats youth and skill every time"


Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk 2

12-02-2012, 11:57 AM
It's too bad they don't allow reloads on the courses there. I couldn't afford the ammo, let alone the course!

Rick N Bama
12-02-2012, 12:29 PM
(she lives in Alabama) She can usually be found at the most awesome gun store in the world. Larry's Pistol and Pawn.

OK, just where does your Mom shoot & does she have a sister:)


Love Life
12-02-2012, 03:30 PM
My mom was a firm believer in discipline, and my brother and I were firm believers in not doing what we're told, staying out past when the streetlights came on, playing with matches, fighting, etc. The two different views on life clashed, and bonehead and me spent a lot of time begging not to get a spanking. Heck, mom used to spank us in the store, restaurant, or where ever we acted out our shenanigans!!

I am glad she did though. We are better people now because we were taught the difference between right and wrong, and that our actions had consequences. The worst time of our lives was when my grandfather gave her a leather barbershop strop. That thing mysteriously disappeared shortly after about spanking number 5.

She was also a fan of slave labor when we misbehaved. You could usually find me and bonehead on a Saturday morning raking leaves, shoveling snow, pulling weeds, or whatever the seasonal yard work required for any elderly family within a 2 block radius. Ahhhhh. Good times.

My mom is 50/50 Italian and Irish (her parents were both 1st generation Americans), and hell on wheels.

Rick N Bama- Mom is usually at Larry's Pistol and pawn. She has a sister, but she is married also.

12-02-2012, 03:52 PM
grandfather gave her a leather barbershop strop. That thing mysteriously disappeared shortly after about spanking number 5.

Dood, you must have been a really slow learner. Two with Dad's razor strop made me see the light.

Love Life
12-02-2012, 03:56 PM
It wasn't that I was a slow learner, but I had to learn each lesson individually. I only had to learn once, but there are a lot of things to learn!

41 mag fan
12-02-2012, 04:09 PM
I bet we talked to your brother, he'd be calling you the bonehead also!!!

Mon used to make me go get switches off the tree and I'd get my butt beat good with them. One day she caught me in by her side of the bed, where she kept the switch making it into small twigs.....last time i ver did that!!

12-02-2012, 04:24 PM
My friend has gone to Front Sight several times. He really liked the courses but ran into some issues with a package deal involving selling courses. He ended up getting his money refunded by the credit card company so tell momma to be causious if they offer a deal to her.
There was some chatter on another website concerning the same deal my buddy got involved with.

They do not allow handloads and you don't get the chance to pick up your brass.

12-02-2012, 05:19 PM
It's also a little like the Mafia, once you're in and they have your info, they will never leave you alone. Good program, though, and they have a most excellent approach to combating the negative image many libs have toward gun ownership.


12-02-2012, 05:45 PM
bonehead is my little girls name to.my dad had 2 padles with his and my name on them and after we got it one time we used them to get the fire going. he is still real mad as all he!! about that to this day and that was 35+ years ago lol

Love Life
12-02-2012, 06:22 PM
I can't help but call my brother bonehead. He is very caveman like! If you were to see the 3 of us children (brother, me, sister) standing together you would never think we are related. He is 6'4 and pushing 250 lbs with almost no fat. He got all the Irish and is an evil ginger. I am 5'6 and 155 lbs. I don't know what I got because I am a toe head and tan. My sister is 5'4 with jet black hair and tan. Huntsville, AL cringes in terror when all 3 of us get together to visit the parents. Shenanigans always ensue. Needless to say mom had her hands full with us, and she still does when we come home. Although we always straightened up when the magic words "Don't make me call your dad at work." were uttered. Dad would come home at night, wake you up, spank you, and put you back to bed.

Back to Frontsight. I will have to let her know about the issues with the charges. Thank you.

12-02-2012, 06:58 PM
Don't mess with old people. They can't run and they can't fight. The only choice they have left is to shoot you!
My 80+ year old father now subscribes to this. All his life he has been a big tough guy (6'5", 265#) but in the last 5 years he worries about being able to protect my mother. Now he doesn't leave the house w/o a .45

Love Life,
I hope this class works out great for your mother. It sounds like a great opportunity.

smoked turkey
12-02-2012, 10:57 PM
I enjoyed this thread. I just know I would also like your momma. We have a saying around here, and that is "don't mess with the momma bear". Sounds like your momma was a jewel and I believe you three are a testimony to that. When things go south in a hurry I want to be on her side.

mud lake
12-05-2012, 04:35 PM
My grandma was the discipline dispenser in my family, a hard but loving lady who would stand for no nonsense or sass from the likes of me! In this day and age she would most certainly be charged with child abuse, what with washing out your mouth with soap, kneeling in the corner barelegged on rice for an hour and getting switched but good with her unlimited supply of whippy green stuff held in reserve. I credit her with keeping me from becoming a ward of the state. Between her and the U.S. Navy I learned all I needed to become sucessful in life. I have truely been blessed!