View Full Version : New Sighting System

11-30-2012, 08:07 PM

This is interesting.
Might take the fun out of shooting prairie dogs.[smilie=w:

11-30-2012, 08:25 PM
US Army has had a system far more capable than that one for twenty years or more.
So how does this flim flam man claim to have built the “worlds first”.

My first guess would be they are selling shares of stock to gullible investors. At some point to disappear with the money.

12-01-2012, 11:41 PM
I'm a born skeptic.

I can see this sight recognizing a person or cover or a vehicle but not getting good hits on a PD.

Size matters here!

If a rifle is moving across a larger target you could get a "kill" but with a small target even a small drift is going to constitute a miss.

Simply put, there is no substitute for good marksmanship!!

You put a good shooter behind this unit, providing it's not a farce and you're gonna get some dead meat!! A not so good shooter will yield mixed results.

Three 44s

I'll Make Mine
12-02-2012, 10:23 AM
As it stands, I think the tracking system is just recognizing a point where the shooter originally designated -- you can take a dozen tries, if needed, to get the designator at the right spot, and then the internal computer tracks that image and won't let the trigger break unless that point is coincident with the actual predicted POI. Such a system is well within the capability of electronics that would fit in a cell phone, possibly (with a custom chip or two) in a wrist watch sized package. The package on the demo rifle is a good bit bigger than that, but that might be hardening or a big battery for long life, or related to the trigger blocking mechanicals.

Such a system could well let a pretty ordinary shooter do much of what makes modern snipers legendary.

If my hypothetical mechanism is the one they're using, then it won't do well tracking a moving target; if the designated image changes too much the scope/computer will lose track.

I will say that at the "guesstimated" price of roughly $20,000 for the rifle/scope system, I don't see this taking the fun out of prairie dog shooting for at least another development generation. For that money, I could buy a rifle and scope, reloading and casting equipment, and a truck to drive out to the prairie, and still have enough left to buy components for the rest of my life.

Four Fingers of Death
12-11-2012, 06:35 AM
Gotta be able to make it for $50 using Radio Shack stuff! Unfortunately, we don't have Radio Shack (they used to call it Tandy here). anymore. The page isn't there anymore, but you are obviously talking about the system where you press a button when the crosshairs are on your target, then hold the trigger down and it goes off when the crosshairs are back on target.