View Full Version : Dual purpose 6 CavLee

Pepe Ray
06-19-2007, 11:48 AM
For several reasons, I've decided to modify my .381GC-GBLee. Removing the gas check shank seems like the best move. Hedging my bets, I decided 50/50 would be safe and useful. Welll which holes to ream?
Has anyone had cause or theory to argue for a specific pattern of operation?
First 3? Last 3? Alternate? and from which end do you start?
I thought that someone with as much experience at this as Rick has, would have, at some point in time, had thoughts as to a preferable pattern. Maybe not.
But this is the place to ask?
Pepe Ray

G. Blessing
06-21-2007, 01:11 AM
No experiance with this specificaly,

But, it makes sense to met to alternate it. If you do 3 on one end, and don't want to cast the other type at any given time, you could have block heat issues from not useing the one end. With the alternating, you will evenly keep the block up to heart while casting.

