View Full Version : GC material thickness

11-24-2012, 10:38 AM
Going out this AM in search of thicker mat'l to make some GC, what I have is too thin. Basically plan to save my .008" stuff for when I get time to make a die for PB GC, but in the mean time will doubled material work? .016" total thickness will work, actually might be more than necessary by the numbers and I hate to feel like I'm wasting this thin stuff that has better uses. GW

11-24-2012, 11:31 AM
My best luck with .30 cal. gas check material has been with .014" Aluminum Ameri Max.

Many Ace Hardware stores have it ( or can get it )

Take your mike with you to the store, you'll need it to measure the thickness of the materials.


Here is a link showing my friend Bryan shooting some .014" Ameri - Max gas checks in his 06' :
