View Full Version : Lawyers, They can be ok people some times.

Four Fingers of Death
06-18-2007, 07:26 PM
This guy went to the aid of a woman in Austraia who was having the daylights belted out of her by her drunken biker ex boyfriend. The scumbag shot him dead with an illegal handgun. So much for gunlaws. If we had your laws, the lawyer might have been carrying and shot the biker instead, saving the lady and another guy who was wth the lady from getting seriously wounded.

I just rread a full account of it in the paper, the lady and the other guy that got shot, both suffering wounds to the torso, were also going to the lady's aid as the scum bag bikie was beating her and trying to drag her screaming for help into a taxi. Kinda restores your faith in people.

By the way, we call bad a$$ed bike riders bikies, not bikers.



MT Gianni
06-21-2007, 11:41 PM
Rumor has it Biker slayings in southern California were known as misdemeanor homicides in the late 80's.

Four Fingers of Death
06-22-2007, 06:07 AM
This guy was just in the area, jogging he went to the ladies aid, real hero in my book, as were the lady and dutch backpacker who also went to assist and were shot as well.

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