View Full Version : Tin or Pewter ?

11-23-2012, 01:42 AM
Can 99% pewter be used in lead mix to help it flow or should you use tin only, I have some pure lead and need to mix it with wheel weight lead but not sure if its adviseable. Your help is appreciated, Steve

11-23-2012, 02:18 AM
pewter is mainly tin, anywhere from 85% to 90 sumthin %.
keep the tin content the same as or below your antimony content.
2% to the ww's then add the soft lead to that,,,, works well no matter how you mix the soft.

11-23-2012, 04:32 AM
you can mix pure and ww with no problem , i oft use 75 PB/25 WW for hollow points , sometimes i add a dab of tin sometimes i dont need to , my most common alloy is 50/50 with a wee bit of #8 magnum shot added for the arsenic ( just in case i wish to water quench ) again i prefer to add tin only when needed , many guys use ww's straight , the only time i always add tin is when i'm making my version of lyman #2 , suffice to say that if your having trouble with fill out it's a good time to add tin , of note high temp and high antimony often leaves rounded driving bands , if reducing temp/cadence doesnt fill out the bands you need a lil tin ,