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11-21-2012, 04:30 PM
Laid off again, with out any warning 46 people gone laid off. at the holiday's that is dirty.

11-21-2012, 04:37 PM
Freakin' dirty, greedy companies out there,and in my 51 years they are all the same,prayers sent your way brother!

11-21-2012, 04:45 PM
Sorry to hear that. Hope it turns around quick for you.

11-21-2012, 05:19 PM
Sorry to hear about your misfortune. We also hope things turn around quickly for you. You will be in our prayers.

11-21-2012, 05:29 PM
Never a good time but holiday periods make you wonder. Best wishes for moving on.

Dale in Louisiana
11-21-2012, 05:34 PM
What do you do?

Oilfield and gas field work is booming in a bunch of places. They'll use you like a cheap tool, but they'll pay pretty well while they do.

dale in Louisiana

11-21-2012, 07:32 PM
That sucks. Best of luck in the job hunt. Of course you have unlimited hunting,shooting,casting,loading time 40 prime hours a week now. That honey do list just doubled too.

I'm facing a lay off too,mostly due to having budgeting my job away. Thankfully I have a union book to sign and I can fall back on the security gig.

You can draw that unemployment,get them stamps,and commodities,check it out your a hope and change success story! Brought to you by way of tongue in cheek.

11-21-2012, 07:51 PM
Yeah I been off for 2 weeks now. Don't know about stamps and stuff. The companies Pay big time for Unemployment insurance. Its the way it works so I'll be working on the boat till work hits again.

11-21-2012, 08:03 PM
Does the dirty lowdown greedy company have a name?
What kind of business is it?
Does their business slow down this time of year,or has business just slowed down, or are they downsizing to stay under Obummer care, or do they just lay off their employees for the fun of it?

11-21-2012, 09:02 PM
That was John Deeres Christmas present to us all the time, then layed off 2 to 5 years at a time. Then overtime for the ones still there. No one around town would hire you because they new you would go back to deeres. Hang in there, I know what your going through. Pray for you also, Joe

11-21-2012, 09:10 PM
Well They do this to us all the time!

We hire on to build something, And when we are done they Lay Us Off!

LOL! I am a pipe welder, its called construction.

WHoo Hoo! Now I do my thing for a while till the next job.

11-21-2012, 09:24 PM
Been off for most of the last 3 years. 3 years ago, lost my mother 2 weeks before Thanksgiving, laid off 2 days before Christmas.
Focus on the good things; extra time with the family, food, hunting, that house or shop project you've been putting off. If it gets too much, talk to us, your cast boolit support group.


11-21-2012, 10:08 PM
I'm building a boat!

If I was working all the time I'd just be daydreaming about it.

And its a lot more fun taking the kids to the range on a Tuesday morning than a saturday

11-22-2012, 01:19 AM
Freakin' dirty, greedy companies out there,and in my 51 years they are all the same,prayers sent your way brother!

I'll never understand this type of mindset, but commies love it!

11-22-2012, 02:27 AM
I feel your pain!! Worked for a company for 12 years worked my way up the ladder to be lead outside sales making GREAT MONEY!! New Company buys us up and then another buys up the buyers, all of a sudden they need to cut costs, put me back on the counter didnt take any money from me they said just took my commisions to the tune of $40K, then they hire a new guy that I train and then I get layed off!! After that I worked for a True Value store (Electrical Counter Manager) making lousy Money working weekends holidays etc... I had enough, quit and now am going to school to be a HVAC/R tech. All you can do is focus on the positive things in your life and move on. Good Luck.

11-22-2012, 09:50 AM
It's only going to get worse; under Obamacare, employers will have to pay for healthcare for anyone working thirty hours or more. Expect more layoffs and closings.
Those "greedy companies" will provide jobs and a good future for your work when the Congress and President wise-up and allow them to make a profit.

41 mag fan
11-22-2012, 10:25 AM
Coal mines under obama are going to be a thing of the past also. I'm in a dying job profession

11-22-2012, 10:31 AM
Freakin' dirty, greedy companies out there,and in my 51 years they are all the same,prayers sent your way brother!

That's right . . . Greedy companies. Who do they think they are anyway? How dare they try to stay in business?

They should all be taxed into oblivion because that will make it so much easier for them to retain their employees and make the payroll.

The greedy fools! Another way to look at that . . . When was the last time a poor man (ya know, not greedy) gave you a job?


Doc Highwall
11-22-2012, 11:25 AM
Last Friday the 16th was my last day of work. Forced retirement after 37.5 years my job is going to Singapore. It was a case of this is green and this is green, what color green do you want?

11-22-2012, 11:47 AM
I'll never understand this type of mindset, but commies love it!

If you believe otherwise then you are definitely one of the problems we are having in this country!And as far as commies go...The only true original American is the American Indian,if your not one,sit down and stop raising your opinionated pity flag!!!!!!

11-22-2012, 11:52 AM
That's right . . . Greedy companies. Who do they think they are anyway? How dare they try to stay in business?

They should all be taxed into oblivion because that will make it so much easier for them to retain their employees and make the payroll.

The greedy fools! Another way to look at that . . . When was the last time a poor man (ya know, not greedy) gave you a job?

Another misled,blind problem....Politicians,greedy business owners,and the low-lifes taking advantage of the system is the whole problem with America...If you don't believe it you are in a zombie coma!

11-22-2012, 12:16 PM
If you don't believe large companies can operate at a healthy profit and still pay their employees a fair and living wage, just look at what CEOs, CFOs, COOs, and the rest of upper echelon management make. If you think that a company that is paying it's CEO $2,000.00 per hour (not to mention what the rest of upper management is awarded) can't pay a living wage comparable to what American workers earned in 1965 and still turn a great profit, you've been brainwashed.


11-22-2012, 12:36 PM
Oh, I see-if someone who has the right education and has made the right choices makes "too much money", then you who have not gotten the same education or made the same choices, should be paid from his salary.
Who's been brainwashed?

11-22-2012, 01:19 PM
No wch, you don't see! Your reading something into my post that was not there. No argument with your point of being lucky, making good choices, or getting the kind of education only hard work AND hundreds of thousands of dollars can provide. Although I think it's outrageous, I was not bemoaning what many upper management types make. My point had to do with, if a company has a balance sheet that allows paying ridiculously large sums of money to it's upper management, then it is rational and logical to conclude that paying a living wage to its hands-on workers is not only well within it's reach, but justifiable.

11-22-2012, 01:27 PM
Another misled,blind problem....Politicians,greedy business owners,and the low-lifes taking advantage of the system is the whole problem with America...If you don't believe it you are in a zombie coma!

That's me, zombie coma himself. :mrgreen:

Never once in my life have I felt the pain suffered by socialists that they experience everytime they see someone else with something they don't have.

I have a simple solution for that . . . I got up off my heiny and went out and EARNED what I have. Not once in my life have I expected the government to confiscate what someone else EARNED and give it me or anyone else. If you don't like your lot in life (and it sure sounds like you don't) develop the backbone to change it instead of your crying crocodile tears over those that earn what they have and then were to greedy to give to you.

Keep your vision of what America should be. An America where anyone that EARNES anything has it taken away and given to those that have never EARNED anything. Once your fantasy utopia of America is realized what we will all have is a coast to coast 3rd world ghetto.


11-22-2012, 01:39 PM
That's me, zombie coma himself. :mrgreen:

Never once in my life have I felt the pain suffered by socialists that they experience everytime they see someone else with something they don't have.

I have a simple solution for that . . . I got up off my heiny and went out and EARNED what I have. Not once in my life have I expected the government to confiscate what someone else EARNED and give it me or anyone else. If you don't like your lot in life (and it sure sounds like you don't) develop the backbone to change it instead of your crying crocodile tears over those that earn what they have and then were to greedy to give to you.

Keep your vision of what America should be. An America where anyone that EARNES anything has it taken away and given to those that have never EARNED anything. Once your fantasy utopia of America is realized what we will all have is a coast to coast 3rd world ghetto.


Couldn't agree with you more Rick.

Love Life
11-22-2012, 01:43 PM
That's me, zombie coma himself. :mrgreen:

Never once in my life have I felt the pain suffered by socialists that they experience everytime they see someone else with something they don't have.

I have a simple solution for that . . . I got up off my heiny and went out and EARNED what I have. Not once in my life have I expected the government to confiscate what someone else EARNED and give it me or anyone else. If you don't like your lot in life (and it sure sounds like you don't) develop the backbone to change it instead of your crying crocodile tears over those that earn what they have and then were to greedy to give to you.

Keep your vision of what America should be. An America where anyone that EARNES anything has it taken away and given to those that have never EARNED anything. Once your fantasy utopia of America is realized what we will all have is a coast to coast 3rd world ghetto.


Amen!!! Plus 1,000,000.

11-22-2012, 02:17 PM
The biggest problem with the United States is we are turning our entire economy into a Service Based Economy; that being said, the pay and benifits for these jobs are limited! We need Manufacturing jobs for the common man! There are only gonna be so many high paying excecutive jobs available, and only so many people to do them. To quote a wise man "the world needs Ditch Diggers too" (Judge Smails Caddy Shack LOL!!) Just because someone has made the right choices for education etc... etc... Doesn't justify them laying off hard working people so that they can get there Bonus's and hire another manager! Most big companies are top heavy in Managment and unless your a high paid excecutive it should make you mad as Hell!! They make that money off of your sweat and lay you off as soon as they think it will put a buck in there pocket!! I have nothing against working hard education and making my way in this world but give me the oppurtunity to do it. Don't send my job overseas or hire another person to do my job because you can pay them less, then justify it by telling me its because of the "Economy" and at the end of the quarter post record earnings!! If you agree with me thats fine if not thats fine too just remember were in this together like it or not!

Happy Thanksgiving

11-22-2012, 03:29 PM
Well if being a ceo or any upper level manager doesn't pay well why would any one want the headaches that goes along with it. Personally I have always liked working for a happy management than one that is isn't.
If owning a business doesn't put more money in your pocket than working at the same business, no one would want to put up with all the laws and regulations, lawsuits, workmans comp claims, etc.
Those same high greedy ezecs. that make the decision to lay someone off, would be having to find another job themselves if they kept more people on payroll than the job requires period.

11-22-2012, 04:22 PM
Layoff's are tough - I feel for you especially at holiday time
- I am in a new job after 18 years behind a desk myself
- loss of wages and benie's but life goes on
- I have never had trouble finding work just getting good pay for it.

as far as management pay vs. worker pay...


CEO Pay Grew 127 Times Faster Than Worker Pay Over Last 30 Years: Study



Someone suggested it was related to the amount of corruption in a society
- I used to argue against that, but after the last several election's and the rocketing number of people who seem to have new cars, big screen TV's and
welfare and food stamp income, I'm not so sure.

11-22-2012, 04:32 PM
If you believe otherwise then you are definitely one of the problems we are having in this country!And as far as commies go...The only true original American is the American Indian,if your not one,sit down and stop raising your opinionated pity flag!!!!!!

Yeah really now. Strikes me your type of 'herd' mindset is the REAL problem in this country.

11-22-2012, 04:35 PM
Careful Artful, you'll get flamed as a commie pinko for reading the Huffington post.

11-22-2012, 04:38 PM
Another misled,blind problem....Politicians,greedy business owners,and the low-lifes taking advantage of the system is the whole problem with America...If you don't believe it you are in a zombie coma!

So whom are the "lowlifes" that are taking advantage of the system ?. Could it be all those urban masses of ****'s that continually want more free gub'mit stuff that other americans work hard for on their own ?..... nah it could'nt be those left wing societal and political parasites always wanting that free lunch and then some...those greedy lazy filthy you know what blankety blanks !.

11-22-2012, 04:43 PM
Well They do this to us all the time!

We hire on to build something, And when we are done they Lay Us Off!

LOL! I am a pipe welder, its called construction.

WHoo Hoo! Now I do my thing for a while till the next job.

That's exactly most of our situations. Have been laid off the week of the december holiday thing 3 times by one employer I worked for over 7 years. Construction gets slow and or job ends with nothing to shift you too...and you are on your own.
Got about another week or two at best on the current job before it's completed and will be laid off myself. You see lack of construction in all trades is way down and coupled with those ominous and costly lord barky mandates coming to businesses near you soon it will only get worse.

MT Gianni
11-22-2012, 05:12 PM
Please keep it on the original subject or it is going to the pit.

11-22-2012, 07:32 PM
I'll take common sense over book sense any day of the week,some of the dumbest people I have met have college educations,very rare to have both,and If you do your an exception! I'll pray for you guys!

11-22-2012, 08:03 PM

"The only true original American is the American Indian,if your not one,sit down and stop raising your opinionated pity flag!!!!!!

Wow there just so much WRONG with this statement on so many levels

Do the Commies believe this or do you?

and the :hijack:

If you believe otherwise then you are definitely one of the problems we are having in this country!And as far as commies go...The only true original American is the American Indian,if your not one,sit down and stop raising your opinionated pity flag!!!!!!

11-22-2012, 08:51 PM
Careful Artful, you'll get flamed as a commie pinko for reading the Huffington post.

I wouldn't do that to Art, but I do question the Huffington Post.

11-22-2012, 08:52 PM
I'll pray for you guys!

Don't need your misguided prayers here. I'm a capitalist.

11-22-2012, 09:58 PM
Sorry for your job loss, but there are many tens of thousands being laid off
right now, for purely economic reasons. That greedy company is trying
desperately to stay in business and provide jobs for some people and profits
to the people that invested millions in them.

Obamacare is raising the costs for most companies a lot. Since it is apparently
not going to be repealed, many companies are not able to keep all their workers,
and are reacting to the election by trying to trim costs so that they can survive
when they are forced to pay a lot more for health care. In addition, it looks like
business taxes are going up a bunch next year, too. If you think these things
don't hurt a business, you should think again.

The sad part is that it is apparently going to get us all worse health care for more
