View Full Version : Spar-T turret press primer catcher?

06-17-2007, 01:18 PM
I have a question (again!). I have a Lyman Spar-T press that I would like ot get a primer catcher for but can't really determine from the lyman Site info if one of the ones they sell for their newer presses will fit it. Anyone know or have a homemade version that works?

Here is what it looks like. Any info is appreciated. (that's not my bench actually..mine looks...well, alot different. Press is the same though)
Thanks ahead of time (TAOT?),

06-17-2007, 01:35 PM
Maybe a large wash tub?

06-17-2007, 02:59 PM
Newtire, I also have Spar-T presses without primer catchers. Have talked to Lyman and they do not have them/do not make them. Floodgate has posted that they occasionally show up on e-bay and don't cost too much. Lyman's universial primer arm fit the Spar-T. Normally deprime with a rockchucker and prime with Spar-T. Like the feel better. When I do deprime with the Lyman I just let them drop and clean up later. Good look finding a catcher. If you find someone with two who insists you take both I would be interested in the extra. Will keep you in mind if I find any. Duckiller

06-17-2007, 03:24 PM
Newtire, I also have Spar-T presses without primer catchers. Have talked to Lyman and they do not have them/do not make them. Floodgate has posted that they occasionally show up on e-bay and don't cost too much. Lyman's universial primer arm fit the Spar-T. Normally deprime with a rockchucker and prime with Spar-T. Like the feel better. When I do deprime with the Lyman I just let them drop and clean up later. Good look finding a catcher. If you find someone with two who insists you take both I would be interested in the extra. Will keep you in mind if I find any. Duckiller

Thanks Duckiller, I will do the same if someone doesn't come up with a homemade version made from a Hormel canned ham tin or some such thing.

A friend told me of a cleanup method he no longer employs. He just said that a primer makes a real big boom when it goes off inside a shop-vac filled with dust and the dust does a silo type explosion. I could imagine.

06-17-2007, 03:26 PM
Maybe a large wash tub?

Hi Sixbits,
I have placed a garbage can in front but hurts my back leaning out to pull the handle of the press.

06-17-2007, 06:07 PM
The original primer "catchers" ("missers"?) on neither my Spar-T nor Rock Chucker are worth spit. What does work is the smallest and least costly Lee press, the "Reloader", and a universal decap die.

The Reloader's ram is (mostly) hollow. The spent caps drop through and fall into a cavity cast into the press' base; it requires dismounting the press to empty the cavity. Instead of dismounting, I mounted my Lee to a section of oak board and bolted the block to my bench top after I drilled a 3/4" hole directly under the cavity and attached a small plastic bottle under it to catch spent primers. When it's full I just unscrew the bottle and dump it. This is one of the greatest additions I ever made to my loading bench!

06-17-2007, 06:26 PM
1Hole, done the same to mine! It never ceases to amaze me how the manufacturers fail to address some small design deficiencies on their products. Even for a $1 add-on, they would be ahead!!!. I have several mods to the various Lee presses that could be money makers, if only (someone) would market them. And I bet I'm not alone in this department!!!..................Lee:wink:

06-17-2007, 07:27 PM
Newtire, Duckkiller:

A few months back, when I was outfitting a Lyman Spartan and a Spar-T, eBay offered several of those black plastic primer catchers, a couple of them still "new-in-[stapled poly]-bag". Call up "Lyman Spartan..." on eBay"search"; one should turn up sooner or later. I don't actually use mine (I'm a "bug" for "complete sets"), so can't comment on durability, but the ones I got looked fine for normal usage.


06-17-2007, 09:26 PM
I don't have a Spar T, but I use a press with no primer catcher.
I hold a small square plastic wastebasket between my knees, and rarely miss a primer when decapping cases.

06-18-2007, 09:03 AM
When I had mine, I made a primer catcher out of a small (about 4" square plastic container; Just take a razor knife and cut thru 1 side and into the bottom to fit around the press; it caught about 95% of the spent primers

06-18-2007, 09:03 AM
cut a pill bottle to fit the press, hold on with rubberband to fit

06-18-2007, 01:09 PM
Ah! You can't beat a good pill bottle to use as a primer catcher...hence the AA press uses the cut off bottom of one.



06-19-2007, 09:51 PM
OK guys, Thanks for the great idears. I will be doing the pill bottle on the Lee C-Press as soon as I get one in red.