View Full Version : Election week blues

11-20-2012, 03:33 PM
Two days after the election which didn't quite go the way I was hoping for, my buddy went to the vet for a look at her leg. She had fallen down the stairs and I noticed a lump on the inside of her right rear leg. I thought that it was a blood build up from a broken vessel. Not even close, it was bone cancer and it seems to be growing fast. Vet says that it probably is in her lungs as well. She is a Rottweiler and 9 years and 2 months old and she is absolutely devoted to me and has always been. Looks like she may have 2 or 3 months left and this just breaks my heart.
She has gone to deer camp with me since she was 8 weeks old and has proven herself to be a great tracker of a wounded deer even though she has never had any training. Anyway here is a picture of her at her last deer camp.54205

11-20-2012, 03:46 PM
Sorry to hear about your buddy.No words will make it any less painful.Only time and fond memories can ease this kind of hurt.As you can tell I still miss my buddy each and every day.

11-20-2012, 04:52 PM
I doubt it is better to know. You have my sympathies.

Lost my ol' springwieler 7 yrs ago this Friday. She never went to deer camp she was too busy hunting ducks and geese. Best 12 yrs of my hunting life right there.

11-21-2012, 08:41 AM
Sorry to hear that, they are waaaay more than just a pet. In your case a good hunting buddy like that will surely be missed.

11-21-2012, 09:59 AM
I doubt it is better to know. You have my sympathies.

Lost my ol' springwieler 7 yrs ago this Friday. She never went to deer camp she was too busy hunting ducks and geese. Best 12 yrs of my hunting life right there.

Are you talking a cross between a Springer Spaniel and a Rott? That would be a strange combination. Post a pic if you have one. I love the Rotts but they just don't seem to live long enough. They give a lot of love during that time though.


11-21-2012, 10:26 AM
Great picture! Hang tough Boz. I've crossed the bridge you're walking a few times and it's rough. Keep us posted.

11-21-2012, 12:01 PM
She looked like Rott all over except her head was small and a white blaze w/black speckles on her chest. Sadly most of the pictures from that era were causalities of the 1st divorce.

She was smart! We got her as a pound puppy,about 3 months old, 2 days to crate trained,house broken in a week along w/sit,down,stay and come. At 6 months she made her 1st water retrieve, . It was a teal in a knee deep canal, she just caught hold of breast feathers,that'd have made a picture, standing there looking up at me w/that clump of feathers sticking out of her mouth looking like a Charlie Chaplin mustache............. :-) When she was about 10 she figured out how to sack the cupboards and the fridge and close up when she was done I finally had to put child locks on them all.. I expect another Purdy will come along someday.

11-21-2012, 10:24 PM
1st apologies for my spell check, grrrrrrrr.

Here's my Purdy. This must have been about October of 93' just a while after her 1st retrieve. I'd forgotten how small she was that 1st season........


Dean D.
11-21-2012, 11:33 PM
Sorry to hear about your pup Boz. I've been down that road too many times with dogs recently and know your pain well. In the past couple years we have lost all 3 of our dogs. Cherish and comfort her while she is here but let her go when it's time. Its the least we can do for our faithful friends.

11-21-2012, 11:44 PM
We're in about that same boat with you with our ten-year-old Doberman. . .


Bullet Caster
11-22-2012, 01:13 AM
I lost my Collie about 4 years ago; seems like yesterday. That dog was my constant companion and I still mourn my loss of her even today. Tears welled up when I read your post, Boz. My heart goes out to you. Dogs are truly man's best friend. They never demand anything and require very little except love. My Collie and I were like the TV show, "Lassie". I can only hope that all dogs go to heaven. I miss her dearly. BC

11-26-2012, 09:47 AM
Great picture! Hang tough Boz. I've crossed the bridge you're walking a few times and it's rough. Keep us posted.

So have I but it sure doesn't get any easier. I got my first dog when I was 4. The only time I was without one was my time in the Army and about 4 years after while my life was in flux. The one I got when I was 4 was put down a few months before I was drafted. I'm 66 now so you can do the math.
I first ran across Rottweilers when I was working in South Africa and just fell in love with the breed and have had 4 since then. They sure don't seem to live long enough though. They sure can give a lot of love though.
Thanks Harter for the pic. I have thought that a Rot cross might make for a longer life dog. It seems that the bigger dogs just don't make it as long. At this point though I'm not so sure how long I might last so I'm not sure what I'm going to do when Emma passes.
BC, all of mine deserve to be in heaven, not a bad one in the bunch.
JD, sorry to hear that. As I said I've been there and it isn't going to be easy with Emma. It seems that our favor seems to run with the same kind of dogs. I like all dogs but the bigger ones seem to just make good great companions.


11-26-2012, 12:32 PM
I had Wiemeraners growing up we got 14-15 yrs out of them. Chipper taught me about patience tact and the hunt, Unique taught me loyalty, humility and to love your job,even when your wet cold foot sore,and tired. Chip went home when I was 7 Nique'was w/me till I was 13.

I didn't realize how much I miss having a dog around. Until this thread came up . The X kept the 2 pit/mastiff mutts , they aren't any good for working but were nice to come home to. Big dumb goofy boys.