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View Full Version : All most got my piece of Heaven on earth

11-20-2012, 10:21 AM
Was at Deer Camp/Bois Blanc Island Mi and meet with a the owner of a piece of land. We talk for about a hour and came to a Deal. Now waiting for the paper work to get done but I got my land. Small lot but to the north and east is 3500 acres of state and is close to my buddies 1500 acres. Know to save for the Shack and dream of the work,sweat and FUN to come!!!![smilie=w: Clint

11-20-2012, 10:29 AM
Congrats! Sounds like you will be within walking distance of your deer stand.

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11-20-2012, 04:59 PM
Sounds good, congratulations. A man making progress towards his dreams is a
wonderful thing.


11-20-2012, 05:59 PM
I have family that spent summers on Bois Blac island. A very nice place. Get to know Curt Plante who runs the ferry to the mainland. At least he used to . I haven't been to the island since I graduated from college. A long time ago.

11-20-2012, 07:18 PM
Yes Duckiller Curt still runs the ferry. My land is at the corner of Lime Kiln Point rd and Sand bay rd. I find some just love and others don't like the place! I have been going about 13-14yrs

11-21-2012, 01:29 AM
Now to save for the Shack and dream of the work,sweat and FUN to come!!!![smilie=w: Clint

For those who ( Like me!) don't know: http://www.bois-blanc.com/phpBB2/portal.php

11-30-2012, 02:47 PM
Just mailed the paper offer with the down payment that the seller has agreed too!!! One step closer to the dream.Clint

02-07-2013, 02:11 PM
Happy for you.

02-07-2013, 03:39 PM
Have a buddy that lives near Carp Lake. He Summer fishes near the island and has said how nice it is in warm weather.Robert

02-07-2013, 07:41 PM
Congratulations! Very few people get to realize their dreams, but sounds af if you are one of the lucky ones. Hope you enjoy it for a long time to come!

02-07-2013, 09:01 PM
At this time We have closed and are waiting for the county to get there paper work done and I can start to pay taxes on my island estate!!! Have started a new job to fund a shed for storage and then a cabin. It's fun to set and think and plan how to get this all done. Have been doodling on paper to start to see what we want in a cabin. Some have already asked if they can come hunting. My answer is we will see who comes and helps me build and work to get the cabin done! Funny how having a dream like this changes things. You look at things different. Do I really need that new gun,mold,toy or what not. Clint

02-07-2013, 09:11 PM
Congrats!! One of these days I'm gonna get my Piece too!!

Wayne Smith
02-07-2013, 09:43 PM
At this time We have closed and are waiting for the county to get there paper work done and I can start to pay taxes on my island estate!!! Have started a new job to fund a shed for storage and then a cabin. It's fun to set and think and plan how to get this all done. Have been doodling on paper to start to see what we want in a cabin. Some have already asked if they can come hunting. My answer is we will see who comes and helps me build and work to get the cabin done! Funny how having a dream like this changes things. You look at things different. Do I really need that new gun,mold,toy or what not. Clint

Yeah, it certainly does make you re-think your priorities. You on the water? Gonna have a dock, boat, boathouse, etc?? All that adds to the plans.

When I was a kid my uncle had a place on Lake Sebasticook, Newport, ME. He wanted a beach. That winter (my other uncle built roads) he dumped a couple of truck loads of sand on the ice, smoothed it, and waited for spring. Instant beach!

From the looks of the place I'd plan on a place to reload and a place to tie flies/make lures in the design of the cabin!

02-07-2013, 10:21 PM
No am about$200,0000 off the water but my buddy has 1320' of frontage on Lake Huron. My lot is in the woods but close to my buddies and the airport. As far as cabin want a small place but will have a big in closed porch facing the south. Still in the planning and talking stage. Looking a plans and things we like and don't . Clint

02-08-2013, 12:16 PM
In 1964 I got a special use permit on a lake shore lot on a small lake in South-central BC. I built a fish camp there. In 1994 I purchased the land and the old fish camp got torn down and a new cabin was built. Before I built, I took a look at the other cabins on the lake and I found that with NO exceptions, what started out as small cabins got added onto and average size was a minimum of 800 to 900 square feet. My new place is 28x32 to use 4x8 plywood with a minimum of cutting. I had it built on a cement foundation that leaves me with an unfinished cellar (no cement floor) 28x16 and the balance in a two level crawl space. The cabin has a steep roof (metal) that allows a 14x32 foot room. The place has lots of windows, wood heat, minimum wiring, propane fridge and cook stove. One of these days I may learn to post pictures so i can show it off but sadly that is not yet.

02-08-2013, 05:35 PM
At this time am leaning toward a 24x24 with 12x24 three season room but with one bedroom and a bunk room upstairs one bedroom down but this my change as i see more things. Clint

02-08-2013, 10:00 PM
Sure can get hot upstairs.

02-09-2013, 11:57 AM
As plans stand will have widows upstairs that face west and east there normally a breeze all the time in the straits. With the layout of the land there is a road off the SW corner of my lot that goes to the shore line. So if there a breeze I will get some! The bad is winter I will get the same breeze but COLDer!! the low last night was -10 but is up to 7 with a wind chill of -2. Besides who cares the bar has AC and a HUGE wood stove maybe that why the locals all way stop to set a spell!! After I get setup will have to have a Casting Party!! Bring your tent,camper casting stuff and we can cast ,BS, shoot and just relax!!! Clint

02-09-2013, 04:17 PM
Still looking for mine in east Texas or near Waco. Neighbor says he'll look around Commerce. Just looking for a playground for the kids, not a home.

02-09-2013, 07:19 PM
Very happy for you! I love it up there, i have alot of family from Mi and quite few still living there, i plan to go to my uncle's Hillman deer camp as a graduation present if i ever finish school. I am glad you have your dream, we should all be so lucky someday!

02-09-2013, 07:35 PM
Congrats!!! The American dream for you. When you build the cabin, make sure you have plenty of storage space, closets. There is never enough room for all the stuff that gets accumulated.

02-10-2013, 10:20 AM
Will a 24x24 basement work for this? Clint

02-10-2013, 12:13 PM
Will a 24x24 basement work for this? Clint

My research indicated that 28x32 (finished cabin size) was the average that other people wound up with (after add-ons). There was not one cabin (out of 16) on the lake that wound up as less!

02-10-2013, 02:02 PM
Thinking a 24x24 with 12x24 3 season one bedroom and full bath down and with one bedroom and a 8x24 loft upstairs. On paper looks like one queen and 4 full beds. 12x24 for kitchen, dinning and wood stove with the 12x24 3season for living and a small wood pile. the 24x24 basement for storage and what not. Am thinking of a wood or propane furnace in the basement for real cold times and to dry hunting stuff. The first thing to build is going to be a 12x16 shed for storage of chainsaws ,atv ,yard tools, lawn chairs, camping gear and to hang the inevitable deer or two. Clint

08-04-2013, 09:16 PM
Have not updated this for a while. Have got the survey done and laid out the power panel and shed. Got the power line cleared,panel installed and payed for the install of the line. Got the hand pump installed and working. Cold clear water but still have to test it but have the kit and will the next trip. Have been working in the back yard and have a prefabbed 12x16 shed with a barn style roof. This style of roof will give my a 12x16 storage area up stairs. Was able to hit craiglist and bargain barns finding good deal on shingles,windows, siding and some lumber. At this time the plan is to haul it up and install in a few weeks. Has been very rewarding to have family and friends ask if they can help me raise it. That weekend I want to raise the walls,roof,shingle,set windows and if we have time start the siding. Hope to have it closed in before deer season as ALL thing stop for deer season but may get to work on it at night and after I get my deer. This will get it set for winter and give me all winter to regroup my funds. A hint for all have 2-3 time the money you think you need!! Hope to post pictures of it soon. Clint

08-05-2013, 07:56 AM
Thanks for the update Clint. Always good to hear of someone winning!

08-05-2013, 02:28 PM
Not sure if I am winning but having FUN trying to get it done! Am still shocked at some prices as I have not been building for many yrs. Got out my framing nailer and my friend that sells tools said that if I want to sell it his boss will want it for his vintage tool display!! Still having fun Clint