View Full Version : how do you stop a dillon xl650 from spilling primers all over the floor?

11-19-2012, 10:42 PM
i got me a 650. i like it. its very nice. i do not however, care for the swiss ski jump they have for launching live primers across the floor. now i understand that i can take the plastic wedge off the frame and that will stop the primer mechanism from advancing but what about if i miss a case when loading? the press then drops the unused primer on the ski jump? so before i start getting all creative, does someone have a simple fix for this? it would sure be nice if it would drop them into a little bucket like the spent primers. then you could easily put them back in the press instead of searching all over the floor looking for them.:veryconfu

11-19-2012, 11:20 PM
My fix was to cut some cardboard from empty primer sleeves and tape it around the ski-jump. When 5-6 of them collect, I de-tape and collect them.

I also bought a small funnel, cut it to fit the spent primer cup, and drilled a hole in the bottom of the cup. I then used some small plastic pipe fittings to screw/attach a long 1.5" plastic tube down to the floor where a 3-gallon bucket catches them. Now, no stopping to empty that thing!

I also re-routed the power cord for the case feeder up through the black pipe that holds it on. Just took a drill hole through my bench and another through the blue housing for the motor and a de-attachment and re-attachment of the wires.

Really cleaned up the press handly. I also got rid of the powder-check die and replaced it with a small LED, so I can visually check the powder in each case. Keep it clean and lubed. I also made a loaded round deflector on the chute that sends the loaded rounds into the catch bin, because tall loaded rounds would occasionally catapult over the side and fall on the bench instead of the bin. My press is very old. I hear they're much-improved.

11-20-2012, 01:49 AM
You can loosen the stock bracket and drill out the bottom of a 44 mag/spl case and slide the rim between it and the housing, snugg up the screws and hook up a hose or cut a sliver of 1/2" box tube off and weld it to the bracket.




11-20-2012, 01:51 AM
Sorry, I think you were talking about live primers not spent ones. Keep your case feeder full in that instance.

11-20-2012, 09:47 PM
Sell it and buy an RCBS Pro 2000 or a Hornady LnL:kidding:

11-20-2012, 10:57 PM
+1 on keeping the case feeder full; and DaveInFloweryBranchGA wins the fecal matter stirring stick award for the month of November.

11-20-2012, 11:27 PM
I challenge the poo-stirring award, I suggest selling the Dillon and buying a Lee Loadmaster or Pro-1000, either of which has a case sensor to control the primer feed and won't dispense a primer to the punch if no case is present in the shellplate slot coming into the "to be primed" position.

(Now, where's that "hiding under the flameproof blanket" emoticon?) :bigsmyl2:


11-21-2012, 09:55 AM
Thank you, thank you very much.:happy dance: I won't mention how the strip feeder on the RCBS loaded 4000 perfectly seated primers the first time I used it to load .223/5.56 cartridges.:Bright idea:

11-21-2012, 06:41 PM
my hornady pro-jector doesn't spill primers either........


i must admit i am a bit surprised. the 650 is well thought out except for the live primer launcher. if it had a small bin (much smaller than the spent primer bin) that collected them so you could easily just put them right back in, it would be shiny.
you hear that dillon? put a wee little bin where the ski jump is.