View Full Version : Bladder Cancer

11-19-2012, 03:13 PM
Well I went for my surgery and the tumor was removed,stage 0,superficial, and had not penetrated to the muscle was the good news,it was a bad type of cancer was the bad news!!!! I had 1 stricture,opened with the tool the surgeon used and also made a 2mm incision at the meatus(opening). I had a foley catheter in for a week afterwards and cant describe the fun that was!!!!!Now I have to go for a TB test,if negative I then go once a week for BCG treatments,for 6 weeks..., those interested they take a lowered form of the bacterial TB and fill my bladder through a small catheter,and I leave this solution in for 2 hours, then evacuate!!!! Anyone have any similar experience to share, the Urologist said I was one of the lucky ones,there are folks walking around that have this, and don't realize it until its too late,any seen blood in your urine get to a urologist is my advice!!!!I really need some positive fortification right now!I feel like I've been through the ringer, and still not completely out of the woods...Please appreciate every healthy day that you have,and praise God for having it! GT27

11-19-2012, 03:51 PM
Here's hoping they got it all, then you can get on with your life. Prayers outbound for you. My eldest brother has had bladder cancer for the last 12 years. He gets a cystoscope every 6 months. If they see another tumor, they remove it. He did loose a kidney though about 4 years ago.

Yes, I've had a Folley catheter in for 2 months following prostate removal. The about 6 more times after scar tissue dilation of the bladder neck. NOT FUN!:evil:

11-19-2012, 06:06 PM
Sounds like you got it early. My dad had it and they took his bladder out,he had the nasty stuff. Good news he's gone 6 years now without any recurance. My wife says he too mean the stuff just dies off. Think she might have a point.A close friends wife, well I consider her a friend also, just did chemo then bladder removal.

Going to take the kids to see him and do Disneyland for a week! Life goes on.

God Bless and go live!

11-20-2012, 10:41 AM
Thanks for the kind,supportive words! God bless you, and your families with the riches you deserve!

Jon K
11-20-2012, 11:00 AM
Hang in there...I will be praying for you.
I just had my 4th Bladder Cancer surgery Oct 1st, so I know what you're going thru.
The BCG treatments are no fun...first one is not too bad, but only get harder, by the time you'ren done..."whew... THANK GOD"

God Bless,

11-20-2012, 12:32 PM
You will be in my thoughts and prayers. I had stomach surgery three years ago and had a Foley in for a spell.

They had an some sort of intern remove it. He wasn't a doctor type intern, maybe a nursing student. When he started to remove it I made a loud noise to startle him as a joke. We had talked a bit over the previous few days and had a good relationship so a good joke was in order. He jumped a mile when I did it.

The last laugh was on me. Man was that uncomfortable!

Not sure which one was worse, the Foley or the drain tube that was in my abdomen.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

11-20-2012, 01:36 PM
Prayers and best wishes for a speedy and complete recovery from our house to yours!!!

11-23-2012, 09:39 AM
Cancer treatment now is a lot better than it used to be, but is still no fun. Prayers for you and your family.

11-23-2012, 09:46 AM
Just keep a John Wayne attitude. Years back he had lung cancer, had surgery and beat it. Then some years later turned up with hemorrhoids. Said he wasn't worried about it, anyone who could lick the big "C" could certainly lick his hemorrhoids. Seriously tho, you have my prayers that the Great Physician will heal you physically and give you the mental strength to bear the load. GW

11-23-2012, 02:51 PM
Thank you guys for the well wishes,I appreciate the positive re-reinforcement!God bless you all & families,and I pray for a healthy,prosperous coming year for all of us! GT27