View Full Version : Fennel digestif...AKA:Liqouise Liquour, it's commercial name is Jägermeister

11-18-2012, 09:23 PM
I grew a bunch of fennel this year and due to a very dry June, the bulbs didn't get big enough to harvest so I let them all go to seed.

after the recent mention of Peach brandy here on castboolits...I though I'd make a fennel Liquour. I kind of followed this recipe.


I started it yesterday afternoon. I used nearly all the fennel seed I grew this year (I did hold some back for general use), in all about 6 TBLSP in the jar with a small container of Anise (2 TBLSP) that I bought. also in this QT jar, I emptied a just unsealed pint of everclear 190proof (it's all I had left from a TX trip a couple decades ago) and nearly a pint of Phillips Vodka 80proof. I almost bought a 750ml of everclear 151proof...whollykrap that was pricey...I left it on the shelf. I ground the Fennel and Anise, the smell in the kitchen was wonderfull.

I considered using/adding seeds leftover from last year. I ground them up first to compare with the freshly harvested seeds...NO COMPARISON, last years seeds are now in the compost. I do have some Raw sugar, I suspect that'll make some nice syrup.

The comments on the recipe link mention a light green color...and the seeds aren't really dark green or anything. This mix is only about 20 hours old and it is dark green


I blended a sample of the 20 hour steeped Fennel digestif with simple syrup and put in freezer for an hour.
the color is kind of ghoulish and the taste is almost spot on to store boughten Jägermeister.


As good as it is, I think I'll let it steep for at least a few more days...and surely lauter the strainings with the water to be used to make the simple syrup.

12-12-2012, 08:00 PM
Okay it is now Dec. 12 , Have you tried it yet ? If so how is it ? The only drink I ever had was greek it was called Ouzo . You had to really like anise flavor to like that stuff , and it was clear as water.

12-12-2012, 08:08 PM
I bottled it on thanksgiving.
and brought some to My daughter's that day.
She loved it, others thought it was OK.
It turned out real strong.
I thought it tasted similar to Jägermeister
But the neighbor had a bottle of Jägermeister
so we compared...Mine made Jägermeister
taste like water.