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11-18-2012, 08:05 AM
I presume you guys are still working on it, yeah?

There are some alignment issues, and it doesn't seem as readable as the old formatting.


Thanks for keeping this site up and running. :mrgreen:

11-18-2012, 09:08 AM
Second that. Looks like a cartoon now. I like the old look much, much better.

11-18-2012, 09:59 AM
Good morning
Sounds like growing pains. Tried to post this early morning and got scrambled...
Mike in ILL

11-18-2012, 10:32 AM
Second that. Looks like a cartoon now. I like the old look much, much better.

A third here. I looked for a "skins" or colors setting and couldn't find any way to change it.

11-18-2012, 11:02 AM
Took me by surprise when I had to sign in this morning and then was presented with this. I guess I have no choice but to use it if I want to participate, but it just isn't very welcome. I'll try!!!

11-18-2012, 11:04 AM
Second that. Looks like a cartoon now. I like the old look much, much better.

Ditto for me. Makes my eyes blurry and I haven't touched the sippin whiskey.

Bullet Caster
11-18-2012, 11:19 AM
Know what you mean. I think I like the old format better. Just cannot get used to this. I know, it'll take some time. BC

11-18-2012, 11:31 AM
I have to agree. Just have to adjust to change.

11-18-2012, 11:49 AM
I see many improvements I like.
the other things I'll get use to.

I see an occasional "auto-saved" in the corner.
How do I access saved text
if I lose a comment from some unforseen reason ?

11-18-2012, 11:57 AM
I'm hoping the advanced search is just not working correctly yet.
I usually use that to see all the threads that I've posted to, in the order of the most recent activity on that thread.

and right now, it lists them (not all of them I will add) in a crazy reverse order.

11-18-2012, 12:03 PM
Jon, click on your user name at the very top of the page and it will show your profile. You can access all your posts from the menu below your avatar. The auto saved things will be listed also to the right of the menu on the left side of the page.

Or, just click on your name in the above post.

11-18-2012, 03:43 PM
I think this new system will work out OK but I did like the convenience of having a mention on top if I have an unread PM immediately after logging in. Also, the "social groups" disappeared.

11-18-2012, 04:00 PM
So what the heck was wrong with the old one? I hate this new ****. I'm getting too old to change things all the time. Put it back!

This change has taken the formerly excellent forum way down to something I MAY check out OCCASIONALLY!

gray wolf
11-18-2012, 04:45 PM
OUT WITH THE NEW and yes I like to know I have a PM

11-18-2012, 05:02 PM
OUT WITH THE NEW and yes I like to know I have a PM

I've got no problem with learning new things, but from my perspective, the current state of the software is clearly a downgrade for the end user.

Gunload Master
11-18-2012, 05:11 PM
This software has a lot more upgrades than you might think, and I know people will enjoy this once they learn it more and the bugs get worked out. The old software was very outdated.
I've got no problem with learning new things, but from my perspective, the current state of the software is clearly a downgrade for the end user.

11-18-2012, 05:16 PM
I'm not leaving or anything, but what I want to do on the forum more than anything else is read. This new format isn't very friendly for that. It desperately needs some skins.

11-18-2012, 05:16 PM

I like the new look.

Haven't used it enough to comment on function.

Update, There is so much advertising at the top of the page, I can't even see the first post.
I must scroll down half a page to read the top post. I understand the need for advertising but screens nowadays are already too short.


Wayne Smith
11-18-2012, 05:33 PM
Seems like the font is smaller and lighter than before. Jim must be having a heart attack!

11-18-2012, 05:37 PM
The old software was very outdated.

So are about half of us!

11-18-2012, 05:52 PM
Like everything except the look not enough contrast everything seems to run together. :sad:
We sound like the ungrateful bratty kids at Christmas !!

11-18-2012, 05:52 PM
Seems like the font is smaller and lighter than before. Jim must be having a heart attack!

Yeah, and if you enlarge it by hitting control up scroll, the whole page enlarges so you have to scroll back and forth on the bottom to see the whole page.

The old version, just the font changed, AND it got the heavy dark font that's easier for these tired old eyes to read. Doesn't this "new and improved" version have that capability?

Hitting reply now gets you that small quick reply screen. You have to "go advanced" to get the full version, BACKWARDS!

No warning, no vote on whether we WANTED a change! Thanks, but no thanks!:o

11-18-2012, 05:55 PM
The changes are great, nice and easy to read, Thanks!

11-18-2012, 06:05 PM
Yeah, and if you enlarge it by hitting control up scroll, the whole page enlarges so you have to scroll back and forth on the bottom to see the whole page.

The old version, just the font changed, AND it got the heavy dark font that's easier for these tired old eyes to read. Doesn't this "new and improved" version have that capability?

Hitting reply now gets you that small quick reply screen. You have to "go advanced" to get the full version, BACKWARDS!

No warning, no vote on whether we WANTED a change! Thanks, but no thanks!:o

The main problem, there was not going to be support available for the old style forum. So, no need for a vote on what we can't change. Wait until all of the tweaks are done. It isn't like flipping a switch. We went through the same thing when the original page was set up here.

11-18-2012, 06:06 PM
I thought I'd clicked the wrong bookmark. [I] do find it harder to read.

11-18-2012, 07:51 PM
Thank goodness tapatalk started working again, stuck at a wedding for the next few hours and need some reading material :D

Gunload Master
11-18-2012, 08:08 PM
At the bottom left of the screen is a drop down menu. If you click it, you have some theme options to choose from. Snuffy ive put off this update for 3 years, but it has to be done or else hackers could break into the software and steal peoples information. Personally id rather that not happen. Also people want different features on here to help them out, outdated software has no support for these features. This is an update that had to be done, and hopefully everyone can get through this.

11-18-2012, 08:08 PM
Under general settings changing the Forum Skin to CB custom makes the type bigger and adds more contrast like the look of that .Looks a lot more like the old style. Now I’m Happy ;)

11-18-2012, 08:11 PM
If there is a way to either bold or enlarge the default font, it would be helpful for me to see the posts better.

Thanks - and I do understand that you have a lot to adjust. Is it possible to give the user control over how the threads are displayed in his


11-18-2012, 08:18 PM
Castboolits is a lot harder on the eyes now than before!:killingpc [smilie=b:
And from the administrators :violin:

11-18-2012, 08:19 PM
Bill click settings then look on the left and click General Settings now go to near bottom of page to Forum Skin change to CB Custom hit save and see what you think.

11-18-2012, 08:31 PM
Just tried it on my laptop. It is easier to read on a laptop for some reason.

11-18-2012, 08:33 PM
Using the control button + mouse scroll wheel, the fonts enlarged for me instead of the entire page.

11-18-2012, 08:40 PM
This stinks, is there a way to change the color and or contrast to help a little. Changing the different skins only changes whether I have to put my nose against the monitor or sit in the chair across the room to read it.

11-18-2012, 09:17 PM
I fixed the alignment issue by going to settings-general settings, scroll down to forum skins and I selected castboolits skin.

I know ya'll are trying hard to make a good change and I appreciate the updated security measures, but you did say it would look the same. You should have at least said it was going to be different.
The quote from the 11/11 forum update thread.
"The forum software was updated today. It should look and feel the same,"

We'll get through it.

11-18-2012, 09:39 PM
Switching to the "CB Custom" setting helped, but reading the pages are hard on the eyes. I'm not color blind, but the various pastel colors are rather difficult to distinguish. Finally, is there a way to highlight the last sub-forum and thread that was read, so one doesn't have to rely on memory.

I know the bugs will be removed and all will be as it should be, but as it is, I can only read for a couple minutes before the eyes start complaining.

11-18-2012, 09:58 PM
click settings then look on the left and click General Settings now go to near bottom of page to Forum Skin change to CB Custom hit save and see what you think.

Much Much better!
Some will still want a bolder font but that a big improvement.

Default mobile is even easier to read but it don't look like CB that way.

11-18-2012, 10:28 PM
The font size on the custom CB skin is just about right for old eyes. The color scheme really is hard on my eyes.

Gunload Master
11-18-2012, 11:12 PM
That was actually a different VB update I was talking about there.
I fixed the alignment issue by going to settings-general settings, scroll down to forum skins and I selected castboolits skin.

I know ya'll are trying hard to make a good change and I appreciate the updated security measures, but you did say it would look the same. You should have at least said it was going to be different.
The quote from the 11/11 forum update thread.
"The forum software was updated today. It should look and feel the same,"

We'll get through it.

11-18-2012, 11:36 PM
Too soon to complain about changes. I'll give myself some time to get used to it. Chances are, the combination of allowing ourselves to get used to this new formatting and making some doable tweeks will make this new format easier to manage.


11-19-2012, 12:07 AM
Forum software must be updated. It's a fact of internet life. We'll get used to it.

However.... I must say, the default skin/theme (CastBoolits) has FAR too much white. It's a bit irritating to the eyes.

11-19-2012, 12:43 AM
Just logged on and I thought I had the wrong website. But would like to put in a pitch for a darker background too much white. but would like to thank those that had a hand on the work it must have been done to get where we are now. Frank

11-19-2012, 12:54 AM
Wait until all of the tweaks are done. It isn't like flipping a switch. We went through the same thing when the original page was set up here.
We understand. Thanks for continuing to work on it.

I reminds me of a few new-look updates TechReport has done over the years. They were able to make an "old theme" option for their core user base so, so all was well. Hopefully, with some time, you guys can wrestle the code of this new forum software into the look and feel of the mature GUI we are accustomed to. :)

11-19-2012, 12:59 AM
I like it! In today's cyberworld change is the only constant. Deal with it or be old & cranky like me!
A big "THANK YOU" to the folks that worked hard to make this happen and another to the mods and admins who coddle us old codgers to show us the new & improved CB website.

Jim Flinchbaugh
11-19-2012, 01:10 AM
another great forum succumbs to vBulletin

Seems every forum I'm on has switched in the last year.
Luckily(?) I;ve already been through the growing pains>
So, IF I may ask, what does vBulletin do that sucks so many people in.
or is it like an OS that has to be used when a server is upgraded?

11-19-2012, 01:55 AM
another great forum succumbs to vBulletin

Seems every forum I'm on has switched in the last year.
Luckily(?) I;ve already been through the growing pains>
So, IF I may ask, what does vBulletin do that sucks so many people in.
or is it like an OS that has to be used when a server is upgraded?

CastBoolits has been on vBulletin at least as long as I have been here. I think the thing is that when people think it is miserable, that the miserableness is less than what ever is second best.

- just found out something new that I like. To increase the size of the reply window, you can drag and drop the lower right corner of the window to the desired size instead of using up and down arrow buttons.

11-19-2012, 02:34 AM
Is there any way to get the "keep me logged in" (or whatever it says) box out from underneath the advertisements, so that you can check it while logging in?

11-19-2012, 03:00 AM
another great forum succumbs to vBulletin

Seems every forum I'm on has switched in the last year.
Luckily(?) I;ve already been through the growing pains>
So, IF I may ask, what does vBulletin do that sucks so many people in.
or is it like an OS that has to be used when a server is upgraded?
Vbulletin is the software for forums...Cast bullets was using an earlier version all these years !

11-19-2012, 03:21 AM
I went to my settings and changed the "Forum Skin" look to "custom CB" and it looks a lot better and more like the old CB. It was set on cast boolits and the fonts looked strange on my mac.

Looks good now... :drinks:

11-19-2012, 04:06 AM
So, OK, I guess there's no getting around it had to be done. I hate learning new stuff, my capacity to learn has taken a nose dive recently. I hope to get used to it.

I guess my main question is; why did the lay-out change so much? 3 other forums also run the older V-bulletin software.
Glockpost has version 3.8.3, TFL- 3.8.7, THR has 3.8.6. They all look pretty much the same, like the old system here. Now with the 4.2.0 we have here, entirely different appearance, why such a big change?

I'll get used to it, I sure don't want to miss out on anything here. Too much info to loose!

Keep up the good work, just ignore this old curmudgeon, must be the hormone therapy I'm undergoing!

Dan Cash
11-19-2012, 07:35 AM
Second that. Looks like a cartoon now. I like the old look much, much better.

Me too. My astigmatism makes the new format "vibrate."

square butte
11-19-2012, 08:56 AM
I miss the little box that said the time of my last visit. Is there a way to get that back?

11-19-2012, 09:24 AM
It seems harder to see, make it bigger lettering and stand out for use old timers,Looks like some of the other forums, but it does need a change from the other way. Thanks- JOe

Jim Flinchbaugh
11-19-2012, 01:41 PM
I guess what I meant by my comments is, I liked the individualism of the old skin.
All of us here strike me a s pretty much independent, individuals, and now our forum looks just like all the others out there
There is nothing wrong with vBulletin, the software works, the updates take some time in figuring out how everything works again.
Lucky for me I've been through this a bunch in the last year. Once the "nerds" get the kinks out it will be smooth as butter again.
adn in fact, I have to say this has been the BEST transaction of updating I have experienced myself. Most forums I'm on were unusable for at
least 2-3 days while they transitioned. This one was old in the AM and new in the PM for me, and it worked.
3 cheers for our beloved "nerds" :)

11-19-2012, 06:55 PM
You can't build a house in a day! :veryconfu

11-19-2012, 10:17 PM
Every time I log in it just keeps getting better and better.....great work so far.....


11-19-2012, 10:28 PM
I agree that it is getting better each time I log in, I really liked the old layout but that's ok. The biggest thing I miss though is the number of replies to a thread used to be listed in its own column (I think), it was easy to glance at. I'm happy as long as the forum is functional. :)

Beau Cassidy
11-19-2012, 10:38 PM
I just selected the gray screen. Much mo' bettah. Looks a lot more like the old site. Easier on the eyes.

11-19-2012, 10:50 PM
Did not like it at first but after enlarging the font size and using it a little I am beginning to really like it. I hope instant notification of PM's are forth coming.


11-19-2012, 10:51 PM
Every time I log in it just keeps getting better and better.....great work so far.....


i second this. someone deserves an adult beverage.

Gunload Master
11-19-2012, 10:54 PM
In case others do not know, you can select what the forum looks like to you. At the very bottom of the screen over to the left is a drop down menu with some themes in it. Just select one that you like. If you want to keep it make sure you go into your user Control Panel and add it as your default, that way it will always be that way when you are logged in. Also as Beau mentioned I just added a new Grey theme. Eventually I hope to have enough themes that at least one will be perfect for each individual on here... If that's possible :)

11-19-2012, 11:58 PM
Thank you for the additional skins. Much appreciated!

11-20-2012, 12:32 AM
The forums that I subscribed to with daily email notifications were changed to notification "through my control panel only". I have since changed those back to daily email notification. I have instant email notification turned on for subscribed threads. However, since the update I have not been receiving any notifications. Its there a way to change these in bulk back to instant email notification? I have over 1200 threads subscribed to and I WILL NOT go through that list to resubscribe to them one by one. I would hate to lose all of that info, but too much is too much.

edit - I just found a way to do 25 at a time, but the task is still huge. Any way to do all at once?

edit#2 - I have found some notifications in my email spam folder. I corrected that as well

11-20-2012, 12:44 AM
Thanks for the gray, it's much easier on the eyes.

11-20-2012, 07:56 AM
So are about half of us![/QUOTE]

Only half..............:cry:

11-20-2012, 08:52 AM
Eventually I hope to have enough themes that at least one will be perfect for each individual on here... If that's possible :)
If you can pull that off maybe you should consider a run for the White House in 2016 ???? :shock: You would have my vote…

The CB Custom was the fix for me.

11-20-2012, 12:08 PM
Is it possible to make a separate "Forum Tools" button for each of the "Swapping and Selling" portions of the forum? A separate button for each of the four portions of the forum: selling and the other three sub-forums? Right now now there is only one such button, and its action applies to ALL those four portions ("swapping and selling" plus "Boolit Exchange", Wanted to Buy, etc).

I frequently have only time to quickly scan through the "selling" portion of the forum, and come back to the "wanted to buy", etc. portions when I have more time.

The old software worked this way, and it was a great help. Thanks!