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View Full Version : Lots of deputies walking the dusty streets of Castboolits.com!

11-15-2012, 12:53 PM
Was there a Homeland Security grant awarded to this place? I've noticed a lot of new "Mods" on the boards. Did I miss the recruitment drive? :popcorn:

11-15-2012, 01:01 PM
I think this was addressed in another recent thread. 18 moderators to cover the 25K+ members herein. LAPD has better staffing than that. The critic in that earlier thread got a 5 point sanction, so be careful how much popcorn you make.

ETA--moderating is a thankless, effed-up job made more difficult and thankless by trolls that catcall a group of folks that work for free to keep this place civil.

11-15-2012, 01:05 PM
What is a 5 point sanction?

11-15-2012, 01:06 PM
So still the same number of us "evil" mods running around picking on you poor guys.

Oh, I've no trouble with the Mods. Just surprised by all the new shiny badges. Kinda made me wish I had one. [smilie=s: I'm available if need be. I've carried a hammer in other forums. :bigsmyl2:

11-15-2012, 01:07 PM
ETA--moderating is a thankless, effed-up job made more difficult and thankless by trolls that catcall a group of folks that work for free to keep this place civil.

Yep. I agree.

11-15-2012, 01:29 PM
Wilco I hate to think of it as a hammer I would rather just use a nudge or a word to a "offender' rather than a hammer or club, but some time's the stick is needed.

I agree. I've given a nudge and a word or two. It was the combative trolls that received the hammer when all else failed. As for the Mods here, we have a great bunch. One or two even gave me a "tap" when my "Self Moderating" skills failed to fire properly. [smilie=p:

11-15-2012, 02:03 PM
Ken asked me to come on board to replace a Mod from this end of the planet that was not able to visit the board so often. It is a time zone factor.

Gunload Master
11-15-2012, 02:15 PM
Just to help reiterate what has been said here, the moderators of this place do an amazing job at keeping this place civil and enjoyable for the masses. A job like this is almost 90% behind the scene of what everyone can really see so they really dont get the appreciation that they should.

11-15-2012, 02:34 PM
some seem to forget this is a cast boolit forum but somehow it goes a bit further than that.
there are the "competitons" and get togethers,many have thier children looking in here and many of them are a part of the communty also.
it's a pretty good network system,and sometimes a counseling center or a support system.
a bragging board,a report of inventons,failures and successeses.
efforts are applauded,supported and followed. failures are discussed and options are offered.
you know stuff families used to do on the t.v.

11-15-2012, 03:41 PM
Since we are worldwide /24 hours we have mods in different time zones to watch for problems and spammers . Not every mod stays on the computer so we have different shifts to keep things running smooth. This is The best bunch of Guys I ever worked with and we work as a team for the benefit of the forum.
I have made friends with lots of members here and we even talk on the phone and horse trade goods , and members also help us by reporting problems and spammers.
Lets all help keep this a fine place to share info and have a Like minded community of casters , shooters, and hunters . Remember to Think before you Post , and as My Friend Mike in Arkansas that passed away on another forum said, "It don't cost nuthin' to be Nice!"


11-15-2012, 03:53 PM
So still the same number of us "evil" mods running around picking on you poor guys.

It is terrible, you Mods forcing us to come here day in and day out, free of charge, making us talk about things we love to do and sometimes making us buy neat stuff in the comecial sector.

I feel abused! :)

11-15-2012, 04:21 PM
We determined long ago, anyone who would volunteer for this job is most likely mentally unbalanced, and therefore unsuited for the job. Ken prefers we become mentally unbalanced after being on the job awhile.

11-15-2012, 04:31 PM
We determined long ago, anyone who would volunteer for this job is most likely mentally unbalanced, and therefore unsuited for the job. Ken prefers we become mentally unbalanced after being on the job awhile.

I once became involved with an IRC help channel for a Linux distribution, OPs (moderator status) was by invitation only, anyone that volunteered was deemed to be the wrong sort to do the job. I discovered this after I was tapped. After the channel owner left the other OPs vote me into the position of channel owner. I was stupid enough to accept, silly me. Ran it for many years, some happy, mostly.

I do not envy any of the mods here, I do pray for them however.


11-15-2012, 05:01 PM
If being mentally unbalanced is the only set of qualifications necessary, I would fit right in!

11-15-2012, 05:10 PM
It is terrible, you Mods forcing us to come here day in and day out, free of charge, making us talk about things we love to do and sometimes making us buy neat stuff in the comecial sector.

I feel abused! :)

I thought you said COMICAL sector! Sometimes, it IS!

11-15-2012, 05:12 PM
there doing a good job if we need more thay will be there and thay will be good guys doing a good job at it.thanks guys it is fun being here

11-15-2012, 05:52 PM
What is a 5 point sanction?

A sanction is kind of like points against your license. After a certain number you are banned for a while, and for particulalry egregious violations, a ban for life is handed out. The theory is to get your attention with a minor penalty for the first offense, then if you continue to violate the terms of service, you get increasingly harsh penalties.
I received my first (and only) sanction (rescinded after an appeal to the Cast Boolits Supreme Court) for calling a spade a spade. I was not nice about someone with a low post count, posting something for sale, refusing to set a price on the item, not answering questions, and finally I said what I felt. ERROR!
There is a balance between punishment and the "crime". The mods do a great job here....make no mistake about it. It is a volunteer position and a thankless task. I spent 14 years on our Planning Board so I certainly understand the thankless task and unappreciated point of view.
I felt the mods were not doing their job by allowing this person to post in the way he did, not whacking his post, and finally I lost it and said what I felt.
Was I wrong? Yes, of course I was. Did I lie? No I didn't. Was I civil? No I wasn't. I deserved what I got....it got my attention. The sanction served its purpose.
For me, any complaints in the future will go to the site owner in a PM or an email. No more complaining publicly here for me. It isn't good for anyone and particularly this site.

11-15-2012, 06:49 PM
Well, no longer a thankless task. Thanks Mods! In my opinion this place has the most knowledgeable people of any gun forum. I learned how to cast boolits (correctly) right here, and appreciate everyone sharing their knowledge with me. I have seen a few "personality conflicts" and "disagreements" here and there, but that is be to expected with as many members here. Thanks Mods for keeping everything civil.

11-15-2012, 07:10 PM
A lot of it depends on how "snotty" the poster asks the question or acts confrontational. You should know that being a former mod here Al.

Roger that, sir.

11-15-2012, 07:38 PM
A few years back there was a place, *very* much like this one, called The Porch. Those who called the Porch home were(are) called Galoots, and it's inhabitants were devoted to the world of antique wood working hand tools. The only place on earth whose citizens might possibly have been more gentile than here.

The site was hacked and porno bombed, and pretty much destroyed. It still exists in a very limited form, and it is still possible to post pictures, but is basically gone, as it once existed. Imagine CB as only available via email essentially.
A small consolation is that I have been pleased to find a couple of Galoots who are also CB members.

The thought of this place no longer being here is not something I would like to contemplate very long,,,,,

11-15-2012, 07:47 PM
I thought you said COMICAL sector! Sometimes, it IS!

I really should use spellcheck!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

11-15-2012, 07:57 PM
.....The thought of this place no longer being here is not something I would like to contemplate very long,,,,,

I'd be lost as Hogan's goat.

smoked turkey
11-15-2012, 08:02 PM
I too get a great deal of enjoyment from this forum. I have learned a bunch about a hobby that I THOUGHT I already knew. After visiting here I learned that the more I know, the more I don't know. I appreciate all that the staff does to keep this place up and running so smoothly. Thanks to all.

Dean D.
11-15-2012, 08:08 PM
I can tell you all that the Staff here deeply appreciates the help we get from the membership. There is no way we could possibly keep an eye on every part of this forum without your help.

We have the absolute best website on the internet concerning our hobby. All due to our great membership. We try to make sure the atmosphere here stays welcoming and comfortable for all. None of which could be accomplished without your help.


41 mag fan
11-15-2012, 08:15 PM
infraction is a slap on the fingers to straiten up and fly strait and the infraction have point values 15 points in a certain amount of time is a 10 day vacation. Most infraction are in S&S from people cross posting items for sale on other sites at the same time as here which we feel is unfair to members of the forums it's posted on. Then there's infraction given for bad behavior or not following rules we try to treat all the same but being human we are not perfect but we always have the best interest of the forum in mind. steve k swapping and selling moderator

Man I'm going to try this 5 pt system with my wife.

Maybe I'll accumulate enough pts I can take a vacation from the evil eyed ole hag!!

Knowing my luck she'll want to take the vacation with me!!

Love Life
11-15-2012, 08:20 PM
I have ten points if anybody needs any.

Looking back on it though I very much deserved the ten points. The mods here do a great job. After spending so much time here I joined another forum and was actually shocked by the amount of profanity and personal attacks there were, and I am no stranger to profanity.I didn't think we had more mods, just a reallocating of the current mods to new mods.

Bullet Caster
11-15-2012, 08:29 PM
I very much enjoy this forum as I have more questions than answers. You mods are certainly doing a great job. I pretty much learned to stay out of the Political forums. The arguments seem quite heated at times. Opinions are like, well you know what they're like and everybody's got one. Lol. I usually try to get my mind in gear before my fingers on the keyboard. BC

11-15-2012, 09:03 PM
I guess the best compliment I can give is that I hardly know they exist. Except for the green banner below their name(handle).

11-15-2012, 11:27 PM
Thanks to the mods here for a great job well done.
I don`t post alot but i read alot here so thanks again.

11-16-2012, 12:29 AM
I'd be lost as Hogan's goat.

I guess that would be really lost cause I ain't never seen Hogan's goat... wouldn't know him if I saw him anyway...

11-16-2012, 02:14 AM
I read a lot, but post little on this forum. I thank all the modorators for the thankless job they do so well.

This site is a pleasure compared to some of the forums I have been reading. I was on a photography forum where some members would attack other members with the most vile obscenities because the member did not agree with their opinion's.

I think the moderators do a great job here and deserve the thanks of all.

11-16-2012, 04:21 AM
Ken asked me to come on board to replace a Mod from this end of the planet that was not able to visit the board so often. It is a time zone factor.

Just to help reiterate what has been said here, the moderators of this place do an amazing job at keeping this place civil and enjoyable for the masses. A job like this is almost 90% behind the scene of what everyone can really see so they really dont get the appreciation that they should.

We use the time shifting thing in my line of work: Folks in foriegn lands review electronic data for us during our night-their day time. Makes for more civil interactions and accurate work.

Thank you to all of the moderators here for your work.

11-16-2012, 08:49 AM
i guess that would be really lost cause i ain't never seen hogan's goat... wouldn't know him if i saw him anyway...


11-16-2012, 11:26 AM
Ken called me and asked if I would be willing to help him moderate the sight. I feel a deep sense of gratitude to any man who gives me something special (like the free use of Castboolits.com and comradeship with all you awesome fellers) without any strings attached, so I happily accepted the opportunity to give something back, and I was honored to do so. Besides, the main job of a moderator on castboolits is to keep spammers hopping, and help keep the place neat and orderly, like fishhawk deleting old S&S threads so that we don't have a backlog of stuff that already got sold.
Lots of little things that you never notice that keep the place nice. Pretty much making sure that post #24 does not ever happen here, and it would very quickly if we don't keep our finger on our number. The bigger we get, the bigger a target we are.
So far, when a spammer decides to try something here, usually they barely get signed in and they are already on the radar, and any post they make is like throwing a kitten into a pen full of hungry dobermans.
I'm glad to be a part of a really good team of fellers.

11-16-2012, 11:40 AM
In our society ( past and present ) when someone is " out of bounds with their behavior ", we look to someone with a badge.

This forum is no different........Some, on this forum, wonder " out of bounds " with their behavior. I'm VERY thankful for the people who wear a badge here.

We couldn't make it without them.

Thanks to all " MODS " for all your time and efforts expended to make our forum a better place.


11-16-2012, 11:55 AM
I'm glad to be a part of a really good team of fellers.

Yeah, you'll enjoy it. Best piece of advice I can give is to just be yourself when moderating, seek counsel when in doubt and know that whatever you do here as a mod, can be undone if it's wrong. [smilie=s:

11-16-2012, 11:56 AM
Oh gosh, if it weren't for the mods keeping people with behavior problems in line, I'da been gone years ago.

There's the pot callin' the kettle black. I've been 'called into the office' a coupla' times myself.

11-16-2012, 12:12 PM
I've been 'called into the office' a coupla' times myself.

Here or at home?? [smilie=s:

11-17-2012, 02:08 AM
I sure appreciate the civility on this site. I've sure seen places where folks are not so nice.

After spending so much time here I joined another forum and was actually shocked by the amount of profanity and personal attacks there were, and I am no stranger to profanity.
I've never understood what people think they are accomplishing when they let loose with vile verbal assaults, other than showing their own lack of self control. Have you ever heard of someone saying "Well gee whiz, when you put it that way, I can see that you are right and I am wrong!", after a round of insults and profanity?

Take a look at the comments on any political youtube video or news article. It's always just a bunch of back and forth hate-laced insults. Reminds me of little boys yelling at each other:
"You're stupid!"
"No, you're stupid!"
"Oh, yeah? You're a big dummy!"
"No, you are!"
I'm so glad we don't have that here! Thank you everyone, for having some grown-up self control.

And of course- Thanks moderators!

11-17-2012, 03:37 AM
There is a strange aspect of being on staff here. We give out a fair amount of warnings or infractions in a week. Most in the buy and sell area, with the PIT being a very close runner up.
Most who receive them are apologetic when caught in a flagrant violation of the rules. No response is the general response, which is just fine, We figure the message was received, and we all move forward from that point.
Then there are the maybe -5% that take great umbrage that they have been scolded for receiving a warning or infraction, and blow the warning WAY out of proportion. THAT draws extra attention. We review them much closer on past posts, and interactions with others.
A warning is just a warning, be they classed as a warning or infraction. Just take heed, mend your ways, and things are all hunky dorey from that point forward.
Regardless of how long you have been here, or how many posts you have, you are under the same examination by the staff as a newbie.
If anything, violations may be harsher for a long time member, as they certainly know what the rules are. We don't have many rules, but you dang sure need to observe the ones we have. They are in black and white, and that is how I enforce them, with very few grey areas.
There is no favoritism, or vendetta, to the best of our ability. We may not agree on our thoughts on various posts here, but that holds no determination as to what staff does as far as any actions towards a member.
A person kind of knows if they have gone a bit further than they should have. A good indication is to check your user CP. If you see more than one of the staff members have visited there, you then know we are reviewing your posts back as far as we can without getting burned out, to make any determinations about how we may deal with a problem.
Just some insight on what we do here.

11-17-2012, 04:37 AM
What some members here fail to realize is this forum is read by lots of NON-members from all over the world, and the Anti-gunners as well. We need to be an example of common sense and decency , and be friendly towards each other , all while being careful so what is said here cant be something used against us. Believe me it has happened at other forums and the quotes and usernames were compiled on an outside website.
Mods here would rather NOT have to ding anyone except to Hammer the Spammers when they show up. So if you follow the rules, and THINK before you post, we will be happy to do nothing !!!


11-17-2012, 04:56 AM
I'll just throw my THANK YOU to the Mods into the mix. This is a GREAT forum with a lot of fantastic people on here.
There is one short coming that I have became aware of however, I spend too much time here!

11-17-2012, 11:22 AM
To Ken and Mods here
thanks for this site it has lightened my wallet many times and will in the future, ha ha
I find this a very interesting place to get useful information and that is a real help at times
I also like how we can discuss firearm stuff and not be afraid to ask the silly question sometimes and not get flamed
Guys you do an outstanding job and for that I glad I found this site

11-26-2012, 12:28 PM
I'm new here but I'm also a senior member of a number of forums. I've never been cautioned or penalized in all the years that I've been posting. The reason is simple....... common courtesy. If someone rags on me or plays Key Board Commando, I turn the 'puter off and do something else for a while. My self respect does not center around people approving of my opinions. They may think whatever they like and it matters not.

Sometimes my language goes south but I have a personal rule that keeps me out of trouble.
Damx IT may squeak by.
Damx YOU is not OK and won't fly.

It works for me!

I appreciate the chance to be here and it's a pleasure to chat about reloading and casting- subjects that have been lifelong interests for me. Thanks for your efforts as Mods and thanks for allowing me to participate! Other forums may have a small section about casting or reloading but this place is a real treasure trove! I'm not sucking up. I REALLY appreciate being here.
