View Full Version : Hensel Bullet Moulds

11-14-2012, 11:26 PM
Some very interesting bullet moulds such as 16 Gauge slugs, and tons of black powder moulds.

Click on "online shop" then the side bar marked GieBkokillen for moulds.


I wonder how the Euro is exchanging on the dollar these days?

Beau Cassidy
11-15-2012, 09:49 PM
1 Euro equals 1.277 Dollars. Guess you better add a little over 25% to anything if you buy. It makes things expensive for us but cheap for them. That happens when the value of the 'ol greenback is devalued.

11-16-2012, 07:20 AM
Mr. Hensel is currently producing for me a .44 Himmelwrighter bullet mould. The took the challange were no American mould maker was able or willing to help me. Thanks to the forum here I received the Cherry Drawing and the mould is on it's way next week. Can't wait, this guy is realy good.


11-16-2012, 04:21 PM
150 euro's for a single cavity h.p.? I will stick to Mihec, N.O.E., Accurate, Mountain Molds,....

11-16-2012, 05:35 PM
Quasi, the same goes for this side of the pond. It does not matter where I buy/order an American made mould, by the time when it's at my front door it has become about 3 times more expensive. Recently I ordered a $80.-- Lyman mould and at the end it cost me $230.00!!!!! (that's 180.00 Euro's). These days ordering parts from the USA has become an expensive hobby and more and more companies refuse to ship overseas (including many US mould manufactures). And if the US government demands an "export licence" you can add an additional $80 to $120. It's not that funny anymore to import/export some items these days.


11-16-2012, 08:34 PM
Looks like a good resource for hollow base molds especially in the larger calibers. Even with currency exchange and international shipping you could still end up ahead of some of the other resources for hollow base molds that are state side. Custom hollow base molds are some of the hardest to find someone willing to make for a reasonable price at a high quality standard.

11-19-2012, 01:07 PM
Is there an option on that site for english?

11-21-2012, 01:51 PM
Nope only I in German, See here a fine example of Mr. Hensel his work