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11-12-2012, 02:42 PM
I am asking for prayer for one of the boys I mentor, Zack, who just turned 11. For over a year, Zack's asthma has been getting progressively worse and has required increasing usage of rescue inhalers to keep him breathing normally.

In fact, just the other day, when I took him squirrel hunting, he required several rests in the approx. half mile hike into the hunting area.

I just got a call from Zack's mom a few minutes ago, and she tearfully informed me that she had been notified by the hospital (the dr. had finally requested a chest X-ray) that Zack had a large tumor on his lung(s). She was pretty upset and had not yet met with the dr. or seen the X-ray so doesn't know whether it involves one or both lungs, and she was told to have Zack at the local hospital early tomorrow morning for a pulmonary function test, the results of which will determine whether to do emergency surgery or whether they can wait till next Wednesday, the next date scheduled surgery at the (large city teaching hospital in Pa.) is avail. If he does not do well on the pulmonary function test, they will take him directly to the teaching hospital for surgery

In my mind, the fact that the doctors are not wanting to do the surgery here locally does not bode well for him.

Doctors are usually unwilling to say that something is beyond their skills.

So, tomorrow, although I had planned to travel back to NJ to help out with my daughter, my plans are changed.

In a few minutes I will go to be with Zack's mom and dad and pray with them, then wait till the little man gets home from school and tell him what is going on.

Tomorrow I will accompany them to the hospital and await the results of Zack's test, then, if necessary, drive them the two and a half hours to the hospital for surgery.

Prayers for my little one are humbly requested.

I will be sharing with them this bible verse, which came to me after getting off the phone with Zack's mom.

" For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11)


Bullet Caster
11-12-2012, 04:49 PM
Vern, prayers are given to the Father for Zack's lung condition. Remember to tell Zack that we are praying for him here in eastern TN. May God grant the positive outcome of the tests. My heartfelt sympathy goes out to you, Zack and his family. BC

11-12-2012, 06:15 PM
prayers sent...

gray wolf
11-12-2012, 07:03 PM
Vern, Prayers for Zack asking for a full recovery, also prayers for you for a safe ride if you have to travel. I hope all will be well for your/our friend.
God speed


41 mag fan
11-12-2012, 07:07 PM
Prayers all around. Just not fair kids endure what adults only should endure.
I pray for everything to be ok.

11-12-2012, 10:12 PM
Just got home from Zack's house. As usual, some of the initial details were miscommunicated, most particularly the age of the Xrays showing the mass.

The way it went down was that because of Zack's deterioriating asthma condition, the family physician referred Zack to a pulminary specialist at Children's hospital.

He sent copies of all the records to the specialist, who, when he went over them looked at a chest Xray taken ONE YEAR AGO, which clearly showed a mass on one of Zack's lungs. This was either missed by the person reading the Xray or possibly the Xray was never read, but just placed in the file by a clerical person. The specialist stated to Zack's mom that he didn't see how anybody could miss this if the xray was read.

So, where we are now is tomorrow, first thing in the morning, Zack goes to the local hospital and gets new xrays and a pulminary function test. Depending on the results of these two tests, Zack will either be heading immediately to Children's hospital (2 1/2 hours away) for emergency surgery that day or, if the xrays indicate it can wait for the next scheduled O.R. availability, that has already been reserved for Zack and surgery will happen the day before Thanksgiving.

I will meet Zack and his parents at the hospital in the morning and await the outcome with them.

For now, Zack only knows that he has to go to the local hospital to have some testing for his asthma. His mom was so upset when I arrived that she was in her bedroom crying.

When I first arrived at Zack's house, I was out on the front lawn talking to Zack's dad and one of the neighbors came running over hysterically shouting that their little boy had taken a dive off the top bunkbed and split his head open and there was blood everywhere. She begged Zack's dad to come and help, so I ran over with him.

When we arrived next door, the little boy (about three years old) came staggering out on the porch and, there was indeed, blood everywhere. Blood running down his face, matting his hair, all over his shirt, legs feet, it was everywhere. And the little tykes mom was uselessly wailing in the doorway. I grabbed him up, sat down on the step with him and told the woman to go into the house and grab a clean towel. I used the towel to apply pressure to the scalp wound and then told her to go back inside and get another towel and wet it. I had Zack's dad hold the pressure with the first towel while I gently wiped the boys face, all the while telling him in a soothing voice that everything was going to be o.k. Got most of the blood wiped from his face, legs and feet and in a few minutes the flow slowed from the pressure and we were able to get a smaller, damp handcloth instead of the large bathtowel to keep on the wound. I informed the mother that someone needed to take the boy to the hospital for stiches and Zack's mother, who came out to see what the commotion was about, took them to the hospital.

When Zack's mom left, I suggested to Zack's dad that I take him out for dinner so that he would not be home when his mom returned and perhaps catch on that something serious was amiss due to his mom's upset.

So I took him away and kept him out for about three hours (drove to McDonalds and let him play on the indoor playground, then ate there) and came back and watched him play a video game for awhile. Mom seemed to be more in control, so left at about 7:30 p.m.

Thanks all for the prayer support and will keep you updated when I know more tomorrow.

It's been a crazy day.

11-13-2012, 12:09 AM
Not sure what to say other than you, Zack and his family will be in my thoughts and prayers.

I ve been through a few tough times in my life and trust in God has always gotten me through. He will get you through also.

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11-13-2012, 01:27 AM
You are a true protector of children. All you do and the respect you have for others is humbling. My prayers are sent for this young man. And to your family in yall's time of need. Bless you. Bless all of you.

11-13-2012, 02:48 AM
Prayers sent to all involved, may God Bless. <><

11-13-2012, 09:13 AM
It's been a crazy day.

Hang tough Vern. Hang tough.

11-13-2012, 11:05 AM
Prayers sent to the little guy.

Wayne Smith
11-13-2012, 01:12 PM
It was NOT coincidence that the little boy took a header at that time. Took Zack's mom's attention off her issues and his problems and gave her something outside of herself to do. The boy will be fine and probably not even remember it. God is involved, He cares, and will take care of Zack and his family. Continuing to pray anyway.

11-13-2012, 01:25 PM
I'm Prayin' for Zack, And Olivern you're good man. Stay golden.

smoked turkey
11-13-2012, 01:39 PM
My heart and prayers goes out to children in situations like this. If my heart does, I know that God feels even more so. Jesus said "let the little children come to me", so as a member of the Godhead we know that He also feels that way. I pray that God will continue to watch out for little Zack. It sounds like He has been since there was a mix up on the first x-ray. Olivern you are a Godsend to Zack and his parents for this time. Thank you for being there for them. God will give you wisdom to help them through this very tough time.

scarry scarney
11-13-2012, 01:43 PM
This just so wrong. It brings tears to my eyes. I just finished a 18 month battle with Cancer. But I'm 57 years old, I've had a good life (don't get me wrong, I'm not ready to go yet), but it's ok for me to have Cancer, it's just not right for our children to suffer. I'll happily trade places with Zack. Prayers sent.

Dean D.
11-13-2012, 01:48 PM
I'll keep Zack and his family in my thoughts and prayers.

11-13-2012, 02:49 PM
Prayers for Zack sent. Momma allways told me God looks out for children and fools....I hope so.

Cancer sucks... just how much money has to be spent before a cure is found.

11-13-2012, 04:01 PM
Prayers sent, You sir remind me of a story of the good Samaritan, God will take care of the child but he is working through you. Keep it up I am proud to even be able to be on the same board with you.

11-13-2012, 04:20 PM
Prayers have been lifted up. I also thanked God for you, Vern being there for Zack. I believe He is indeed using you. Jeremiah had it right. God has plans for each of us and we just need to be still and listen to His words. Bless you and Zack and his family.


11-13-2012, 05:19 PM
Just back from spending most of the day with Zack and family. Feeling a little shaky (blood sugar low) so had to get something to eat before doing anything else.

It's been another long day.

Met Zack and his folks at the hosptial early this morning. Battery of tests (none invasive this morning) and mom had the results sent directly to Children's hospital. She and her husband no longer trust the local docs and I can't say I blame them.

The local pulminary specialist noted that Zack is breathing (his pulmonary function) is right on the line between "yellow" and "red"...on red Zack needs to be brought directly to the hospital for admission. And this about twenty minutes after a treatment (albuteral nebulizer).

They left us with a pulminary function tester and told us to test him frequently, especially if he seemed to be struggling to breathe.

Zack's mom talked with the doctors at Children's hospital about two hours after they had been emailed the test results.

They informed Zack's mom that Zack is basically getting no use of both lower lobes of his lungs due to the growth now surrounding the bottom of his lungs which has kept his lower lobes from growing over the last year or so with his body and is now restricting his lower lobes from expanding and helping him breathe.

The plan is to keep him resting (no excerise or strenuous activity at all) until the day before Thanksgiving, when he will be admitted to Children's hospital and receive an MRI with dye.

After spending that night in the hospital, Zack will go to the O.R. and be put under for a biopsy of the growth (tumor). This on Thanksgiving.

Then, with more information, the team of doctors will lay out a plan of action, most assuredly to include surgery.

I struggled with going home to my family in NJ for Thanksgiving, but Zack insisted that I go and spend Thanksgiving with my family. He told me that "It's just testing on Thanksgiving, but can you come and be with me on the day after?" So that is what I am going to do. I will go home to be with my daughter and family for Thanksgiving, but will go on the day after to stay with Zack for the duration of his stay in the hospital.

Zack said he wanted me to be with him if he had to have surgery and I will be. I'm an old pro now at camping out in hospitals.

Before I went home today I went out and purchased a new Playstation 3 for Zack so that he will have something sedentary to do while he awaits the outcome of this. His old game platform was several generations old and the games have been played so much that they were no longer a challenge or held his interest.

I was planning on getting this for him for Christmas anyway, so will have to figure out something else for Christmas.

Well, that's where we are at the moment. I will keep you guys informed as I get new information.

I greatly appreciate the prayer support as does Zack and his family. Keep praying...it ain't over by a long shot...but God loves His little ones and is the Great Physician.

11-13-2012, 05:27 PM
More prayers sent for Zach .

Prayers sent for you...you are a good man.

11-13-2012, 05:59 PM
Prayers sent!

11-14-2012, 03:01 PM
As a parent, this is one of my biggest fears. It tears me up to hear this kind of stuff. Please let the parents know that there are many folks out here praying for them and truly feeling their pain.

Best wishes. Thank you for being such a good friend for that family.

11-14-2012, 03:05 PM
He will be lifted up. I have Jer 29:11 on the wall next to my loading bench. It keeps me together.

Smitty's Retired
11-14-2012, 03:59 PM
Olevern, God has a plan for this young man. May God bless you for your dedication and friendship with this family. Prayers will be daily for this young man.

gray wolf
11-14-2012, 05:23 PM
Vern, more prayers for the little guy--and for you and all the family.


11-14-2012, 08:34 PM
Prayers here, I can't even begin to fathom what this happening to my child would be like, I sure hope the parents are OK in addition to Zack.

Uncle R.
11-14-2012, 08:44 PM
What terrible heartbreak.
Prayers sent.
Vern - consider that perhaps the Almighty put you there in answer to some prayers - now at a time when Zack and his family need someone strong to lean on. Be strong for them - do what you can to help and encourage them. If God loves little children (I believe it!) then that love must extend to those who help children too.
Prayers for you again.
Uncle R.

11-14-2012, 08:56 PM
My prayers are with all of you. The shortest verse in the Bible, "Jesus wept" shows that he was human, like us, and understood suffering. God is with you.

11-15-2012, 12:44 AM
Prayers sent to all of you. Keep us posted on Zach's condition. Frank

11-15-2012, 02:41 AM
Put your faith in God and your greenbacks in the hands of the skilled professionals at Children's Hospital.

My son went through a very similar situation a year and a half ago. Of all the hospitals in the world, we went to Childrens. FWIW, We chose Childrens over Harvard Medical School.

2 things:
skip the local docs. They may be skilled and well meaning. They aren't as well equipped or as cutting edge as research hospitals like the UPMC network in Pittsburgh. It's not a knock on them, but the very best ENT doc here in Rochester (with 2 teaching hospitals) does surgery on 3-4 JNAs a year. The specialist in Pittsburgh that pioneered the JNA technique for my son does about 300 a year. We do all his follow ups in Pitt because we want the benefit of the experience in every doc from the surgeon and neurologist to the doc reading films. Everyone from the ground up at Childrens will be more skilled and experienced, trust me.

Cancer is treatable. Remember that medical science and cancer treatment is literally light years ahead of where it was during the Reagan administration. While a mass doesn't mean cancer, that's everyone's worst fear. Cancer is treatable. Repeat after me, cancer is treatable.

We will pray for Zack. My whole family will pray for him.
I donate to 3 charities every year. AER, Salvation Army and Childrens Hospital. Childrens is doing God's work, and doing it well.

BTW, walking the halls of Children's hospital is humbling and not recommended for the faint of heart. My son had a brain tumor removed and I was thanking God everyday because there was plenty of proof before me that things could be much much worse. Count your blessings and hug your kids.