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06-13-2007, 06:11 AM
At our local gun club meeting Monday night, it was announced that there was a position to be filled for rimfire benchrest match director. I volunteered to fill the position and the club prez accepted me.
The match is held the fourth Sunday of each month, so I'll start then. The prez is gonna walk me through all the particulars next match then hand me the keys. I'm kinda lookin forward to getting involved in the club at this level.

06-13-2007, 07:55 AM
Its not easy to find match directors some times. Congratulations and good luck.

06-13-2007, 09:30 AM
Cherokee is right, it is difficult to find people to run things. And for those people who step up it becomes a difficult situation. You should not forget that this should be enjoyable, take the knotheads with a grain of salt and run atight ship safety wise and by all means get on the line and shoot with them.

06-13-2007, 11:10 AM
Congratulations on stepping forward.

Take what manleyjt wrote to heart.

06-13-2007, 06:45 PM
I had, at first, thought that I wouldn't compete because some of those guys can produce dime size groups at 100 yds. But then I thought I would just to make them work for it. Besides, it's a sin to go to the range and not shoot something, ain't it?:-D

06-13-2007, 08:32 PM
Consider yourself part of a small group....not many club members are willing to step up to the plate and run an organized shoot. From running BR-50 shoots to 3-D archery shoots at our small club (and I don`t shoot archery!), to being team captain for our Bullseye team, I have been rewarded by the experiences. Mostly good. Promoting your club and fostering it`s activities is a noble thing. Good on ya, as it is often said.

06-13-2007, 09:51 PM
Jim , glad to here you steped up

Hope you the best
Hope your club lets you run it as you see fit

Keep the funds you need to replace targets
Don't turn it in
Set it up so you can get the targets , with out waiting on the club for $$

I ran our clubs trap shoot for close to 15 years
Got nothing except greef
Oh I did give my self a free round of trap now and then

I made the mistake of turning in all the $$
When I needed $$ for a truck load of targets , they had spent it all
So I kept out enough to buy targets , then I was acused of scimming
I proved where every cent went

A few members thought I was running it wrong .
I told them if they thought they could do it

We no longer have trap shoots

All while I was a trustee

Have fun


06-14-2007, 06:14 AM
Having spent 3 yrs. in Army ROTC and 32 yrs. in the construction industry, I'm, very familiar with the chain of command. I have the Chief Range Officer and the club prez behind me. If I get any static, I'll turn the matter over to those two gentlemen and let them deal with it. I don't mean this to sound the way it does but I'm the match director and the participants aren't. If they don't like it, they can appeal.

06-14-2007, 05:33 PM

You should shoot no matter how you think they might perform. Getting to stand on the line and fire your shots will make the static you will have to take much easier. And I will bet that you have far less trouble when you stand on the line next to them. Then there is no whining about the wind or what ever els ethey come up with, you will have experienced it too. And remember have fun.