View Full Version : Need opinions

11-04-2012, 07:49 PM
I would like some feedback on a delima. I have a 1954 win 94 in .32 special. Its in about 75-80% condition. A nice little rifle. I brought it to a gunsmith for a weaver side mount installed and he said that i was foolish to drill into it. the only problem is i can't see the iron sight to shoot it. Now, i dont need to shoot it as i have other calibers to shoot (these have optics) but it would like to shoot this one again. should i have a side mount installed and decrease the value or should i closet queen it? Also, what is the value of this .32 special and what would the decrease in value be?

11-04-2012, 08:03 PM
To me a gun I can't shoot is worthless. If I wanted to use the rifle I would get it D&T'd. I ran into that with a 1911 .45 that I own. The gun was made in 1918 but had been accurized by the AMU years ago and is my Bullseye "Wad " gun. When I could no longer see the sights well I took it to a fellow to have it D&T'd for a Red Dot mount and he repeatedly asked me did I really want to do it. I still enjoy shooting it (with the Dot) and like the idea of being able to use something made that long ago. It is interesting for me to wonder where the gun has been and think about the fellows who may have used it in the past. With a little bit of luck I may be able to celebrate it's 100th birthday!

11-04-2012, 08:04 PM
It's your rifle, go with you needs. If you want to shoot it and have problems with open sight (I do too), drill and tap it for side mounts. Just remember, if you ever decide to sell it you have cost yourself maybe $100.00 in value. I myself have no use for rifles that are not to be shot and enjoyed. I'll find other ways to build my "portfolio". james

Leslie Sapp
11-04-2012, 08:10 PM
Have you tried a peep sight? It's not quite the same as a scope, but will probably keep you within the rifles capabilities, anyway.

Jon K
11-04-2012, 09:37 PM
+1 to peep sight.

I would put a tang sight on it...also an adjustable aperture.
Works wonders for old tired eyes.


11-04-2012, 09:40 PM
+1 on the receiver sight. The rifle is drilled and tapped for a receiver sight. I have them on several Winchester and Marlin lever guns that predate common scope mounting and use. I wear trifocals and they work well for me. Two of them are 32 W.S., a Marlin and a Winchester. The sights don't have to be fancy, a Williams 5D will serve well.

11-04-2012, 09:43 PM
+1 again on Peep sight even with aging eyes a peep will work wonders

11-04-2012, 09:46 PM
With the "peep" site, you can get a tang mounted site that uses existing holes.

Williams and Marbles would be two possible sources.

11-04-2012, 10:03 PM
A lot of people take the attitude that if they cannot shoot it, they won't own it. Have fallen into that myself on occasion.
One very serious thing we must all keep in mind is that we are not the "owners " of these guns but the temporary custodians of them. With proper care any of them will outlast the longest living of any of us.
How do you want to pass them on and believe me if you do not pass them on your heirs will.
Life is real, face it.
A lot of us are old enough now that a lot of guns that we considered as just regular guns with little thought as to any value other than a shooting value are actually now a collectable grade gun. Never and I do mean never will they ever be made again at least in the good ol USA.
What do you do ? Take a collectable grade rifle that is basically untouched. drill and tap it or what ever but change it from the way it was made forever or can you take that same rifle, trade or sell it to someone who appreciates it for what it is and go ahead and buy something that will meet your requirements ?
Each will have to answer that on their own but trust me, as I get older and nearer the end I fully realize I owe something to those coming up.
We cannot control the future. We cannot control what will happen in the future but we do have the ability to control that which is within our grasp and in this case it might be the rifle that we have the decision to drill and tap or not.
The ball is in your court.


11-04-2012, 10:36 PM
I too have trouble with open sights. One of my mausers has a peep and a fiber optic front.
I could shoot this pretty good without my glasses but had a little trouble with them on.
One day while setting in my stand I unscrewed the aperture and looked thru it. Wow this is now the way I carry it when hunting.

I highly recommend the fiber optic front and ghost ring aperture for aging eyes!

11-05-2012, 12:07 AM
This is one of the reasons I have never given the thought to pay a dime more for an original untouched rifle.
The rifles I own, have owned and hopefully will own are shooters period.
I am getting in the same boat as you are, and am going to try peeps first, as I don't care for scopes on my marlins or winchesters, My savage is a different story, it sported a scope when I got it 30 some odd years ago and still does.

11-05-2012, 12:26 AM
I have two types of Winchester rifles; receiver sight or safe queen/fun guns. If they were D&T'd for tang sights I'd use them. I won't mount a scope on a top-eject 94, have seen more than a few and they are butt-ugly (IMHO) and seldom work well.
My .32 is currently equipped w/ receiver sights. If I decide to sell her I'll re-install the factory rear sight and remove the receiver sights and we'll all be happy.

11-05-2012, 02:14 AM
i usually look for guns that have been d/t like this, i save myself 100.00-200.00 or more on them.
that's how i got my win model 95 in 30-40 for $300.00.
and my model 92 carbine in 25-20 for 250.00,sadly the untouched rifle version cost me $900.00
but hey,, they can't all have holes in them.

11-05-2012, 02:34 AM
Drilling and tapping guns that weren't done at the factory has devalued more guns like Savage 99's, 03 Springfield's, early Model 70's than you can Imagine. Making any Valuable gun worth 50% less just to have a shooter isn't something I would do in today's market where we see prices skyrocketing for Originals that are untouched. Especially now ,with original Winchesters and Marlins due to the original companies being sold. Buy a different shooter I say !!!

I bought a Rare Irwin Pedersen .30 Carbine for $325.00 because it had been drilled and tapped and the rear sight dovetail had been machined out for some reason.
If it had been untouched , it would be worth $2000.00 to $2500.00 +... I bought it to show people this very thing about a de-valued gun.
