View Full Version : How do I get a 223 cartridfge outta my die

11-03-2012, 08:52 PM
Somehow my son got a steel case 223 stuck in my die. I ripped the rim off trying to get it out? Any suggestions? tricks? is it illegal to beat a 9 year old for this??? :groner:

11-03-2012, 08:56 PM
There are several ways to remove a stuck case... I freeze the die solid and try to thread a screw lightly into the case and pull it out. A broken case extractor works too if you can remove the stem from the die.


11-03-2012, 08:58 PM
9 years old, If that is the worst thing he ever does you will be a happy man. We have all stuck a case at some point and if not you will. Learning experience for both of you. Do you have a stuck case remover? If not raise the decap rod and drill and tap the case for a 1/4x20
Use a small socket put the 1/4x20 bolt thru the socket tighten pull the case.

11-03-2012, 09:48 PM
Hmm. drill and tap. Good idea. I will try that tomorrow. Thanks

11-04-2012, 07:57 AM
When I was 8 years old, I remember punching wad out of felt and other stuff for my uncles 8 and 10 gauge shotguns. Those were great summers. I remember battery cups and primers, etc. Alcan powders, etc.

My daughter was very helpful in helping me seat .17 caliber bullets. She would tell me not to pinch her fingers. I never did. Still makes me smile when seating sub calibers. Now grand babies to teach.

Beatings mean horseplay at home. I yell time for beatings and kids come running! They wear you out.

Back on topic, if you feel uncomfortable removing a stuck case, send it to the die manufacturer and they will remove it and send it back. They will also check out the die and replace if necessary.

Take care


11-04-2012, 10:31 AM
Depends on the die. On some cutting, drilling would be a waist of time.

On Dillon dies you remove the clip and turn the hex head down forcing the case out and back up then return the clip.

On Lee dies you remove the decapping pin collet and drive the case out with it using a brass hammer.

And he was just trying to help. Just like I did when I was a kid. Spent many hours watching my Grandfather clear brush on the tractor, so he didn't go ballistic when I "helped" him out one day by pulling his peach tree saplings out of his garden with my pedal tractor. You should be flattered he wants to be like dad.

I'll Make Mine
11-04-2012, 04:14 PM
Freezer isn't going to help with a steel case; the die and case will shrink at the same rate with temperature, and the case (at least) will get brittle. If there's enough head left, the decapping punch method is probably best, though I'd spray some penetrating oil in from the top and let it stand for an hour or two before trying (and use a soft mallet on the punch, so you don't deform the top end). Drilling the head and tapping for a screw works best if you can get the screw to actually grip in the case walls, not just the head; for .223 you'd want a screw of about 5/16 or 8 mm nominal diameter -- but then you have to be sure you don't cut through into the die.

As a follow up, no matter how you come out with the die, it's clearly time to show the boy where the case lube pad is and how to use it...

11-04-2012, 04:38 PM
Freezing does help because if it shrinks the die and the case, the case will stay smaller because of being thinner,even mild steel cases shrink more than the High carbon steel die will,so it also helps to relieve tension of the "morse taper" effect of the case in the die. I NEVER screw into the case body on a stuck rifle case, because that can make it force the case tighter into the wall. You screw into the case neck and mouth area to get a grip to pull the case loose from the tapered surface area.
I have done this to dozens of dies for reloaders over the years just like removing separated cases from rifle chambers when I didnt have a broken case extractor for that caliber.


11-04-2012, 06:16 PM
"is it illegal to beat a 9 year old for this??? "

"Liberals" have pretty much made any kind of effective parental disciple illegal. But, on the other hand, the same liberals probably would approve taking your 9 year old to Planned Parenthood to be murdered by gov. sanctioned killers, and all done at tax payer expense.

Note that teenagers can't take an asprin or Midol at a 'zero drug tolerance" school but school officials will happily transport pregnant kids to abortionists and help hide it from the kid's parents. Ditto they'll do union sanctioned cover-ups when teachers have sex in their classrooms with kids.

11-06-2012, 09:38 AM
"is it illegal to beat a 9 year old for this??? "

Note that teenagers can't take an asprin or Midol at a 'zero drug tolerance" school

I know where you going with this but these two drugs are bad examples. There is a link between Reyes syndrome and aspirin with flu-like symptoms. Midol contains acetaminophen. 500 mg per tablet. 4,000 mg per day was the old standard as now 3,000 mg per day is recommended. It is very hard on the liver and can be fatal. FDA is recommending to drug manufacturers to reduce the amount to 325 mg per tab or less. Acetaminophen is found in many over-the-counter drugs. So if a young lady has cramps, allergies kick in, and she has a headache, she could very well be toxic within 24 hours if she treated all three conditions with medications containing acetaminophen.

Back on topic have you got the stuck case out?

Take care


11-06-2012, 10:41 AM
I hope you get the case out. I had one get stuck in a LEE die and sent the die back. It seems that it was the die's fault and LEE sent me a new die. Proper lube will always work. As for the 9 year old, beatings don't work. Just some quiet understanding.

11-06-2012, 07:57 PM
homemade stuck case remover; tap drill for 1/4 20; 1/4 -20 tap; one 1/4 -20 bolt and nut ; socket and washer;
drill and tap the stuck case thread the nut on the bolt put washer on the bolt slid the bolt thru the small socket, screw the bolt into the case , hold bolt while turning the nut down on the washer this has removed every one i've had and a few for buds.

11-06-2012, 08:09 PM
+1 torpedoman.

I went near 40 years with only a couple of stuck cases, the I started loading .223's and learned the true meaning of stuck cases, usually the rim tears off.

On that ine, does anyone know what was in the old RCBS case lube, the super sticky stuff in a squeeze tube, smelled a lot like resin?

John Guedry
11-08-2012, 09:41 PM
.223 seems to be everyones pet caliber to get stuck. Looking back it's the only one I've stuck (so far) in ~16 years. But they do stick pretty regular. Even w/Imperial.

11-08-2012, 09:46 PM
Take a look here:


These work very well.


11-09-2012, 12:09 AM
I use lanolin and alcohol. 1 oz of lanolin to 8 oz of alcohol. Way cheaper than dillons case lube and works just as well.

MT Chambers
11-09-2012, 04:38 PM
Don't even bring those cases home, problem solved.

11-09-2012, 05:15 PM
If your die is a Lee, you loosen the top that holds the decapping pin and drive the case out using a punch. Works nicely.

11-10-2012, 04:29 PM

These work very well.

Yup, my RCBS version does. Not that I need it that often... [smilie=1:

I love it how your search for "stuck case" brings up small base dies. Must be mentioned in their Product Reviews.

EDIT: "stuck case" is in all the product descriptions... and most of the RCBS AR series reviews. :-o


11-16-2012, 04:22 AM
I agree with the removal of the decap rod collet, and a tap with a soft hammer. Once it is out use a pipe cutter or dremel to cut the case in half to get it off the rod. Don't try to pull it out because the expander ball will be a bitch to pull through. Oh, this is for the Lee dies I don't know if this will work with other brands of dies. The one shot seems to work well for lube. The ones I stuck were the ones I tried furniture polish with.

11-19-2012, 11:19 PM
Funny you mention a stuck case. I stuck a .223 case just this past week, first one in probably 20 years.

Anyway, I didn't have a stuck case remover, so I dropped some penetrating oil around the case, allowed it to sit over the weekend, then put it back in a Rockchucker, and tapped it with a BFH and steel rod. Popped the case right out.

01-11-2013, 04:57 PM
Take a look here:


These work very well.

I've only stuck a couple of cases but a stuck case remover does remove stuck cases.
Well worth having.[smilie=1:

01-11-2013, 08:39 PM
torpedoman has it.


01-11-2013, 08:51 PM
Ditto they'll do union sanctioned cover-ups when teachers have sex in their classrooms with kids.

As a teacher, I'll take issue with this one little comment. In my 21-year career, I've never known any educator to cover up for another where sex with students is concerned. It's not tolerated. I usually never agree with most educators' liberal views, but in this I do.

01-11-2013, 09:20 PM
"is it illegal to beat a 9 year old for this??? "

"Liberals" have pretty much made any kind of effective parental disciple illegal. But, on the other hand, the same liberals probably would approve taking your 9 year old to Planned Parenthood to be murdered by gov. sanctioned killers, and all done at tax payer expense.

Note that teenagers can't take an asprin or Midol at a 'zero drug tolerance" school but school officials will happily transport pregnant kids to abortionists and help hide it from the kid's parents. Ditto they'll do union sanctioned cover-ups when teachers have sex in their classrooms with kids.

Rspectfully as an educator I too take offense to this. Let's not lump all educators as liberals. In my 13 years of experience I too have never seen an educator cover for another in that respect. In Ga we don't have unions so that is false as well. Further yes unfortunatley it does happen from time to time. It is not tolerated where I teach and would be the easiest way to lose your job. Criminals exist in all walks of life. Your statement is the equivalent of saying all gun owners are murderers. Clearly none of us would agree with that statement. JMHO

01-11-2013, 09:22 PM
Penetrating oil frozen and tap it out like the others suggested. I have only stuck one and it was a 22-250. Worked for me too.

01-12-2013, 10:45 AM
I was loading 223 with Lee dies and ripped the rim off. I had a few pieces in row with not much lube. if you search for it on you tube there is a video by Lee that shows you how to do it. I didn't catch what brand you were using so I hope this helps.

01-12-2013, 11:23 AM
How old are your Lee dies with a ball expander? Mine look like these, rifle on the left.


01-12-2013, 03:04 PM
I don't know what else I could add to this with the exception of perhaps trying a little Kroil between the case and die. In the past, I've had luck grabbing a die firmly in a vise, then using vise grip pliers locked on the case, hit the pliers with a padded hammer to help extract it. I've not shot any steel cased ammunition, however, so I don't know if it would help or not.

01-12-2013, 05:58 PM
I've not shot any steel cased ammunition, however, so I don't know if it would help or not.

I might have missed something but don't reload steel cases