View Full Version : manual boolit feed i bought

11-03-2012, 06:50 PM
My visual and test set up! I sent RCBS and Hornaday bullet drop dies back to midway.

this was 95$, and i think well worth it, because its like rolls royce quality. mrbulletfeed.com

Just bought bottom drop die assembly only, and i manually feed it.


11-04-2012, 10:49 AM
Very nice.

You must be a single guy, or you have the greatest wife in the world! There is NO WAY my wife would let me reload on the kitchen counters!!!:-P

11-04-2012, 11:13 AM
Looks like a quality piece of equipment, I can't believe we have have not seen it before!

11-04-2012, 03:27 PM
It is the best what you can get and the most important thing is that it is fully functional out of the box.

11-04-2012, 04:01 PM
GSI makes the best one I have ever used but I use KISS units for rifle.

I have to ask, what is the point of having one on a single stage? Seems like you would have one less operation without it. Not to mention, what expander are you using?

Circuit Rider
11-04-2012, 09:14 PM
Where can I find a site for the KISS bullet feeder? Thanks, CR

A pause for the COZ
11-05-2012, 11:37 AM
That seems like a very good design. if it works real well with cast bullets it would be well worth the $99
What is the ID of the drop tube? It looks like using ball bearings to effect holding the upper bullets that it would be able to have a little more tolerance for bullet diameter.

I have used the RCBS die and it is a *** for cast bullets.
I currently use the Hornady dies and they do work well. But the tolerance of that working is small. They get gummed up with lube pretty easy.

Hmmm interesting.

11-06-2012, 10:24 AM
KISS was the name of the feeder before the two guys split up and the fellow renamed it to Mr.Bulletfeeder. Up until recently they were made in the USA and the only difference was the sticker.

The new units are made across the pond by Double Alpha. They are off the same patent but are made different to lower costs/improve profit.

Circuit Rider
11-06-2012, 02:09 PM
Thanks John, CR

11-06-2012, 03:35 PM
mrbulletfeed.biz This is where i bought mine with phone call to rick personally. He had to get euro company to build units to keep up with demand! Kiss in the beginning. He will talk to ya and great on email too. I like it! Its bullet proof.

11-06-2012, 05:30 PM
What is the little box in the picture? Does it automatically drop the bullet or do you have to do something manually?

11-06-2012, 06:47 PM
it is an automatic bullet feed. Once adjusted properly when a case is lifted to the top of the stroke a single bullet is tamped into the mouth by gravity and the weight of the stack of bullets.

click this photo to see what it looks like at speed.
http://i121.photobucket.com/albums/o213/jmorrismetal/th_1050.jpg (http://s121.photobucket.com/albums/o213/jmorrismetal/?action=view&current=1050.mp4)

The only thumbs down with the feeders like the RCBS, Hornady, KISS/mr.bullet feeder, it that they take the place of a powder check die if you want to seat and crimp in two steps. The only feeder that lets you have everything is the GSI but they only make them for the 650 and 1050.

11-06-2012, 06:54 PM
jmorris thanks for the video. I sent an email to Rick to see if I could purchase the bottom drop die assembly. It hopefully will work with cast bullets also.

11-06-2012, 07:18 PM
I would think they still do as that's all Gunoil bought. $95 is also cheaper than they were before. IIRC they say cast have problems and I only run jwords in mine, I use cast in the GSI's though.

11-10-2012, 07:23 AM
I emailed Rick and received a prompt response with detailed information and a nice video. I called him after that and purchased the dropper assembly. I found him to be extremely polite and interested in making sure I was getting everything I would need to make everything work. We talked the bullet feeder/collator and after viewing his video I will certainly purchase his product. It is refreshing to deal with a person interested in making sure they take care of you. I have nothing but praise for him and his company and I suggest that you contact him first before possibly purchasing something inferior.

I will note that the video shows the new machine that will feed bullets to a sizer and also can be set up to feed bullets to a reloading press. I can hardly wait for this product to come to the market.

11-15-2012, 07:14 PM

May I ask where you got your plastic tube that your using for a magazine?

Received my bullet dropper today. Its so simple to use and adjust. I had it working in less than a minute.

11-15-2012, 07:37 PM
I used the Lee multi tube adapter for their bullet feeder for a month or so before I built a collator.

Still have to handle each and every bullet but at least you can load up 100 or so at a time. It also is under $20 from the larger online stores.


11-15-2012, 08:00 PM
Shop videos

Less than a month, a newbie LLM.

Notice mrbulletfeed.biz I like it. Speeds up time!

11-16-2012, 10:48 AM
The bullet multi tube from Lee is pretty much (if not exactly) the same as the case tube in his last video. They also come with 8 tubes, 4 each with two different ID's.

11-16-2012, 10:42 PM
Modification I made..

I removed the tube and the micro switch assembly to make room for a plain piece of 1/2 plastic pipe that measures .625 OD and .480 ID. This is a nice tight fit into the brass portion of the dropper and still allows you to put it back together in the event that you purchase the whole machine.

A special thanks to gunoil and to jmorris for their help and support. I did order the Lee #90280 off of ebay. Now to make a tube holder that will allow me to automatically load my bullet tubes right off the sizer. I can see the purchase of a few feet of 1/2 plastic plumbing pipe and some cotter keys.

11-17-2012, 12:26 AM

I made washer below poly bullet turret by LEE. Its siliconed on to clear tube for now and working incredible with 102gr lead R.N. with alox which are hard to feed for any bullet feeder. Holds 159 lead boolits.

11-22-2012, 08:27 AM


Pictures of the Lee bullet feeder tube with transition tube. Transition tube is a piece of 1/2'' plastic plumbing pipe that was ground and hand fitted to mate the brass portion of the bullet dropper to the Lee bullet tube magazine. The four tubes and the dropper assembly hold a total of 96 230gr rn 45acp bullets ready to become annunition.

11-22-2012, 09:53 AM
I got around to trying it out and ended up changing the length of the transition tube to where the aluminum piece actually came in contact with the brass piece. It still has the plastic pipe inside.54305


This eliminates the tendency to have the leaning tower effect when loaded with the 230 gr bullets. Having almost 100 bullets made for a little weight up top.

11-22-2012, 11:15 AM
Yeah it only takes one round of playing 52+ bullet pick up to make it not fun.

When I used one, I wound up making a bracket that held the 4 tubes up high. Used 1/2" all thread secured to the table and two nuts up high held a plastic bracket that had a 1/2" hole for the all thread and a 1 3/4" +- hole for the 4 tubes.

11-22-2012, 12:24 PM
Very nice.

You must be a single guy, or you have the greatest wife in the world! There is NO WAY my wife would let me reload on the kitchen counters!!!:-P

Well, you know, he needed more room for his reloading and a beer cooler close at hand.
So sent her packin and got the farm kitchen room with the whole fridge. :coffee:

Nice lookin feeder.

11-22-2012, 03:03 PM
There is a post on one of the Lee forums where someone adapted the Lee 4 tube top part of a Lee bullet feeder / cylinder to this mechanism , I think ?

God bless

11-27-2012, 07:03 AM
I recently requested information about the new revised Mr.Bulletfeeder but as of yet I have not received an answer. This bothers me because I have sent two emails and still no answer. Maybe I will have to look elsewhere for a bullet feeder. My hopes were high because of the video Rick had sent me that showed the ability of the new feeder to either send bullets out base first or with a slight change send them out nose first to a bullet sizer lubricator. I'm afraid I will have to go back to my hand built collator with the bullet flipper in order to solve my needs for a single piece of equipment that will do both things.

Make it three emails now with no response. I had emailed asking information on when the revised Mr. Bulletfeeder would be available for sale. I had been impressed with his immediate email back to me when I wanted to purchase a bullet dropper assembly. Since I purchased the dropper he no longer answers my email. I guess he just lost me as a customer now. I was willing to purchase his new machine but since his lack of communication I WILL make my own and I will purchase a different dropper.

11-27-2012, 07:08 AM
Yeah it only takes one round of playing 52+ bullet pick up to make it not fun.

When I used one, I wound up making a bracket that held the 4 tubes up high. Used 1/2" all thread secured to the table and two nuts up high held a plastic bracket that had a 1/2" hole for the all thread and a 1 3/4" +- hole for the 4 tubes.

It took about three runs of 96 bullets the collective total of all 4 tubes filled as well as the vertical feed tube filled to make me not want to play with this setup again. After three runs there was so much lube build up that the bullets would do feed down the tube without sticking and thus causing numerous malfunctions. I believe that numerous long single 1/2'' plastic plumbing tubes may be the answer right now to the problem of reliable bullet feeding.

11-27-2012, 01:14 PM
I'm afraid I will have to go back to my hand built collator with the bullet flipper in order to solve my needs for a single piece of equipment that will do both things.

In order to use the same collator for my bullet sizer and bullet feed I just built the flipper below. It's a section of plastic that has a hole drilled only as deep as a single bullet is long.

Bullet drops in base down, motor rotates the drum 180 degrees and it falls out nose down. Simple and works every time.
