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11-02-2012, 02:56 AM
Hello, everyone. I was just wondering if I am alone, or do others suffer from the same problem?
My wife has no problem (well not too much anyway) with my firearms hobby, but when it comes to bullet casting and lead...BIG problem!
I do my casting in the attatched garage. G.D. faces East, so I usually try and plan my casting sessons for prevaling Westerly wind..back door & windows open for good thru draft. My set-up is just inside G.D. so as to be sheltered from elements, yet close as possible to outside.
In addition to this..I usually have a large floor fan in front pulling fumes outside.
When finished casting, m remove all casting clothes in garage & store them there & make a beeline for complete shower including shampoo.
My pots are electric & fumes minimal except of course when fluxing.
She swears she can smell lead fumes..and is deathly afraid I am poisining her and entire house!
Long term plan is to build hobby shop out back..in mean time, I have to put up with her lead phobia! :groner:

11-02-2012, 04:16 AM
Time for a little education, maybe.

Or maybe time to let her know who is BOSS. lol
If you use option #2 let us know how it worked out for you. lol

11-02-2012, 05:00 AM
Yes I agree with Starmac. #2.

And let us know how well that works out for you


11-02-2012, 05:59 AM
Buy some lead test kits and put her mind to rest.

Wayne Smith
11-02-2012, 07:18 AM
My wife is a Senior Geologist for the Department of Environmental Quality of the Commonwealth of Virginia - that's a mouthful! Anyway, she is very aware of the real risks and dangers and has no problem with me casting. Don't know if we can help but be aware that there is some expertise on the distaff side as well.

41 mag fan
11-02-2012, 10:52 AM
I vote for #2 also.

I got this evil eyed woman I'm married to who ,when i get "that look", I'll pee my pants and start shaking uncontrollably. It's a very scary feeling, warm on the leg for a minute, but still very scary, because not only am I in trouble and get that look, but then i get in trouble and get an even more evil look for leaving a wet spot on the floor.

It's so bad, I've been seeing a psychiatrist weekly, for mental trauma, for years now.
it's been suggested, I need to go blind, but just closing my eyes and seeing that evil eye makes me start shaking and dribbling.
it was also suggested I stand up to her, so one day i squeezed my marbles and did. I was stting on the bar stool at the bar, closed my eyes and said my peace.
Next thing i know I heard this husky heavy breathing, that sounded like an enraged bull, I opened my eyes because my head was throbbling horribly.
I was flat out laying on the floor on my back, with the evil eyed one standing over me.
I swear to this day, those eyes were glowing red, she had steam coming from her nose and ears, the veins werre popped out all over her forehead and there was a set of horns sticking out of her forehead too.
She had a bent frying pan in her left hand.
I heard this monstrous, scary voice, sounded like 2 voices speaking at once, that said.....Don't cross me again!!!
That was 10 yrs ago, I still have a lump on the right side of my skull, and that frying pan hangs in the kitchen as a reminder.
Gotta go...just writing this made me start shaking and I just dribbled...now I'm in trouble again, if she finds out!!

gray wolf
11-02-2012, 11:12 AM
Time for a little education,
for both of you, someone has a problem way beyond a 675* lead pot.

11-02-2012, 11:33 AM
Sounds like a God given opportunity to me! I visualize a 30x40 (or bigger) foot shop, fully insulated with central heat and AC, with an addition on the side for at least a 20+ yard indoor , well vented range, complete with 3 piece bathroom. You can then pretty much gaurentee her there aint gonna be no lead residue tracked into the house. While you're at it you may as well build in a bedroom for those days when you are going to be load building for more than one day at a time! Anyway-----best of luck to you!!!

11-02-2012, 11:58 AM
just go have a blood test done.
show her your lead level is normal.
your the one handling the stuff.
if your lead level is normal hers has to be lower.
just don't eat the stuff.

you have to have lead temps well over 1,000-f for "fumes" to be floating around.
an electric pot won't get anywhere near that unless something is wrong with it.
she is surrounded by far worse chemicals in the kitchen and bathroom than lead.

Dean D.
11-02-2012, 12:08 PM
she is surrounded by far worse chemicals in the kitchen and bathroom than lead.

Lamar said a mouthful there! WAY worse stuff.

Most folks forget that the big hoopla about lead started back when folks were using it for utensils and dishes daily to eat with...and more recently, letting their drape apes gnaw on the old flaking lead based paint.

Reasonable precautions like washing hands after handling lead suffice IMHO. :coffeecom

11-02-2012, 01:54 PM
22-10-45, SWMBO is reacting emotionally, not rationally. Women are known for that. You should have known that when you popped the question. I wish you luck in ameliorating the problem with facts. Lots of luck...

gray wolf
11-02-2012, 02:08 PM
Sounds like a God given opportunity to me! I visualize a 30x40 (or bigger) foot shop, fully insulated with central heat and AC, with an addition on the side for at least a 20+ yard indoor , well vented range, complete with 3 piece bathroom. You can then pretty much gaurentee her there aint gonna be no lead residue tracked into the house. While you're at it you may as well build in a bedroom for those days when you are going to be load building for more than one day at a time! Anyway-----best of luck to you!!!
Now why didn't I think of that ?
Anyone want to take a trip to Maine and build it ?
I would even consider a scale down version.

11-02-2012, 05:09 PM

you don't get led fumes from 750 degree led you have to

A get it over 1k
B dissolve it in an acid and ingest it like acid in a lead pipe
C ingest it , like eat some
D make a very fine powder of it , breath it or eat it

so the part she probably has no problem with the vibratory tumbler has the greatest chance of causing lead poisoning by making tiny particles of the lead left on the rims of your brass

my boolets were drinking water pipe last summer , how is it they drank from it for decades without any lead poisoning but every one is sure that the second they touch it they will drop dead of lead poisoning

11-02-2012, 06:02 PM
gray wolf..you nailed it!..actually the hobby shop/garage has become a popular discussion..she was the one who suggested we build bigger!
Next April it will be 30 years and 100+ moulds later..so you see guys..her griping has hardly impacted my "lead life"!

Bad Water Bill
11-02-2012, 07:30 PM
Probably every small town and larger with moniciple water brought your water from the city maines to your house thru lead pipe. The pipe was inexpensive,easy to make any kind of bends and is rust free. No maintenance or leaks ever. probably did that for about 100 years or so.

Take SHMBO to look at the pipe that comes thru your foundation to the water meter. Scrape the pipe and when it shines like silver you won.

Now take those scrapings and cast a nice BOOLIT for her. [smilie=1:

Mal Paso
11-02-2012, 07:39 PM
Tell her about this happily divorced caster who has his reloading bench in the front room and casting, properly vented, is where the sewing room would be. [smilie=l:

11-02-2012, 09:11 PM
Tell her about this happily divorced caster who has his reloading bench in the front room and casting, properly vented, is where the sewing room would be. [smilie=l:

Happily casting for 22 years now! :drinks:
