View Full Version : Another shameless RCBS plug

11-01-2012, 06:47 PM
RCBS always impresses me. A number of times over the years I called them asking how much a replacement part would cost for various pieces of equipment. Was always told no problem, that they would send me a replacement part for free. Even if it was old models I had bought used. My 20 plus year old LAM that I had bought second hand finally needed help. No idea how long the guy I bought it from had it. The threads in the body that held the sizing die retaining nut were finally stripped beyond use. In the past they had sent me a new nut. This time that would not have helped. I called RCBS about it and they told me to send the Lube-a-matic in so they could look at it.

Well UPS stopped by today. Opened the box and surprised to find a brand new LAM II was in the box, free of charge from RCBS. A replacement for my old LAM. Now the problem. In my haste, before I called RCBS about the old LAM, I had gone ahead and bought a new LAM II figured with the threads so messed up on the old one, I was screwed :groner: Dunno whether to keep the new one as a backup (heck the old one lasted over 20 yrs), or sell it to defray cost of the replacement I bought. Should of had more faith in RCBS from past experience and waited, but I did need a working LAM ASAP.

Anyhow, bottom line, one reason I love RCBS. A side note, Hornady did rebuild my LNL progressive press for me for free too. It was one of the 1st ones when it 1st came out. needed tuned after many years of heavy use. So they get a plug from me as well.

PS Paul
11-01-2012, 07:56 PM
Mabye you can just double your production speed and jump from one sizer to the next while yer at the bench?? ha-ha!! Some guys in your predicament will keep one with rifle/HV lube and the other with pistol/low-velocity lube so they never have to empty and clean one lube out beefore re-sizing different boolits...

11-01-2012, 08:12 PM
I have considered that. Since changing out lube really is a pain in the butt. Keep one for pistol and one for rifle. I don't cast much for rifle, but now have no excuse not to. Been meaning to do more experimenting with the rifles