View Full Version : Lee finally fixed the LM primer system?

Mike Hughes
10-30-2012, 11:02 PM
About a year ago, Lee came out with their 3rd generation version of the Load Master priming assembly. I ordered a couple of these from Midway, and the results were not that great. The first couple of hundred rounds primed good, but then the usual frustrating problems started to occur. Missed primers, tillted primers, crushed primers. A few weeks ago, I got so frustrated that I decided to give Lee a call and tell them just what I thought about their new primer assembly. They assured me that they had made some more improvements and offered to send one at no charge. I received the new one in 2 or 3 days and put it on my LM and proceeded to load 100 45 acp. Worked perfect, and I thought, it's just a matter of time before it will start screwing up. Since then, I have loaded 3000 rounds without a single hiccup! The ones I ordered from Midway were red troughs with a black pivot arm and a white slider. The newest one, direct from Lee, is all red (trough, pivot arm and slider). I have not tried the small primer, but I think they finally got this LP system working.

10-30-2012, 11:15 PM
All of mine are the old original systems and i haven't had problems with them. I've been afraid to try the new ones, but it looks like they may have them working correctly now. The old ones i have work well, but when changing shellplates or even touching the primer lever (slider lever) you have to always remember to pull back the lever or it will damage the slider and even a slightly damaged slider will give problems. I think that was the problem with the original system...operator error. I damaged one or two before i read the instruction manual thoroughly. I may order a large and small system to try since I've worn out my crank slider and have to order a new one.

10-30-2012, 11:24 PM
sounds promising ( if they deflashed it :P ) my biggest problem with the primers was solved by using a decapping die in station one and a sizing die ( sans decapper ) in station two ( the priming station ) but to be fair i dont use mine to load bottleneck cartridges which would alter that die setup as most of those use a expander stem decapping combination , the sizing die holds the case just about perfect IMHO
the brite spot is that lee is trying to work thru the priming problems that so many apparently seem to have !

10-31-2012, 09:51 AM
I too got fed up with the old system, I am only feeding small primers and my trough is grey with black pivot arm and slider (maybe 2 revisions old).

My request to LEE was that they send me a dozen sliders because they get mangled so easily. They shot me down, in a good way and said they will send me the newest revision trough assembly free.

We'll see how that goes, your experience with the LPF seems to indicate a promising change. My fingers are crossed.

In looking at the pictures of the new trough assembly I can't really see that much difference but hopefully it does away with the mangling of the sliders. I am tempted to reverse engineer the slider while its still virgin and build a solid model in CAD so that I may use some of my resources to possibly have a replacement made from "swedish tool steel", youll definitely be able to "feel" when things get jammed up then.

10-31-2012, 11:48 AM
Wow. I didn't know there was so much plastic. If the fella does reverse engineer one out of some form metal, he could sell a bunch I bet. I wonder how long till the slider wears out.

Not picking on LM. I picked up one in the box and was surprised how light it was at Cabelas. Didn't buy it but was curious about weight.

I have not worn out a metal primer slide at over 100 k rounds and still going.

Take care


10-31-2012, 12:18 PM
This has been a great thread. I have two LM's that I was about to sell because I'm tired of messing with the primer feeder. What a pain!!! Anyway, after reading your post, I called Lee to buy a couple of these new primer feeder systems, and Mary said they would just send me one each (large and small primer) at no charge. Wow! Great service! I'm looking forward to taking another run at the presses! Thanks for the thread!

Cowboy T
10-31-2012, 01:59 PM
This is interesting, as I've been thinking about a 5-station press for some time now. I've been holding off because of what I've heard about the Loadmaster's priming system (took me a little bit to perfect the Pro 1000's operation, but it works great now). However, if this has finally been addressed, then I may add an LM to my bench.

I still wish Lee would come out with a 4-station "Classic Pro 1000" on the Classic Turret Press's frame. That would be totally cool and totally utilitarian.

10-31-2012, 02:25 PM
However, if this has finally been addressed, then I may add an LM to my bench.

Basically what the new primer systems do is remove operator error by automatically pulling the slider back.

10-31-2012, 06:26 PM
This is interesting, as I've been thinking about a 5-station press for some time now. I've been holding off because of what I've heard about the Loadmaster's priming system (took me a little bit to perfect the Pro 1000's operation, but it works great now). However, if this has finally been addressed, then I may add an LM to my bench.

I still wish Lee would come out with a 4-station "Classic Pro 1000" on the Classic Turret Press's frame. That would be totally cool and totally utilitarian.

If they would do this, remove the auto index, and just use the safety prime, I'd buy one. Just a nice simple RL300 style press would be pretty close to perfect for me.

Heck, I'd be happy with a non-auto advance LM that primes on the downstroke and uses the safety prime system. KISS should be the handloading industries' mantra.

11-01-2012, 07:29 PM
So it's not definitive by any means but here is the story so far.

Monday night this week I snapped a picture of my mangled primer slider and sent the picture to lee online and submitted a ticket. They said "no more sliders" here have a new rev trough and gave me the plunger return spring too that I needed. Today, Thursday...same week I have the parts in my hot little hands.

My overall experience with the LM primer system goes as follows: (mind you this is all with the old gray primer system)

Right out of the box I set it up and used it with very dismal results. The initial runs were plagued with missed primes and side-primes. I bucked it up and re-fed those botched rounds and eventually got my brass all primed up. Performance deteriorated with every slider that got mangled. Whether its my fault or the presses fault there was not sufficient feedback to let me know that something went awry when the slider committed suicide. The only indication I got was an eventual stoppage in priming process, that when the shell plate was removed revealed a mangled primer slider. I remedied this condition many times with pliers and a little bitty rat tail file. Things go wrong and I think that had the primer slide been fabricated out of something with a bit more strength I would have been able to sense the mishap and discontinue the press stroke.

Several times I re-tried the priming system only to re-live the above frustration, and revert back to hand priming. This was still not a bad way of life at all for me. Running primed brass into the LM still piles loaded ammo out like it's nobodies business.

The new black plastic priming system has a different profile on the slider, It has a shark fin molded into the stationary portion of the trough to better capture and keep the primer oriented face up. the bottom has a nub for the plunger spring to grab onto so as not to flop to one side or another.

I took the new trough stuck it on the press, re-verified my primer lever setting and gave it a go. I have only fed about 150 rounds thus far. The only issue is that I had a spell of no-feeds for whatever reason.. may have been the trough was low on primers. after that, zero misfeeds. Its just like the old system in that you have to keep the trough fed, because the final 5 or so primers don't feel compelled to feed without a light tap.

I am employing, and will likely continue to employ the generic decapper die @ station 1, and the sizer-sans-decapper @ station 2. I believe this is key in keeping a coaxial relationship between all the key players in the mechanism.

Will have to throw down a light endurance run of 500 pieces this weekend to see how she holds. SFSG

11-02-2012, 09:05 AM
The new system, in combination with a sizing die with decapper removed, solved my priming problems as well.

Keep the primer rail full, and you will be batting 100%, the system relies on gravity and the weight of the primer behind it to feed the next one in. That would explain your no-feed. As soon as the primer tray is empty, drop in another 100, fill your powder hopper, top off your beverage.

11-02-2012, 12:58 PM
I have both of the new ones, large and small. I'm still gun shy after a chain explosion that left me with a scar on my upper lip. I now have the blast shield but haven't primed on the press much since. I have not used either of the newest troughs but have been thinking about it, gotta get my hearing protection out of the car before I try again.

11-02-2012, 03:33 PM
CCI or Remington Primers do not chain fire like Federals will, if you use any primers other than CCI or Remington, make sure you have the blast shield in place.

11-03-2012, 05:24 PM
300 more through the merry go round, Only stoppages I had were from my ram being full of spent primers, and one berdan case which I felt.

I think they fixed it on the small prime as well

The successful operation is sufficient for me to now comfortably give full progressive a go on this press.

Mike Hughes
11-04-2012, 01:15 AM
300 more through the merry go round, Only stoppages I had were from my ram being full of spent primers, and one berdan case which I felt.

I think they fixed it on the small prime as well

The successful operation is sufficient for me to now comfortably give full progressive a go on this press.

Good to hear the success with the small primer (I still havn't tried mine). With the large primer loading the 45 acp (my perfect run was still going, up to about 3.600 without a single screw up. And suddenly, I saw a primer that appeared to be installed upside down. I sat it aside and chalked it up as operator error. I loaded a couple hundred more without a problem. After taking a closer look at the upside down primer, I noticed it was not upside down, the primer had actually fell apart and the little top cap was missing (must have went down the ram with the spent primers). I have never seen one do this, may have been a defective primer.

11-25-2012, 07:55 AM
I have had good luck with the new primer assemblies ( do not know which generation ) , in both large and small .

I have found , a new primer assembly may need a break in period of maybe 20 -30 rounds , then it works good .

Most of my LoadMaster problems are self inflicted . :-(

God bless

So it's not definitive by any means but here is the story so far.

Monday night this week I snapped a picture of my mangled primer slider and sent the picture to lee online and submitted a ticket. They said "no more sliders" here have a new rev trough and gave me the plunger return spring too that I needed. Today, Thursday...same week I have the parts in my hot little hands.

My overall experience with the LM primer system goes as follows: (mind you this is all with the old gray primer system)

Right out of the box I set it up and used it with very dismal results. The initial runs were plagued with missed primes and side-primes. I bucked it up and re-fed those botched rounds and eventually got my brass all primed up. Performance deteriorated with every slider that got mangled. Whether its my fault or the presses fault there was not sufficient feedback to let me know that something went awry when the slider committed suicide. The only indication I got was an eventual stoppage in priming process, that when the shell plate was removed revealed a mangled primer slider. I remedied this condition many times with pliers and a little bitty rat tail file. Things go wrong and I think that had the primer slide been fabricated out of something with a bit more strength I would have been able to sense the mishap and discontinue the press stroke.

Several times I re-tried the priming system only to re-live the above frustration, and revert back to hand priming. This was still not a bad way of life at all for me. Running primed brass into the LM still piles loaded ammo out like it's nobodies business.

The new black plastic priming system has a different profile on the slider, It has a shark fin molded into the stationary portion of the trough to better capture and keep the primer oriented face up. the bottom has a nub for the plunger spring to grab onto so as not to flop to one side or another.

I took the new trough stuck it on the press, re-verified my primer lever setting and gave it a go. I have only fed about 150 rounds thus far. The only issue is that I had a spell of no-feeds for whatever reason.. may have been the trough was low on primers. after that, zero misfeeds. Its just like the old system in that you have to keep the trough fed, because the final 5 or so primers don't feel compelled to feed without a light tap.

I am employing, and will likely continue to employ the generic decapper die @ station 1, and the sizer-sans-decapper @ station 2. I believe this is key in keeping a coaxial relationship between all the key players in the mechanism.

Will have to throw down a light endurance run of 500 pieces this weekend to see how she holds. SFSG

11-25-2012, 12:04 PM
If they would do this, remove the auto index, and just use the safety prime, I'd buy one. Just a nice simple RL300 style press would be pretty close to perfect for me.

Heck, I'd be happy with a non-auto advance LM that primes on the downstroke and uses the safety prime system. KISS should be the handloading industries' mantra.

You all got that right. They had a great priming system with the Pro 1000 bur NO they had to do something NEW and DIFFERENT but have to pay the consequences!!

11-26-2012, 12:11 PM
~Mike Hughes

Blazer brass is small pockets, that would explain your problem getting that large primer into it. Blazer decided to change to small pockets last year, regardless of the fact that 45 auto has been large pocket since 1904, creatin' headaches for us reloaders.

Mike Hughes
11-26-2012, 02:51 PM
~Mike Hughes

Blazer brass is small pockets, that would explain your problem getting that large primer into it. Blazer decided to change to small pockets last year, regardless of the fact that 45 auto has been large pocket since 1904, creatin' headaches for us reloaders.

I cull out the small primer and most of it is blazer, but some of the blazer is large primer. Maybe I missed one, if so that explains that one. I am fixin to try out the small primer system, doing some bulk loading for the 300 Blk. Hope it works as well as the LP

11-26-2012, 06:41 PM
how new is the new system? The last version I have is probably 8 months old, and I've still got issues with it. (small primer) I loosened the screw and added a little oil to the O-ring on the primer slider arm and that helped, but I still get some skipped primers. If there is a new system I want it. I really like most of the loadmaster.

Cowboy T, be advised the LM is effectively a 4 station press since it primes at the top of the stroke in station 2.

Mike Hughes
11-26-2012, 09:26 PM
how new is the new system? The last version I have is probably 8 months old, and I've still got issues with it. (small primer) I loosened the screw and added a little oil to the O-ring on the primer slider arm and that helped, but I still get some skipped primers. If there is a new system I want it. I really like most of the loadmaster.

Cowboy T, be advised the LM is effectively a 4 station press since it primes at the top of the stroke in station 2.

The tech guy at Lee told me they had some more minor changes just recently(like maybe 2 months ago) The only difference I can see is the different colors of the main components. Whatever they did has been working really well for me. The newest version of the large system should be all red (trough, slider, and pivot arm) The newest small version is a black trough, black slider, and gray pivot arm. I used my new small primer today for the first time, loaded 100- 300 blackout without a hitch, but it's too early to know if it will work as good as the large. If you will call Lee and tell them you are having trouble with primers, I think they will send you a new assembly at no charge.

11-26-2012, 09:37 PM
Mine can be run all the way to empty without a hiccup It is the black version of small pistol primer feed with the grey arm. I think it's the version you mentioned. I do run a sizing die in station two. There were some hiccups before i started doing that. Now I can run it until it's empty. works great. 40 s&w.

God Bless!


11-27-2012, 11:18 AM
ok, gray arm is new. My latest is the all black, and I think it has an A on the bottom.

Mike Hughes
11-29-2012, 06:52 PM
ok, gray arm is new. My latest is the all black, and I think it has an A on the bottom.
Yeah, the latest ones have the gray arm. I had some with the black arm and it gave me the same problems as the earlier versions. These are only available directly from Lee, since they are recent changes. I have been loading some 300 blackout with small primers and it is working perfect. I have loaded about 500 without a hiccup. Today, I called Lee and ordered a couple of extras. They will give you the first one free and will sell extras for 1/2 price. With these primer systems working correct, the Load Master is a very good progressive press.

11-29-2012, 07:00 PM
Yeah, the latest ones have the gray arm. I had some with the black arm and it gave me the same problems as the earlier versions. These are only available directly from Lee, since they are recent changes. I have been loading some 300 blackout with small primers and it is working perfect. I have loaded about 500 without a hiccup. Today, I called Lee and ordered a couple of extras. They will give you the first one free and will sell extras for 1/2 price. With these primer systems working correct, the Load Master is a very good progressive press.

I just got a couple from Lee, but have not had the chance to try them out yet. I see they are completely different from the first revisions in that they don't have the little band to pull the slider back, but rather are designed so that it's impossible to crush a slider. Although this new design will prevent crushed sliders it appears to me that they would be more likely to miss a primer. I still use the old original design with out problems, but I'm interested in seeing how well these work so I'm probably going to go ahead and start using them. Half price on extras you say? hmmm perhaps i should have called to order.

11-29-2012, 10:03 PM
I talked to lee today. They said the trough is the same as with the all black A. the new one has a gray arm that is is a little taller(elevated above the shell plate a bit). Apparently they had some issues with the black arm hanging up on the case retainers and shell plate.

11-30-2012, 04:36 AM
I talked to lee today. They said the trough is the same as with the all black A. the new one has a gray arm that is is a little taller(elevated above the shell plate a bit). Apparently they had some issues with the black arm hanging up on the case retainers and shell plate.

Seems like there is a mod to put a small washer between the arm and the rest of the assembly , to raise it ? Think I did that on one ?

Also , adjust the tension of the screw . Think there is an O-Ring in there ? Too tight / too much tension on the O-Ring & the rubber makes the arm spring back .

Does not stay back when the case pushed it back . It is suppose to stay back untill the " wedge " pushes it back forward .

God bless

11-30-2012, 12:04 PM
Does not stay back when the case pushed it back . It is suppose to stay back untill the " wedge " pushes it back forward .

This is the way the originals were, but when Lee started making revisions the very first revised design had a little band that pulled the slider back and there were no changes to the slider, but i guess it didn't work. The problem i see with the new design is that it may not push a primer onto the pin everytime like the original design would...as long as it's kept clean and the trough is kept loaded. I guess I'll find out when i start using them. I hope the new fool proof design works as well as the original.

11-30-2012, 12:47 PM
I have 2 LM set up on my bench one for large prime and the other for small. But the large give me the most trouble. I noticed if I keep powder out of it they run smooth if I do my part.

11-30-2012, 02:33 PM
If I let the primers run low , then I have no one but myself to blaim , if things mess up .

Even more so if powder runs low / out .

God bless

This is the way the originals were, but when Lee started making revisions the very first revised design had a little band that pulled the slider back and there were no changes to the slider, but i guess it didn't work. The problem i see with the new design is that it may not push a primer onto the pin everytime like the original design would...as long as it's kept clean and the trough is kept loaded. I guess I'll find out when i start using them. I hope the new fool proof design works as well as the original.

Alan in WI
12-08-2012, 11:57 PM
Since I installed the new red large primer system, I have loaded almost 1000 rounds with no errors. The press is working just like it should. Case feeder, and bullet feeder, one pull of the handle and a finished round. I have to watch the last case. For some reason it wants to flip or do something strange. It's too bad you can't have more cases and bullets in the feeders so you could just load a 100 rounds or so without having to rotate the case and bullet feeders.


12-12-2012, 11:17 AM
This new priming system dedicated only the Load Master or can it be used on other Lee presses?

12-12-2012, 11:29 AM
This new priming system dedicated only the Load Master or can it be used on other Lee presses?

Load Master only

12-12-2012, 11:35 AM
Go figure. Something actually works and it's dedicated to only one setup.

12-12-2012, 11:36 AM
Go figure. Something actually works and it's dedicated to only one setup.

What do you have that needs the primer system fixed ?

God bless

12-13-2012, 07:29 PM
What do you have that needs the primer system fixed ?

God bless

I have the Lee Turret

12-14-2012, 04:14 AM
I have the Lee cast iron turret press , also . I have an early version of this


It works fine .

Which turret press do you have ? What kind of priming problems are you having ?

God bless

I have the Lee Turret

12-14-2012, 04:10 PM
I think this latest version is generation 4 or 5. I placed an order for parts to refurbish an old lead pot and ordered one each of the latest ones. Tried the large one last night. I had one side ways prime at round @20 and 99 perfect rounds. My old original is 100% These newest versions are still marked with an "A" on the bottom. The large is all red, the small is black with different colored slider and slider actuator arm, I forget which colors -- sort of clear and maybe grey respectfully -- maybe. The previous "new" versions were really bad to waste primers by dumping them down the spent primer collection trap. I had none of that. My old original primer fixtures will feed primers right down to the last 1 to three; but I intentionally ran this latest one down and got failure to feed with about 5 large primers remaining. Not bad, it is a gravity feed and the instructions say not to let the tray run empty (I always let the tray empty and let the trough empty to the bottom of the first window slot. I hope the last version gets the LM on it feet as it is a very nice system otherwise.


12-14-2012, 07:54 PM
The photo you have shown is not the same as mine; mine is white on the bottom. It wouldn't feed consistently.

I have the Lee cast iron turret press , also . I have an early version of this


It works fine .

Which turret press do you have ? What kind of priming problems are you having ?

God bless

12-14-2012, 11:11 PM
The photo you have shown is not the same as mine; mine is white on the bottom. It wouldn't feed consistently.

Mine may be / probably is white , also .

The black plastic bracket , on mine , that holds the safety prime , mounts to the front - right hand " turret post " . It came with a black plastic washer , about 1/4" thick .

This plastic washer is installed under neath the black plastic bracket . Raising the bracket and safety prime up about 1/4" .

My cousin discovered , the sizing die must be adjusted up - down in the turret . The goal is to make the shell holder , brass & ram stop at the " correct height " . When this is achieved , the safety prime will deposit the primer into the primer cup , of the priming lever / rocker .

Thus adjusted , the priming works slicker than snot . :-) Every time .

God bless

12-15-2012, 03:03 AM
Mine may be / probably is white , also .

The black plastic bracket , on mine , that holds the safety prime , mounts to the front - right hand " turret post " . It came with a black plastic washer , about 1/4" thick .

This plastic washer is installed under neath the black plastic bracket . Raising the bracket and safety prime up about 1/4" .

My cousin discovered , the sizing die must be adjusted up - down in the turret . The goal is to make the shell holder , brass & ram stop at the " correct height " . When this is achieved , the safety prime will deposit the primer into the primer cup , of the priming lever / rocker .

Thus adjusted , the priming works slicker than snot . :-) Every time .

God bless

Do you have a video?

12-15-2012, 07:28 AM
Do you have a video?

Well ...........

Never really thought about it .

Do you mean , a video of the process of adjusting the die to the " correct " height in the turret ? Or of it just working OK ?

May I suggest , you check for a video on youtube ?

Also , check out the forum at


If you still need some assistance , contact me & I suppose I could try to make a video . Please be mindful , the quality of anything like a video or even photos , is likely not to be very good .

But I am happy to try to help .

Also , please bear in mind , since receiving the Lee LoadMaster , I mostly use the turret press for brass prep and calibers for which the volume does not justify the cost of the conversion parts for the LM . And , the fact that the dies for those calibers are already in the 4 hole turrets & were adjusted long ago & I am probably a little rusty at adjusting them .

Of course , that is one of the attractions of the turrets , once adjusted , you do not have to mess with the dies , as long as you do not change the load .

Right now , I am loading .30-30 with Ranch Dog ~ 165 grain FN GC bullets . Priming is working fine .

Best of luck .

God bless

12-15-2012, 07:47 AM

Here is a video on the turret press . I watched part 1 . That is all I watched .

He may have the info you need , in the other parts ?

He seems To enjoy listening to himself talk ! :-(

God bless

12-18-2012, 06:39 PM
I bought the"new" primer trough and slider about 8-10 months ago and promptly broke a chunk out of the slider, which seemed to be a bit brittle. After that I had a lot of flipped primers. After reading this thread I called Lee and told them of my frustrations with the prime system. I had given up on small primers altogether. They are sending the latest edition of large and small systems at no charge. Thanks Mike for the heads up. I also talked with them about a mould (6cav. 357-150) that is casting off center boolits. They said send it in and if it is truly off center they will replace it. Thanks Lee!

12-24-2012, 06:30 PM
I got the new parts in the mail Saturday and got them installed Sunday. I have since ran about 200 rounds through it without a single primer problem. I also moved the size die to station two (removed the deprime rod) and put a Lee universal deprime die in station 1. I'm really liking this. Makes me anxious to get the other LM set up for small primers and try the 38 Special and 9 mms on it.

12-24-2012, 07:11 PM
I got the new parts in the mail Saturday and got them installed Sunday. I have since ran about 200 rounds through it without a single primer problem. I also moved the size die to station to (removed the deprime rod) and put a Lee universal deprime die in station 1. I'm really liking this. Makes me anxious to get the other LM set up for small primers and try the 38 Special and 9 mms on it.

My LMs, two of them, were given to me by a friend who moved on to another machine and the second as a thanks for some WWII radio gear. The primer assembly looked worn so I ordered a new one from from Midway, arrived last week. Posts on this forum have given me a lot of info on getting the press going but I do have questions about the powder measures. One LM is set up with the chain pull powder measure for rifle cartridges and the other that was only used for pistol cartidges has a disc sysytem. Any advice or "gotchas" with these is appreciated. It seems like an OK system once its debugged. For 45.70 and 43 Spanish I use old RCBSjr presses I bought used and a Lyman metal measure/droptube.

Thanks and Merry Christmas.


12-24-2012, 08:50 PM
My LMs, two of them, were given to me by a friend who moved on to another machine and the second as a thanks for some WWII radio gear. The primer assembly looked worn so I ordered a new one from from Midway, arrived last week. Posts on this forum have given me a lot of info on getting the press going but I do have questions about the powder measures. One LM is set up with the chain pull powder measure for rifle cartridges and the other that was only used for pistol cartidges has a disc sysytem. Any advice or "gotchas" with these is appreciated. It seems like an OK system once its debugged. For 45.70 and 43 Spanish I use old RCBSjr presses I bought used and a Lyman metal measure/droptube.

Thanks and Merry Christmas.


The perfect powder measure is / was sold with rifle kits . It has greater " drop capacity " , which is the reason for using it with large capacity rifle brass . Used with a corresponding powder drop die and chain return , it makes a system for use on the LM and P1000 progressive presses .

Then there is the two disk measures . That is what I use for up to .223 & .30-30 on my LM . The hand gun die sets come with a powder die . For rifle use , there is a different powder die to use with the disk measure .

This system can be set up for spring return for single stage presses or turret presses . For progressive presses , it is HIGHLY recommended to use the chain return .

God bless

12-26-2012, 08:08 PM
Thanks! It looks like a bit of fiddle time to get one LM set for .223, 6.5X55, and 30.06 and the other .38/.357 and 9mm. These are all used so tweeking is expected...as well as my learning curve. There is a three holer Lee turret too from a swapmeet, probably end up as .45ACP , At least the investment for all of them is under $50.

Merrry Christmas!!


12-26-2012, 10:43 PM
Thanks! It looks like a bit of fiddle time to get one LM set for .223, 6.5X55, and 30.06 and the other .38/.357 and 9mm. These are all used so tweeking is expected...as well as my learning curve. There is a three holer Lee turret too from a swapmeet, probably end up as .45ACP , At least the investment for all of them is under $50.

Merrry Christmas!!


Best of luck . :-)

Check out this forum


Also lots of videos on youtube .

Clean & lube it before you start . Perform the adjustments indicated in the FAQ's .

Do not worry about the modifications , at first .

Try to run a sizing die in station # 2 .

God bless
Merry Christmas

Take it slow , at the start , only one case at a time .

12-28-2012, 12:42 AM
Thanks! It looks like a bit of fiddle time to get one LM set for .223, 6.5X55, and 30.06 and the other .38/.357 and 9mm. These are all used so tweeking is expected...as well as my learning curve. There is a three holer Lee turret too from a swapmeet, probably end up as .45ACP , At least the investment for all of them is under $50.

Merrry Christmas!!


You may want to load 223 on the press that you do 9mm and 38/357 on so that you aren't swapping primer sizes, just turrets with dies and powder measure set.

shooter 500
01-13-2013, 08:03 PM
The problem that really bugs me is owl varies between the first 4rds, the next 42 rds, and the last 4 rds. I have decapper in no.1, resizer in no.2, but owl still varies more than I accept. Any suggestions?

shooter 500
01-13-2013, 08:05 PM
The problem that really bugs me is owl varies between the first 4rds, the next 42 rds, and the last 4 rds. I have decapper in no.1, resizer in no.2, but owl still varies more than I accept. Any suggestions? I am trying to type overall length,not owl.

zomby woof
01-13-2013, 10:01 PM
The problem that really bugs me is owl varies between the first 4rds, the next 42 rds, and the last 4 rds. I have decapper in no.1, resizer in no.2, but owl still varies more than I accept. Any suggestions?

OAL varies when there is less than a full shellplate. It's just the way it is.

01-14-2013, 03:30 AM
Finally my primer system works!
I changed it and tried to make 100rd in a row and I succedded without any hicups.

01-16-2013, 06:48 PM
I contacted Lee about my priming errors just now, and will update on their response.

I had bought the last update on the primer assemblies, and it did not fix all my troubles. This time I have asked them to send me the newest replacement. I'm hoping they do, I'm always impressed when a company is willing to spend money to stand behind their product; it just makes me love it all the more.

EDIT: Within 13 minutes I had this reply from Lee:

Hi Joshua,

I'll get the latest design trough assemblies out to you in Friday's mail at no charge.


Lee Precision, Inc.

01-17-2013, 12:17 PM
I contacted Lee about my priming errors just now, and will update on their response.

I had bought the last update on the primer assemblies, and it did not fix all my troubles. This time I have asked them to send me the newest replacement. I'm hoping they do, I'm always impressed when a company is willing to spend money to stand behind their product; it just makes me love it all the more.

EDIT: Within 13 minutes I had this reply from Lee:

Hi Joshua,

I'll get the latest design trough assemblies out to you in Friday's mail at no charge.


Lee Precision, Inc.

Can not beat that . :-)

God bless

07-25-2013, 10:33 AM
Well I wished Lee was so willing to help me out as I've been using their equipment for a very long time now. Here is my email and their reply back regards to the primer sliders and their new improved priming system:

My first response to Lee's customer service:
I'm running into the issue of not being able to find any of these sliders since the discontinuation of the original primer system. When I purchased my presses, one over 10 years ago and then a refurbished from Lee I had also purchased 5 of each the small sliders and the large sliders if I remember correctly and now I am out of the large ones and have only 1 of the small sliders that is in the small primer trough still in working condition. Many of the sliders were messed up when I first set up the presses so I've been running with just a few over the years and haven't needed to look for replacements until now.

Please advise me so I can have my press up and going again.

Lee's Response:

New Load Master Primer Feed System
The new priming system has been designed with the elimination of damaged primer feed components in mind. In this way you should always be able to continue loading without having to wait for replacement parts. Primers are still being fed with the same reliable feed mechanism.
The system should always present a fresh primer even if the sequence has been interrupted. If a primer is in position to be seated before a case is present, the primer lever will be returned to pick up a fresh primer, and the one already in position will simply be pushed out of the way to prevent any jam up. This should only happen when starting the loading process, as a new primer is only fed when a case passes the primer lever and the cases have been resized, deprimed and are ready for priming.
You will just need to order the new primer feed systems.

Tech Service

Lee Precision, Inc.
4275 Highway U
Hartford, WI 53027
phone: 262-673-3075

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: FKH-414-32570
Department: CustomerService
Type: Issue
Status: Closed
Priority: Normal

Support Center: http://www.leeprecision.net/support/index.php?

My response:
I understand how the new improved primer system works, thanks for the information, and as I've done more looking on the internet this morning on the loadmasterzone and on the cast boolit forum both of which I'm subscribed it seems as if this may be a welcomed improvement. I'll post this email up on these forums so others can see what their options are should they be at the point I'm in with the older priming system.

I guess buying the new primer system is what I have to do however I wished I only had to buy a small slider as the cost was less than $1 IIRC and I've not had many issues with the older primer system and actually liked it. Now I have to put down more $ to get my press up and running do to a change at Lee. Interesting, maybe a I need to look at different equipment.



Nice!!! Lee has never done me wrong before but I suppose all things aside the older priming systems are aging but what will upset me more is if the newer priming systems don't work as well as my older ones.

07-25-2013, 12:36 PM
Rob, I have not tried the new priming system yet! Being in the same boat as you with the older units, I feel your pain. Although mine are still functioning and I have a spare slider on hand, it's time to order the new units and move on.

Unfortunately, several manufactures (Lee, Hornady, RCBS) often discontinue support for older products, especially when they have a newer and improved unit out. Lee no longer has t-bar priming arms, 3 hole auto-index parts, Hornady no longer supports their scales or their original progressive, RCBS the list is too long to mention!

I actually think I may try making my own sliders from UHMW plastic and see what happens.

07-25-2013, 04:05 PM
Yep......moving on I guess:

Here is Lee customer service's last email response which to me means that even with the discount I still have to ship the useless primer systems back on my dime and for what so they can throw them in the trash. Talk about a waste of money.

Hi Robert,

Per our Lee Lifetime Guarantee, you are welcome to return your old style primer feeds and we can replace them with the new design at 1/2 price, they would cost $6.00 each.


Lee Precision, Inc.
4275 Highway U
Hartford, WI 53027

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: FKH-414-32570
Department: CustomerService
Type: Issue
Status: Closed
Priority: Normal

Support Center: http://www.leeprecision.net/support/index.php?

07-25-2013, 04:47 PM
In the grand scheme of things, it could be worse! Picking up the new ones will be less then $20.00 out of pocket.

One thing to remember about the new ones they are sold as an assembly only no parts support at all! That's why I was thinking about making my own sliders.

07-25-2013, 05:01 PM
In the grand scheme of things, it could be worse! Picking up the new ones will be less then $20.00 out of pocket.

One thing to remember about the new ones they are sold as an assembly only no parts support at all! That's why I was thinking about making my own sliders.

Another way to make more $$$. Why pay 50 cents or less for a slider when you can pay $10 or $12 direct from Lee for the entire unit.

I emailed back to Lee customer service about my thoughts to principle of customer service as I've never had an issue with Lee before. If I had a problem I explained myself and presto parts were sent in the mail no cost to me. Just recently I had a 40 S&W die where the crimp leave would mar my brass upon crimping and I had to take a picture of the finished round and then no problem new crimp sleeve sent out.

07-25-2013, 05:20 PM
If you divide the cost of the new primer system by the amount of ammo you will produce I think you will gain some perspective. Not a huge encumbrance for the fun you will have.

07-25-2013, 05:30 PM
Rob, in this case it is actually more about stocking, shelving and tracking tiny parts. The priming assemblies are most likely subcontracted to a plastics molding company and arrive fully assembled to Lee, only one part to catalogue instead of 5 or 6 tiny pieces.

07-25-2013, 06:30 PM
I understand what you are saying however I now have only one option.......end of story. Cost is not overly expensive true, it's about principle and cost that is placed upon the consumer because of a change in production. I did receive another email from Lee customer service and it's going to be a compromise. I don't have to spend the money in shipping to send in the old ones that will just be placed in the trash and they will as their warranty states send me out replacements for half price.