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10-29-2012, 03:18 PM
Problem was it was running across the road in front of me!
If I had hit em I wonder how POd he'd have been when he woke up and I had half skinned?:shock:

Silvercreek Farmer
10-29-2012, 04:11 PM
We had a momma bear and three cubs cross in front of us a while back. Luckily, I didn't hit any of them. So far, I have hit a cat, a dog, a deer, and too many squirels/rabbits/possums to count in my relatively short driving career. The little 10 lb dog actually did the most damage. I did stop and pick up a freshly hit buck one time, but for hunting, I rather stick to my rifle rather than my bumper!

10-29-2012, 06:54 PM
I ran over an 7-8 ft. alligator once in Georgia, not the thing to do.

10-29-2012, 10:12 PM
i hit so many deer in my old scout, it's still a joke every deer season whether i'm gonna have to go resurrect it from the pasture or not.
i even had a few run into it when i was stopped.
i haven't driven it for almost 10 years now and it still gets brought up, and not just by the family.

10-30-2012, 12:32 PM
i hit so many deer in my old scout, it's still a joke every deer season whether i'm gonna have to go resurrect it from the pasture or not.
i even had a few run into it when i was stopped.
i haven't driven it for almost 10 years now and it still gets brought up, and not just by the family.

I"m a truck driver and my deer record is three at one time! That cost about $1300.00 not incl. towing ($880) and some parts we had and supplied ourselves.
I have had deer run into the side of the truck, but NOT when sitting still!

10-30-2012, 04:22 PM
our deer and elk season used to overlap by a week.
i was going up the last day of the deer season and stopped for some cows in the road.
when a couple of deer run in front of me except one [a buck] he plowed face first into the right fender.
i thought one of the cows had kicked the scout and i didn't see it initially.
i got out and walked over to the edge of the ditch he fell down into.
grabbed the rifle and finished him off threw him in back and went home.
it was just barely getting light when i got back home to hang and skin him out, my b.i.l. was at the place having coffee when i pulled in.
he looked at me when i come in the kitchen door and said "i thought you were" [noticed the scout with a dent in the fender in the driveway through the sliding door].... "you need help hangin it?"

10-30-2012, 07:41 PM
My last deer cost me $500.00 was not to pleased about it. I can buy alot of stuff for that much money. On the other hand the insurance company had to pay $4800.00. Imagine what I could have bought with that.

10-30-2012, 10:14 PM
Lemme tell ya, my truck is called the "Deerslayer". It is not because I hunt.
I hit 1 a month for almost 8 months. I know the body shop guy personally. We even fished together on his boat once. The last deer I hit was in my BIL's pickup on the way to work at the PD. That was a terrible year for roadkill, but after my BIL put "deerslayer" on the back of the glass, I havent hit a deer since.

10-31-2012, 12:47 PM
. I did stop and pick up a freshly hit buck one time, but for hunting, I rather stick to my rifle rather than my bumper!
That will get you some healthy fines here. Saw two very large does hit years ago and I had an empty trailer but left them lay, four days later the highway department picked them, what a waist.