View Full Version : Questions about LUBE A MATIC

10-28-2012, 12:34 AM
Found a GREAT deal on a RCBS lube a matic this afternoon. At leas I THINK I did.

Cost me all of $9.98!!!! :happy dance:

Couldn't even bring myself to put it in the cart, walked around the store hanging on to it like it was gonna run off if I looked away.

Just getting into casting and had thought about what to use to size/lube and honestly didn't think I could ever justify paying what the rcbs/lyman/star sizers go for and was planning on getting a lee set. Anyways back to the point.

I'm not sure if any parts are missing, damaged, etc but was able to find the pdf with instructions and a parts list. But I figure before I can see what all is or isn't there I need to clean it all up. I've searched as much as I can and think I am going to go with the boiling method, but not sure it you boil the whole thing minus the rubber handle or have to dissamble it and then boil?

Any help would be greatly appreciated since I know pretty much nothing about these since I never really planned on owning one!

10-28-2012, 10:29 AM
Bored1, Such a deal! By all means, remove any parts which will melt in boiling water: piston with O rings, plastic (?) parts, etc.

10-28-2012, 11:15 AM
I'm not sure boiling water will hurt anything.
BUT, of course you'll need to remove the pressure screw and pressure nut as well as the die so the lube can easily melt out.

10-28-2012, 12:57 PM
Thanks guys. Gonna start working on it tonight so I can have a list of what I need to contact RCBS with first thing tomorrow morning!

11-01-2012, 09:02 PM
Gotta love RCBS customer care, called them this morning about getting new o-rings and a replacement resoviour cap and both are now on there way free of charge!!!

Anyone have a problem with the bottom punch on a lube a matic not going high enough to push the bullet out of the sizer die?

Ive tried adjusting the set screw type thing and it doesn't even come close to the bottom.

11-01-2012, 09:50 PM
Anyone have a problem with the bottom punch on a lube a matic not going high enough to push the bullet out of the sizer die?


I like to have my bottom punch about .050 below the top of the die when the bottom of the punch is even with the bottom of the die. This gives me a little recess to set the boolit in as I lower the top punch. This, in turn, helps keep everything aligned as the boolit starts down into the die. After it is sized and lubed it just takes a little wiggle to free it and toss it into the can of lubed boolits. I found it more difficult to try to align the boolit with the bottom punch if the bottom punch stood proud of the top of the die.