View Full Version : Thanks It worked.

10-27-2012, 03:44 PM
I just did my first pan lubing. I used the MML variation of lithibee and things worked out fine after I got a few things ironed out. The boolits were .410 PB SWC from a RCBS mold. I would call it a Kieth design except for the radiused lube groove. When I made the first attempt I sat the boolits in an eight inch cake pan and put the pan on the hot plate, which was set low, and added small chunks of lube so the boolits and lube heated at the same time. When I thought I had enough I let it be until the lube had cooled to solid. The lube didn’t stick to the boolits because it was too cool when I tried to pull a couple of them out with pliers. The lube was also too shallow. Only the meniscus came up to just below the top edge of the lube grove. Rather than drop lube chunks into the pan I put the pan in the toaster oven set at 200* F and put the lube in a Pyrex 2 cup measure and set that in a pan of water and onto the hot plate. Once everything melted I poured the lube into the pan and let it cool as I puttered around at the bench. By looking at the lube as it cooled and pulling out a couple boolits too soon I found how it looks when it ‘s time (kind of like looking at the sprue and knowing when it’s time to cut it.) I added a bit too much lube and got it into the crimp groove. I expect a toothpick will take care of that. I may try a dummy without cleaning it out and see if I really need to.

Thank you to 357 Maximum for the recipe and every one else that described their process and offered tips on pan lubing. You’ve all added to the success of this attempt. Once I get ‘em loaded I can go bang and see how well the model 57 shoots lead.

10-27-2012, 10:20 PM
I am glad if my small contribution to the cause helped, and I humbly say you are welcome......now go launch some lead.[smilie=w:

I would not worry about the lube in the crimp groove as long as it does not cause problems. Most likely you can just wipe the boolit a bit with a coarse rag after crimping the boolit. I still panlube all my long skinny boolits and occassionally I get em in a bit too deep also...not a big deal normally but I do not own very many tight necked guns either.