View Full Version : police officers on board

06-07-2007, 03:03 AM
I just read where several police officers and police retirees have changed their handles to something less obvious to possibly not draw attention to themselves for the sake of the board.
I have got to say this is bad, real bad. These guys have several threads that I have read, some of the stuff i have been able to use.
But, if our officers are feling they need to tone down their presence for the sake of the site, in order to keep others from harrassing or causing trouble for the officers or baiting them into some off handed debate. Then I say boot the trouble maker. YOU GUYS have done so much for the public good, name any profession where somebody has not caused trouble. And I will eat my hat.
Guys, chest out, chin up, eyes forward, and GOD bless ya. Thank you for your service to the rest of us. And yes I have had some trouble with officers in the past. But even so, I can still find places to raise a glass of beer with them too.
Ain't no way I would want your job. In no time I would be playing dirty harry, I just plain don't know how you handle it.

Rant off, for now anyways

06-07-2007, 06:16 AM
I for one am in basic agreement with you, I think the bad cops get just a wee bit too much airtime, all professions have their bad eggs. LEO's just get a little more notariaty for their bad boys than alot of professions for some reason.

I know quite a few LEO's they are people too.

Everytime one of em has pulled me over to chat, I knew exactly why they wanted to chat with me[smilie=1: , it was never a big surprise, their speed'o'meter apparently worked just as well as mine...[smilie=1:

06-07-2007, 08:18 AM
Very true, and I hope OUR cops change their names back into what they had before. Personally I see no reason for the name change. I have been called bad names all throughout my childhood because I stayed pretty much to myself and did not join the typical groups. Yes, it hurt, but maybe that is what the Lord intended for reasons not to be questioned by me. ... felix

06-07-2007, 10:09 AM
i'm just sorry that people blame LEOs for what they represent, not for what they are. some people just don't like authority, and they hate LEOs for it. thats just not right; they do a job, and for the most part do it very well. You can't just go disliking a whole profession because of a couple bad experiences.

06-07-2007, 10:55 AM
For the last time.... No one has accused our LEOs on the forum of any wrongdoing, nor associated them in any way with the bad and stupid ones who do make the news and get talked about. Most of our LEOs here are aware of that, a couple of them don't get it and choose to take what is said as an insult to them personally. Shouldn't be. How often does someone here mash the Post Office and some of its employees? Too often. I am a retired Postal Employee yet I have never gotten in anyone's face for what they said, for I, better than you, know that it is probably true. And for every crooked or stupid employee there are 10,000 good hard working people like you and me who have done no wrong. Should I loose my testosterone and get all over you because you related an experience with someone I don't even know? You know the answer to that. I and every other honest employee hates the wrongdoers and the last thing we would do is support them; we always wanted them to get harsher punishments than they usually got. What usually happens, and I'm sure it's the same in law enforcement, the scumbags are allowed to resign with no charges filed. Again, I know nothing bad about ANY LEO we have on the board here and I have said that repeatedly. Some of them, like KCSO, seem to go out of there way to be nice and leave their badges at home when they come on the Internet. A couple of them seem to wear them all the time, be too ready to defend the honor of the profession by not allowing people to speak ill of it. How about you auto mechanics and plumbers? Does it make you angry when someone posts about bad ones in your profession? Or do you just say, "That's not me", and drive on? Accountants and taxmen? Lawyers and people in advertising and sales? Every profession has a few bad ones among the multitude of good ones and we ALL have to accept that. I refuse to accept special privileges for the police or anyone else here. I refuse to kiss anyone's ***! I have been accused "of stirring the pot" and posting stuff deliberately to cause trouble. That is a lie. I could probably get Joe StarMetal to relate his experiences with one of my accusers but they banned him already. I'm not defending him on that, he had ample warning and he brought it on himself. I too may be banned and I can live with that. I would/will miss all the good people here but I will not live in fear. A message to cops everywhere: Get over yourself, you're no better, no more privileged than the rest of us.

06-07-2007, 11:56 AM
+1 to what Scrounger said.

I don't remember anyone who had a Leo ID on his Avatar ever said anything to cause members here to get twitchy...or bitchy about it.

These Leos are all right, they are just regular folks like us dip-snorts...they enjoy guns, reloading and bullet casting.

By accepting them here like anyone else we are improving the anti them against us mentality that prevails in some PD departments. Let us all work to be brothers of the Silver Stream. :drinks:


06-07-2007, 12:59 PM

I don't remember anyone who had a Leo ID on his Avatar ever said anything to cause members here to get twitchy...or bitchy about it.


I sure hope I didn't--and if I have, I'm very sorry for having done so.

I considered the handle change 2 years ago when I retired, the idea being that a handle often says something about its user--and that "Deputy Al" no longer applied. I put it off, got focused on other stuff here and elsewhere, but the idea was still floating around in my head. Eventually, I came to feel that obsolete descriptors in the context of board moderation sent the wrong messages--and could serve as a flash point and distraction to the board's core content--the boolits and the hobbies that surround them. The new handle says more about what I'm about these days, and finished 1st ahead of "Grandpa Al". THAT is my real job, after all.

Allen Paine

Bass Ackward
06-07-2007, 01:23 PM
Personally, I didn't even realize that it happened. Maybe all board names should be screened / approved for sensitivity reasons? Change, is best institute long before a real problem results. Just look what happened banning one guy? Now 40% of membership wouldn't even know who we were talking about.

Cast bullets is a subject area that elicits little negative energy because everyone is here to learn about subjects related to such. Most guys are, or have been .... more mature and experienced about shooting in general. Think someone focused on cast cares what you do / did for a living? How old you are? What your financial status is about how many guns or of what brands you are buying? Well, when we write, those things come through anyway. We had to drop "Rant" from the Humor and Off Topic section because verb age control was being lost beyond that section. How many members did we have then?

If the membership continues to grow, and prices for jacketed bullets may just well accomplish that here, then one day some tough decisions may need to be made on whole sections. Is name change /sensitivity just another sign .... of growth?

06-07-2007, 01:40 PM
People are people across the globe, good people from bad countries even happens and certainly vice versa. It happens that 99.999 % of people do not come here to discuss the struggle of good vs evil here, we are here to discuss CB's and the practical and accurate and fun application of CB's throughout our various and sundry firearms and not whether peace officers, mailmen or pilots have humans in the ranks and are therefore suspect.

Just as humans have made the world better in some respects it follows that a percentage will also fail under scrutiny in every field.

I ask that our membership rely on why we are here together and not to find topics to discuss our faults or perceived faults beyond the content intended in the forum title.