View Full Version : I might be in trouble with the better half

10-22-2012, 02:09 PM
Well, I went into town this morning to cash a check presented to me by the pastor of a local church for some vocal work I did in his church ($150.00) and decided to stop by the local gun pusher shop just to chat. My wife had told me to get out for awhile and she would take care of our daughter (my wife is getting more comfortable with the suctioning necessitated by the trake and dealing with the asthma attacks)

Soooo...... I look in the case and see a High Standard Victor pistol in very nice shape with a Tasco dot site on top.... price tag was $450.00, a bargain for this gun . I handled it and, well, guess where that new found cash went?

Yep, laid it away.

Now, when I gave up my job at the end of the school year, I had been using that income to fund my gun purchases and other hobbies, so with the lack of any designated monies for the hobbies had decided to back off on purchasing any more guns until my social security started (another six months still).

Last month I purchased a Glenfield (Marlin) model 25 bolt action rifle for $119.00 otd) and
said to myself "It's only a little over $100", now I have another $300.00 to fund out of household expenses. And, just before Christmas.

Oh well, just couldn't pass it up. I have another concert coming up at another church and we're not that close on the budget that I can't squeeze out a couple hundred over the next several months.

Now I gotta go 'fess up to my wife......wish me luck.

10-22-2012, 02:26 PM
Always better to beg to be forgiven than ask for permission. lol

ole 5 hole group
10-22-2012, 02:33 PM
Not so quick, unless you feel the need for punishment. Surely you can delay a little until you're around the $150/$100 payoff mark - you'll have a lot less honey-do projects if you bade for time.

PS Paul
10-22-2012, 02:52 PM
I agree with ole 5 hole: give it a few weeks. ha-ha!! I've been married 22 years now, and I have learned to keep some things from her. Like the new turret press I brought in the basement door on Friday!! Of course, she could tell by the look on my face that I was "happier" than usual when I cam in, but I just played it off as an extra-good day at work.

Otherwise, GOOD LUCK, man!!

10-22-2012, 02:54 PM
If it's meant to be, the money will be there.

10-22-2012, 02:55 PM
Always found forgiveness fairly early on to work out best. lol I'm not saying that is the way I do it, buttttt.

10-22-2012, 03:01 PM
Yep. Let her know right away. My wife doesn't mind when I buy something as long as I tell her. And there have been quite a few 2000.00 purchases until about two years ago when my son was born.

10-22-2012, 03:08 PM
Well, her response was "and that should surprise me, why?"

I guess it's no big deal.

10-22-2012, 04:06 PM
Confession is good for the soul........but it's sometimes real hard on the butt!!!! Having said that, I would go ahead and take my medicine. It doesnt get any easier when you wait!! And you have a new toy to look forward to at the end of the session.

Good find! Wishi I could find one. LOL I'd take the butt chewing too!

10-22-2012, 07:38 PM
If it is a long gun ,this is the trick I use. I get an old broomstick and put it in a rifle carrying case. I tell the wife that so and so gun needs to be taken out for a repair to the gunsmith.
When the lay-away is paid off I bring the new gun home in the case. My wife thinks that it is the "repaired" gun. Once the new gun gets into the safe "they all look the same."

10-22-2012, 08:59 PM
If it is a long gun ,this is the trick I use. I get an old broomstick and put it in a rifle carrying case. I tell the wife that so and so gun needs to be taken out for a repair to the gunsmith.
When the lay-away is paid off I bring the new gun home in the case. My wife thinks that it is the "repaired" gun. Once the new gun gets into the safe "they all look the same."

Oh, I gotta use that one. Even just as a joke.

10-23-2012, 01:25 AM
i usually just give her the lay away reciept to hold so i don't lose it.
then give her the final payment and send her down to go pick it up.

i once called her from north dakota [at 5 a.m.] and had her drive 60 miles to the gun shop to pick up a rifle i had,had shipped there.

10-23-2012, 01:38 AM
If it is a long gun ,this is the trick I use. I get an old broomstick and put it in a rifle carrying case. I tell the wife that so and so gun needs to be taken out for a repair to the gunsmith.
When the lay-away is paid off I bring the new gun home in the case. My wife thinks that it is the "repaired" gun. Once the new gun gets into the safe "they all look the same."

Oh, thats good :drinks: [smilie=1:

41 mag fan
10-23-2012, 09:26 AM
If it is a long gun ,this is the trick I use. I get an old broomstick and put it in a rifle carrying case. I tell the wife that so and so gun needs to be taken out for a repair to the gunsmith.
When the lay-away is paid off I bring the new gun home in the case. My wife thinks that it is the "repaired" gun. Once the new gun gets into the safe "they all look the same."

Ohhh.. thats WAYYY to good. Thats better than my sneaky way to buy guns.

I always for a pistol go and buy a new holster for my already owned pistol and for some reason it's always to small or too big a holster, so I have to buy a gun that fits it.
I think my wifes onto that on though, now she just rolls her eyes when I mention the holster trick.

I'm gonna try the broomstick though, sure beats buying gun socks or cases that need filled up.

Wayne Smith
10-23-2012, 10:07 AM
Ohh, you guys. I wish any of those tricks would work with my wife. She takes care of the money and knows everything that comes in and goes out. When I was self employed she did the taxes, not only came in under a dollar owed several times but actually made a little money on the estimated tax set-aside!

Actually, I'm glad they won't work. Keeps me honest, and I need that!

Don't think it's a problem. I made some extra cash on some forensic work I did and told her about it and that I planned to use it to help pay off a rifle I have building. Her response? "Good!"

10-23-2012, 06:37 PM
well olevern sounds like she has resigined herself to the fact you have a sickness. and there is no help.

Wis. Tom
10-23-2012, 08:01 PM
The "church" is where you are making your extra money to buy this. Seems to me someone else is watching how you are handling this situation, and can either bless you, or curse you. Just saying...

10-24-2012, 07:34 AM
well olevern sounds like she has resigined herself to the fact you have a sickness. and there is no help.

Pretty much true, we have been married since 1970, so we know each other pretty well. I think for the first ten to twelve years she still hoped to change me, but pretty much resigned herself to live with the man that I am after that.

It came as no surprise to her that I had laid another gun away, and she took it well.

It's not like we're really that close on the budget, thankfully, so it should be no problem paying it off (the local 'enabler' sells pretty cheaply and has a 60 day lay-away).

Won't be dishonest with her and I trust her to be honest with me. Only way we have survived 42 years of marriage is by respecting each other.

10-24-2012, 11:22 PM
About every third gun I buy, I give to my wife. All her friends are astounded by the nice "gifts" I give her, but she's on to the tactic. Soon will need to come up with something else.

10-25-2012, 12:13 AM
Big mistake, I gave my wife a 10/22 for our anniversary 30 some odd years ago, and she still claims it.
She does let me borrow it when I want though. lol

Idaho Mule
10-25-2012, 12:50 AM
Last gun that caught me off guard was total innocence on my part. Had stopped at the local hardware/sporting goods store to buy some new Levi's and ambled by the gun aisle. Kid behind the counter had just taken a carbine back from a prospective customer that said "I don't know why anybody would want that, you'd have to reload to shoot it". The kid noticed me looking down the counter and asked if I would like a look- I said sure and he handed it to me. The carbine was a BRAND NEW in the box Marlin 1894 CL in 32-20 with a price tag of 425.00. I already owned one so was not interested , but thought about it for a minute because of the price. Then the kid said he had a revolver that matched the caliber too. Well my eyebrow raised and I asked if I could see it. He said he wasn't sure if he could show it yet as he didn't know if it had been thru the store's logging in system yet. I said "find out". He got hold of a woman mgr. and they went into a backroom and re-appeared with a yellow and black Ruger box. And I walked away with a BRAND NEW in the box Ruger BuckEye convertable 32-20 / 32 HR Mag, unfired!!! for 440.00 !! That happened about 3 months ago. When I called the wife to tell her I had bought a gun she was MAD!! When I told her what it was I was forgiven (slightly). I am so glad she at least tries to understand my madness. I even would have let her shoot it first if she had wanted to. JW

10-25-2012, 04:26 PM
Ha! Wanna make a profit on that combo? My wife could be as mad as she likes while I am at the range.

Idaho Mule
10-27-2012, 05:41 PM
x101, gotta thank you for the offer, but the little thing seems to be plumb happy right here!! My oldest son bought one about 2 yrs. ago, we found it in the local want adds, he payed 700 bones for his, but got a very nice holster, plus box, etc.. but he was P.O.'d when he saw mine was a LOT lower ser. #JW

10-29-2012, 02:00 PM
Idaho mule; should'a bought that Marlin in .32-20 too at that price, you could have turned it around for a nice profit.
(just sayin')

Silvercreek Farmer
10-29-2012, 04:21 PM
I can get approval to buy pretty much buy anything I want because she knows I am tight with a dollar, it's the shooting time I have to beg for!