View Full Version : Too late again.

10-19-2012, 12:01 PM
I found a big sulphur shelf mushroom this morning but it was too old.
Right behind my target were a bunch of puffballs, turning green already.
Only been a week since I was down there.
I missed out on all the paw paws too. Seems as if stuff comes and goes too fast. Even the apples are long gone from the trees.

10-20-2012, 12:21 AM
Try living 1000 miles away from your home place!

Lloyd Smale
10-20-2012, 05:06 AM
We found some huge puffballs out on the farm this year. One weighted 31 lbs!!!

10-20-2012, 08:15 AM
I like puffballs and have spread them all around. Too bad there is no way to keep them.
I used to cut them in cubes, batter and deep fry them. I would carry a bag to work and snack on them all day.
They just appeared a few days ago and did not last at all before I could get a few.
I have to down the road today and check a hill that is usually covered in them.

Lloyd Smale
10-21-2012, 06:06 AM
what we do is skin the cut them into slices and fry them till there about half way cooked and then vaccum pack them and freeze them. then when you take them out just finish frying them. they turn out pretty good that way.

10-23-2012, 02:25 PM
what we do is skin the cut them into slices and fry them till there about half way cooked and then vaccum pack them and freeze them. then when you take them out just finish frying them. they turn out pretty good that way.
Thank you for that. None of my books say how.