View Full Version : Cystoscopy

10-15-2012, 04:56 PM
I had my first and let me tell you its not a pleasant experience to say the least in itself!They found a 7mm tumor,that has to be removed in 2 weeks.I appreciate any prayers given that this thing is benign,any encouragement is also appreciated right now!As soon as the Doc told me I quit cigarettes, haven't had another since friday and wont ever pick them up again!This kind of news is shocking, and I've been down, worrying ever since.My wife a real supportive trooper right now,that's why their called your better half I'm certain.Thank you for any kind words,and God bless you,and yours! GT27

10-15-2012, 06:39 PM
Unpleasant is putting it mildly. Had three in one summer all turned out all right for me.
Hoping it all goes very well for you.


10-16-2012, 06:48 AM
Hope all goes well, a prayer is said. The wait is usually the worst of it.


10-16-2012, 10:00 AM
Aww, you get used to them after the fifth one! :evil::mad: 2 weeks ago was #6 for me. Part of the on-going fight with prostate cancer. It involves the scar tissue that forms when they remove the prostate, then re-connect the urethra to the bladder. It grows shut, gets too small to pass urine. This last one was done while under anesthesia, it hurts WAY too much to do while awake.

Worst part is the folley catheter, that has to stay in for 5 days. They let you take it out yourself, what a relief![smilie=w:

Did they do a biopsy? Be real glad it wasn't cancerous. My oldest brother has bladder cancer. He's had it for the last 7 years. They go in with the cystoscope about every 6 months to look for more tumors. He has lost one kidney to the cancer, but still has somewhat normal bladder function.

Hang in there. It's good to identify the problem, and keep an eye on it. Best part is, urinary cancer is slow growing and USUALLY easily controllable.

10-17-2012, 09:01 AM
I had one done many years ago. The Doc said he could do it under local anesthetic or put me to sleep. I said he'd have to put me to sleep. He asked why and I said "you can't catch me while I'm awake".

01-08-2013, 08:00 AM
Sorry, just saw this post. Been through this and found I had bladder cancer. Doc took a gumball sized tumor out. We caught it early and I am fine, but i have a cysto once a year just to be sure. Piece of cake if I can relax (which has been only once : P). A two minute procedure gives me a year of relief.

41 mag fan
01-08-2013, 08:07 AM
Good luck and a prayer is going out.

Wayne Smith
01-08-2013, 10:52 AM
Congratulations on quitting tobacco. That will change many things in your life, not just this one.

01-08-2013, 10:59 AM
Regular M.D. noticed enlargement of my prostrate, have appointment with Urologist(sp) this week. Have my fingers crossed.

Mal Paso
01-08-2013, 12:14 PM
Hell of a time to quit smoking. You have my support. It gets easier as time passes. Smoking reduces the blood flow to your eyes. You'll be surprised how much your vision improves over the next couple months. Something to look forward to.


01-08-2013, 12:57 PM
Thanks for all of the well wishes you guys,and I pray that the lord will take care of the ones yet to be diagnosed,and that have already been diagnosed.I cant stress enough if you see something, or something doesn't feel right,get to your Dr.,It may save your life!!! If this is caught early your success rate is good if not great compared to other cancers.If let go it can get into the lymph-nodes and can travel and metastasize into another part of your body and become dangerous and even fatal!! GT27

01-08-2013, 07:19 PM
Regular M.D. noticed enlargement of my prostrate, have appointment with Urologist(sp) this week. Have my fingers crossed.

I too, have enlarged prostate which hinders urine flow. Urologist had me taking Saw Palmetto. One a day works for me. Good luck with the Dr's visit.

01-08-2013, 08:35 PM
I will share my story and if it saves ONE life it will be worth it. On Saturday morning Memorial Day weekend 9 years ago, my urine was the color of Coca Cola. The next day the urine was much lighter and by Monday it was back to normal. Being the usual man, I ignored it. About 6 months later it happened again for one day only but not really dark, again I ignored it. The third time was about 6 months later and again only for the one day. To me it wasn't anything to worry about and I didn't give those seperate instances a second thought.
I needed a physical for something so went to my MD. He suggested seeing the Urologist which I did. The Cysto showed the tumor and he surgically removed it. No big deal on the surgery, worst part was the needle into the arm. His comments after the surgery was "My next words to the patient are usually you have 6 months to live, but we caught yours early. 95% sure my smoking 2 packs a WEEK caused the cancer". I quit that day. Chemo was a piece of cake with it directly into the bladder once a week for 6 weeks.
Cystos were every 3 months for 2 years, every 6 months for 2 years and now once a year.
Get it checked out guys. It is a 3 minute process and could save your life.

Wayne Smith
01-08-2013, 10:17 PM
I can add that for any number of ailments. I was seeing an optometrist for years until the then current one left me sitting for three hours while he took care of 'emergencies'. Frustrated, I called my wife to see who she saw. I made an appointment with him, an Optholomogist. The first time he saw me he diagnosed low pressure glaucoma, thank God he caught it early, before damage was done.

I was seeing my MD for regular check-ups, hypertension, high colesterol, and high triglycerides. Required fasting blood tests. I had one fasting blood sugar of 125 and one of 126, he Dx'ed diabetes. Caught it early, controlled with diet and exercise, and no damage.

After 40 you should be consulting a physician or a regular basis, at least once a year, and very aware of any changes in your body.

01-09-2013, 10:09 AM
hang in there GT27, the surgery is not as bad as you imagine. I have been dealing with bladder cancer for over 12 years and I'm still here.

the main thing is to follow your doctors instructions. I ignored my doctor and did not go back for a couple of years and ended up loosing a large portion of my bladder.

Normally they just remove the tumors by TUR. No lifting for 3-5 days after they remove the tumor. I made that mistake one time only.

my last tumor removal surgery was may 2012. right after surgery, they filled my bladder with Mitomycin C for 2 hours. have to say that it really sucked when I woke up while my bladder was filled and catheter was clamped closed, LOL. great news was that my last cysto
( I like to call it a shish kabob test ) found no tumors. doctor thinks that was due to the Mitomycin C immediately after surgery.

please feel free to PM me with any questions

01-09-2013, 01:30 PM
I was seeing my MD for regular check-ups, hypertension, high colesterol, and high triglycerides. Required fasting blood tests. I had one fasting blood sugar of 125 and one of 126, he Dx'ed diabetes. Caught it early, controlled with diet and exercise, and no damage.

Wayne, that blood sugar of 125-126 should be considered normal. I know that some doctors are using a lower count of 90-100 as a threshold to call it type 2 diabetes. BUT the real score should be what your A1-C reading is. Again, 7.0 USED to be the level that was normal, now they are saying 5.0 is normal.

I have type 2 diabetes, have since 2002. It has progressed from simply taking metformin to control it-- to using insulin now. As for diet, I avoid all refined sugar, and am conscious of the carbs I eat. Exercise is a problem for me, 2 bad knees and lower back limit what I can do.

I would ask that doctor what your A1-C is, it's a much better measure of what is going on in your pancreas. I'm no doctor, I'm just saying what I've learned about my disease, and what's working for me.