View Full Version : Magic Lube! Twice the Teflon? (tumble lube experiment)

10-12-2012, 08:19 PM
So. It happened upon me since I got almost a boatload of this stuff free from a friend that works in a place where this was discontinued.

I have been casting my own for a few years now and have been satisfied with Alox and some bulk Xlox (so called) stuff that I acquired and I have a gazillion (more like 20 or 30) of these tubes of stuff called "Magic lube" by aladdin. And we all know that a genie in a bottle can't go wrong. so one day I threw a few globs of this into my normal alox regimen and found the results to be "so far so good"

More about the lube. you can easily find this stuff for about $5-10 a tube on ebay the propaganda on the bottle reads: Magic lube is a teflon based non-melting, non-toxic formula that is waterproof for use in both wet and dry environments. A wide temperature range (0-425F) makes magic lube ideal for use under the most adverse conditions. Magic lube has been USDA. H-1 rated to be environmentally safe and corrosion free. features Teflon based. waterproof usda h-1 rated chemical resistant .. prevents rust and corrosion ..wide temperature range.

So instead of selling my cache of this stuff on ebay.. cashing out and living in the Carribean I have been content to use it on plumbing odd jobs and radiator hoses on my vehicles (a use which it works good for) I decided to put it in with the alox on some batches of 240 gn Lee TL boolits. Anecdotally I can say that I seem to have noticed a decrease in the leading on my redhawk perhaps by the addition of this lube, perhaps by the alignment of the sun, moon and stars. the first observation is that the batches lubed with this seem to remain somewhat tacky feeling as if the stuff never really dries. which makes me wonder how many little flakes of powder stick to it and render themselves inert. They all however have gone bang..

Has anyone else ever experimented with the stuff? I will eventually try lubing some boolits exclusively with it... which of course causes me to get nervous because its clear so I don't know what kind of coating I'm getting. but whatever..

I'm definitely not concerned with the "environmentally safe" part of it Actually I pride myself in being a "reverse miner" I create deposits of minerals... Lead and Copper (sometimes) into otherwise barren dirt berms and the occasional coyote, fox, bobcat, jackrabbit, squirrel that populates this so-called environment. I consider this task of "giving back" to nature an honor.


10-12-2012, 08:53 PM
It may cook when fired and stick to your bore. Go ahead and try, but just be watching out for cra? in the bore. I've heard it is muy hard to get out. It also produces poisonous gasses, so don't shoot it inside and don't shoot into the wind. That said a swab of triflow oil on a muzzleloader bore after a brushing and swabbing clean/dry and loading is good for accurate shooting without other lube.

10-12-2012, 09:05 PM
Yeah, I hear you on the cooking.. I figure its a little like everything else in life.. Probably not good to put it in a pipe and smoke it. I think the same could be said for a lot of things even the concept of shooting lead bullets in general. Yeah, don't have any muzzle loaders so ill have to pass on the latter. I think it will likely just remain a partial supplement to the alox. If nothing else its a good way to deplete the stash of this stuff laying around.

10-12-2012, 09:16 PM
A suggestion re: tacky boolits. Sprinkle some cornstarch on a towel or thick rag, kinda like your Mom used to use w/flour when making biscuits. After the boolits air dry for a while tumble them on the rag. Instant no sticky! Won't hurt your bore either. GW

10-13-2012, 12:56 PM
Awesome I like the idea of the cornstarch I will have to try that. It would certainly put a barrier in the way of the lube and the powder Thanks GW

10-13-2012, 01:20 PM
when Teflon burns it creates Hydrogen Fluoride (http://www.epa.gov/airtoxics/hlthef/hydrogen.html)
Im guessing in the levels you are dealing with it wouldnt kill you, but I wouldnt want to be around it.

10-14-2012, 12:19 PM
Yeah maybe Ill just take the tubes of this stuff out when I go shooting and shoot them so that they explode with goop everywhere.

Maybe as a boolit lube it was a bad idea.

10-14-2012, 02:47 PM
Unless you are shooting lots in a small cardboard box, I'd not worry at all about the HF. They use it in water and tooth paste. The NOAEL is 1.0 mg/m3. The PEL is 2.5 mg/m3. The Ignition point is 746 degrees fahrenheit. That is a fairly high number, and I don't think you will approach it, especially if you shoot outdoors.

10-14-2012, 06:42 PM
Yeah.. I don[t know what the actual teflon content is of this stuff (probably not much) and I do shoot primarily outdoors so I don't think I will run into any issues but... Ill continue to experiment a little with it. The one thing I did read about here on this forum that piqued my interest is the JPW LLA blend. I am thinking of giving that a shot I do like the idea of a lube that is a bit less smokey.