View Full Version : Got a call from Moma

10-12-2012, 08:41 AM
Moma just called. As of Monday, she's moving into an assisted living facility.

I think she has finally realized she can't live by herself anymore. She's fallen several times in the last month and now she's scared.

This is a big decision for her and a difficult one to make. She and Daddy built that house in 1940 and that's the only place she's known for 72 years. If she makes it to 05 JAN, she'll be 95.

She will, however, be within a coupla' miles of my brother's youngest daughter and her husband. They are genuine family oriented people and Bob and Carey will stop by on a regular basis to see her.

By the way, from time to time, Moma still mentions the flowers from "all those men you know".


Larry Gibson
10-12-2012, 11:42 AM

Went through this with my own mother and inlaws a while back. It is hard sometimes and gets harder. My only advise is to visit as often as you can and visit even when you think you can't because when they are gone.......... You will not regret it down the road. Best wishes to your beautiful mother BTW.

Larry Gibson

10-12-2012, 12:20 PM
Good advice, Larry. Thank you.

10-12-2012, 12:26 PM
Thanks for the update on you mother. I continue to wish her well and hope that her new accomidations suit her. My oldest sister moved into such a situation after a stroke and really enjoys it, she has made many new friends and new interests.

10-13-2012, 08:07 AM
0800 hrs-

My brother just called from Charleston. He needs help getting Mom's stuff moved to the facility, so I'm about to pack and fly outa' here.

I'm taking my laptop and air card with me, so I may be able to log back in and catch up.

Keep the gate locked an' the fire burnin' and don't forget to stick a candle in the window!

Later, guys!

10-13-2012, 08:08 AM
Godspeed and our best wishes to your momma.

10-13-2012, 08:57 AM
Proof God really loves us.To give such a wonderfull gift .Bless you and all your endeavors.I'm going right now and give my mom a big hug and a kiss.

10-13-2012, 09:59 AM
Due to leave within the hour. Will not have access to internet while there. Will check in when I return.

10-13-2012, 10:08 AM
Pray all goes well, and have a safe trip.

smoked turkey
10-13-2012, 11:57 AM
Jim I know this is a hard time for all the family. As you have stated it is especially hard for moma as she is leaving the place where most of her life has been spent. The memories of all those Christmas past, etc. She has a great support group in her family. As has been said visit her as often as you can. She values and needs your support. GodSpeed to you and all.

square butte
10-13-2012, 02:54 PM
Jim,our prayers are with you and family. We are making the same decision with my brother right now. By the way, it's clear where your good looks came from. Please pardon the humor at this moment. We lost my Mom on Aug 13th.

10-13-2012, 03:04 PM
That had to be a very tough decision for your mother Jim. I know that the day my late father moved out of his home of 60 years it broke his heart. The very best wishes from the South Pacific.

10-13-2012, 04:21 PM
I remember the night my mother fell down and called me. It was the 3rd or 4th time. But, that night she hit her head on the stationary bicycle on the way down and was bleeding. I called 911 and still beat them there (11 mi. for me). She was fine, but that was the night I moved her in with us; she was 84. She lived with us for 7 years and passed away right under me while I was giving her CPR. She was 1 month shy of her 91st birthday.

Your very lucky to have your mom with you so long and although it may be a sad that she has to move out of her home. It's great that she is still mentally capable of making this decision on her own.

During the last 3 years of my mother's life she suffered from dementia and would sometimes ask us to take her home. That her mother must be worried about her.

Your mom will have much to talk about and much to share with the other folks at her facility.

Regards and best wishes for your mom,


10-13-2012, 05:50 PM
This is a tough decision for her to make. However it was a decision she made and was not forced on her, as happens so many times. Because it was her decision, she will adjust much better and find a good quality life. When these things are forced on the elderly, they have the anger and bitterness to deal with and seldom adjust well.

I think I would like your Mom. Tell her Hi from Charles in deep south Texas!

10-17-2012, 07:04 AM
Very busy weekend.

I got there around 5 PM Saturday, we moved the necessary furniture Sunday morning, moved Moma Monday morning and I left Tuesday morning.

At any rate, Moma is in her new place, settled and comfortable.

A close friend of the family (left, 1st photo) bought a nice outfit for Moma to wear, they fixed her hair and got her all primped up.

Moma has had a Hispanic lady (right, 1st photo) working for her for several years helping around the house. It was a sad parting.


We no sooner got Moma to the facility than the entire staff came out to greet her. You would have thought a foreign dignitary had arrived.

One of the staff brought her favorite lunch, toasted BLT, and she was thrilled at all the special attention.

She made a point of telling me to be sure to "...send a picture to those men that sent me those beautiful flowers". "Yes Ma'am, I'll see to it."


10-17-2012, 07:26 AM
Your Momma is a physically beautiful lady. I'll bet she was a knock-out in her younger days. What happened to you? LOL

10-17-2012, 07:40 AM
Your Momma is a physically beautiful lady. I'll bet she was a knock-out in her younger days.

Daddy used to tell me that years ago when he was still alive.

What happened to you? LOLJack

I fell in with a bunch of rogues and miscreants on some two bit bullet casting forum. [smilie=1:

10-17-2012, 10:15 AM
Good to hear you're home safe and all went well.

Smitty's Retired
10-17-2012, 11:48 AM
Jim, I am so glad to see she is in good hands. I hope this works out well for her. You tell them folks they had better take care of her.

10-17-2012, 03:07 PM
Jim, I am so glad to see she is in good hands. I hope this works out well for her. You tell them folks they had better take care of her.

Yeah, otherwise, I might show up with some rogues and miscreants. :holysheep

10-17-2012, 05:18 PM
Yeah, otherwise, I might show up with some rogues and miscreants. :holysheep

I''ll need 36 hours notice please to organise flights but count me in. ;-)

10-17-2012, 06:18 PM
That's what I'm talkin' about!!

Smitty's Retired
10-17-2012, 07:45 PM
That's what I'm talkin' about!!

Ya don't mess with Momma, unless you want to have a bad day.