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10-12-2012, 12:08 AM
Has anybody here used this program? I finally had my paperwork go through and now I qualify. I have one more year left in the guard.

Idaho Sharpshooter
10-16-2012, 11:30 AM
like everything else in the VA, you need to read very carefully before you sign anything.

With me, they transposed the data for attitude and aptitude.

10-16-2012, 01:13 PM
I can't tell you too much about the specifics of the program but the people in the VocRehab center at the VA in Seattle are good people. I have offered them the use of my camping cabin in the meadow as well as the trail system in the back of our property by any of the guys or gals who need to get out of the hospital environment and maybe practice with their prosthetics on our trails. They asked about wildlife so sent them some trail cam pics but probably shouldn't have sent the cougar pic.
If you go to the Seattle VA, make sure you leave a trail of bread crumbs to find your way out of the maze that is that huge building.
The Seattle VA has done right by me over the last few years so I have no complaints except about the parking there.

10-16-2012, 11:42 PM
I went through chapter 32? I obtained my degree in Landscape Management and made my wife happy with subsistence (sp?) money. They bought all my books and I and my team still use them for reference at work.
Un caveat!! Do not take more courses that You can do well in; you do have to sign a contract to complete your education in a certain amount of time. Make sure you have a support network to help you achieve real good grades (tutors,study groups, note takers that are willing to share).
Never bite more than you can study for and complete your homework.
Taking full-time courses may make you rich with the payments from VA, but they can overstress you with the homework and quizzes and tests.
Think very well about what courses to take; kill the core-requirements early and well because those may help you more if you decide to change your degree or field of study.
I was already a groundskeeper when I started school; all I wanted was to be the boss so we could modernize and improve our turf and landscape areas and the only way I found to accomplish that was to incorporate ideas from my teachers and colleagues (sp?).
If you will not be working and studying at the same time ,then immerse yourself TOTALLY in your studies.
Good Luck, GOD Bless and hope you let us know when you receive Your Degree.