View Full Version : Dealing with smoke while refining

10-10-2012, 10:16 AM
This has always been an issue I have struggled with. Being "upwind" seems to be difficult at best. I have tried fans, but they don't last long it seems in my garage.

This past Saturday I decided to try a smokestack. Worked like a charm. I used a 4' section of 6" steel vent tube, and a couple of scraps sections of steel 2X4. I added a little oil to the pot early, flamed it and put the stack up.


Talk about creating a draft. I have been melting 3/8" sheet lead in 4'X6" strips. I flux with used motor oil, and this creates a great little high heat zone that really melts the sheet as I feed them in. Plus the smoke is all 3' over my head and headed straight up.

This should go without saying, but you will need your gloves on when touching the stack. It is very hot.

I am sure there are lots of elegant solutions out there. But, if you, like me are extremely cheap, this can be done usually with scrap you have laying around.

Good luck!

Thought I would share.