View Full Version : MinWax

big boar
10-08-2012, 03:07 PM
I've been unable to locate any JPW up here in Ontario. Does anyone know if MINWAX paste wax can be substituted for JPW? (Just as bit of info, when I was about 8 or 9 I had to wax the livingroom floor of our house. I had to do it several times through the years till we got carpeting. Today, that would count as child abuse.) Thanks for the help.BB

10-08-2012, 03:28 PM
Don't know about substitutions, but I had the following experience yesterday:

For what will be my first batch of Ben's Red, I initially looked for JPW in Home Depot's paint/stain/varnish section, and only found the Minwax.

Asking the helpful service gnomes, I was directed to the cleaning supplies aisle where I found JPW in with Windex, Pledge, etc... TOTALLY different section of the store with maybe 150 yards between them.

Hopefully, you're simply digging in the wrong place.

Alberta Separatist
10-08-2012, 07:07 PM
I don't think anyone in canada is selling this wax.
I tried lowe's, home depot etc..... nothing listed.... I'm with big boar and I'm looking for substitutes.:veryconfu

10-08-2012, 07:31 PM
Seems like other Canadians have indicated that JPW is not available there. I would compare the MSDS for the two products and cross reference the ingredients. I suspect that they are quite similar re: ingredients; ratios may be slightly different.

To the OP: I spent 20 years in the U.S. Army, starting back in the days when we had to wax and buff our tile floors with paste wax and Kiwi shoe polish. Then some tree-hugger determined that buffing that asbestos tile really wasn't good for us. Not to mention the fire from melting the paste wax and shoe polish!

big boar
10-09-2012, 06:26 PM
Hey Nicholst55, speaking of "waxing" your boots I've got another one for you. Again, I was about 9 years old. My dad served overseas during WW2 and later ended up as the Reg Sgt Major for an artillery regiment. I use to "SPIT POLISH" his boots almost every week and they had to be shiny enough to reflect your face. Odd thing was I actually enjoyed doing it. Talk about having a warped mind. He was a great dad and go me into shooting.

10-13-2012, 12:49 PM
I've been unable to locate any JPW up here in Ontario. Does anyone know if MINWAX paste wax can be substituted for JPW? (Just as bit of info, when I was about 8 or 9 I had to wax the livingroom floor of our house. I had to do it several times through the years till we got carpeting. Today, that would count as child abuse.) Thanks for the help.BB

After years of waxing the hardwood floors in our house, on her hands and knees the old fashioned hardway, my daddy made that lady the happiest woman on earth when he had that new fangled wall to wall carpet in every room installed throught the whole house. I still remember the look on her face .

10-13-2012, 02:15 PM
big boar & Alta Separatist, Since you can't get JPW in Canada, why not google the chemical composition* of JPW and the Minwax or something similar to see how close it is to the former? You'll then know what to do.

*MSDS sheet

big boar
10-14-2012, 09:57 PM
Thanks, Maven good idea.

10-14-2012, 10:00 PM
Minwax and Alox is what I'm using for bullet lube. I can get JPW, but I had the MW already so I tried it. It works just fine, but I haven't actually compared the two side-by-side.

10-14-2012, 10:49 PM
Minwax is you freind. I too am in Canada and my local hardware had a tub so I tried it. I have been using it for some time now and it is the stuff. It makes awesome tumble lube with Reclus's formula of 45%Minwax Paste Wax, 45% Lee Liquid Alox and 10% Varsol to thin it just a bit. Heat up the paste wax for a while to allow some of the solvents to cook off then add the LLA and as it cools you can add the Varsol. Shake well. When I need some lube I throw the bottle in a sink of hot water for a minute or so to melt.

Alberta Separatist
10-17-2012, 11:47 AM
yes; this is just as good as JPW and I'm resuming my .223 loads at 2000 fps.
I use the 45/45/10 and find it awesome.

thanks everyone![smilie=w:

big boar
10-18-2012, 09:45 PM
I looked up the MSDS sheets on both. JPW was easy and gave a lot of info but Minwax only listed the solvent composition(mineral spirits) and nothing else. However I noticed that both had a very high percentage of mineral spirits. With this in mind I was wondering why, when mixing 45-45-10, we melt and "cook off" so much of the solvent only to add it in again at the end. Why not just cook off a bit less, then add LLA and be done with the mix? I'm going to make some next week just for a try. Thanks to everyone for your help, problem solved.

10-23-2012, 03:34 PM
big boar

read the sticky on 45/45/10

it is all explained in there

10-25-2012, 12:46 AM
It's what I use, straight 50/50 with LLA (no solvent.) Seems to work really well in my rifles but I still get residue in my pistols, though not as much as before as I stumbled upon this formula.

big boar
10-29-2012, 06:15 PM
I made a really small batch just to try. Melted the Minwax and let it "cook off" on minimum heat on the stove. I could just see the solvent sort of evaporating off for about 10 min. I added about 50% LLA and let it cool. Today the texture is about like peanut butter, WAYYY to soft for me. I'll either mix in some more Minwax or melt in some Beeswax to get a firmer lube.

10-29-2012, 09:15 PM
I made a really small batch just to try. Melted the Minwax and let it "cook off" on minimum heat on the stove. I could just see the solvent sort of evaporating off for about 10 min. I added about 50% LLA and let it cool. Today the texture is about like peanut butter, WAYYY to soft for me. I'll either mix in some more Minwax or melt in some Beeswax to get a firmer lube.

Give it a try just like it is. Heat the boolits first. It might surprise you.

10-31-2012, 05:27 AM
big boar: sounds like you are on the right track...

it is suggested you warm your boolits, and warm your loob, and use sparingly

it dries quickly and works well.

big boar
10-31-2012, 06:07 PM
Nanuk, you live in Sask, have you tried this lube in the HOT Sask summer (July 1-4 where it must get to almost 17 deg C) as well as the mild Sask winter (-40, - -50 deg C)? Just wondering if this lube works in changing climates? (Kidding about Sask, my mother was born there and raised on a farm.)

11-04-2012, 01:23 PM
My mix with JPW is thinned to be verry fluid at room temperature maybe (40-40-20?), and flows like thin and warm maple syrup... pretty thin, and it leaves a very thin coat of lube.
On pistol and revolver bullets it's plenty, and on normally lubed/sized/gas checked rifle bullets its easy insurance.
I NEVER have leading issues.
Nice to hear I can use minwax too.