View Full Version : Montana-lopes!

10-07-2012, 01:41 AM
As many of you already know, i love to antelope hunt! I always love the team effort and family aspect of hunting them.
Today felt like a true blessing, sometimes you just get days where everybody is having a great time and life seems to be going your way. My brother had a buck and a doe tag, and i had a doe tag this morning as we set out. Sadly, pheasant hunters caused us a but of heartburn at first light by scaring the herd we were sneaking on that held the old buck my brother wanted, causing them to head onto the trap club's rifle range and amongst the traps. DARN! We decided to get onto our own private property and see what we could do. After spotting a coyote and four Golden Eagles feeding on a dead antelope, we decided to check our spring tank for an antelope. A very dry summer and fall, combined with the well being shut off for winter once the cows had been moved off meant the spring fed tank is the only water for a long ways around. Popping over the rims, we didn't see a single antelope... We saw 200! In trying to figure out the biggest buck, as well as a true ballistic range for the very steep angle, the herd moved out on us. Luckily my father, with 50 years of hunting goats in this county knew they weren't spooked bad, and exactly where they would come out. After circling around, my brother and i got set up on a fenceline, and in a matter of minutes antelope started pouring our of the coulee in front of us. I ranged them at 375, and my brother took a doe with a single 130 Nosler Accubond out of his 1942 M70 .270, which was our great- grandfather's hunting rifle, then i took my doe with one Berger 168 VLD as they milled around his doe. GREAT! Two tags filled, and it's only 9 o'clock! After hanging the does up in the shop, we went after the buck we wanted again. On our way up there, i spotted a $5 bill in the ditch, so i told my brother, "this is a good luck bill, and something good is gonna happen soon!" As it turned out, the buck had come back on our property, and was beded down on a flat spot we had hayed this summer, meaning it had about as much cover as a golf course. By crawling up a hill behind him, we got within 250 yards, but directly upwind. Still, he refused to leave his bed! So we began to slowly belly-crawl towards him, stopping when he looked like he finally caught our wind. As it turned out, we got to 150 yards before he finally decided to stand up! Once again, a single Nosler put him down after a 40 yard sprint. He had several patches of hide missing as large as your hand on his right side, as well as missing a prong, which makes us think he may have been hit by a car a month or so ago. You can see the black scab on one of them just under the doe's chin in the picture.
My twin brother on the left, our little (younger, not very little) brother in the middle and me on the right. We took both our parents, my girlfriend, the ever steady miss K taking the picture, and our little brother. Sorry for the long post, but i am still wound up by what a great day we had! It wasn't that we filled our tags that made it a special day, but more about a day in God's country with the ones i love the most just enjoying life! If there was any way i could have, i'd have invited each of you guy's along too. I must thank my savior, our Lord God, for giving me my family, the animals to feed us this winter, and for allowing us to make three clean, swift kills on them.

10-07-2012, 02:09 AM
Great hunt! And I'm glad you found my five dollar bill. I dropped it in Browning, and I am sure it could have blown over that far. I can send you my address, so you can mail it back.

10-07-2012, 02:17 AM
By the way, I can identify it. It had Lincoln's picture on the front.

10-07-2012, 08:40 AM
Great hunts and sounds like some good times spent with the family.

10-07-2012, 10:54 AM
Hey Ric, you didn't drop it coming out of the Northern Winz Casino did ya? :kidding:
But you are right, this one does have Lincoln's picture on the front! If you'll send the $5.85 for a medium FR shipping box i'll pop it in the USPS for you right away! :twisted:

10-07-2012, 11:16 AM
ric is that the one you posted the reward for on face book?
you know the one that had some 5's in the corners and some numbers in the middle left side of the paper?

back to the thread...

nice write up and pictures, i really need to start taking a camera when i go out.
one of these day's you'll put up a pick of miss-K so we know who she is.

10-07-2012, 11:49 AM
Nice write up.

Make sure you look over the meat from that buck real careful when you butcher it. I killed a whitetail doe about 4 years ago that had been hit by a car the wound had healed over but we tossed part of the shoulder meat because it just didnt look right.

168gr VLD from what?

10-07-2012, 11:49 AM
Sounds good. I'm going to include a ten dollar reward, too!

10-07-2012, 01:04 PM
168 Berger out of my 700 7mm Rem Mag, with Rl-22 behind it. Rifle is a 700 i bought as a 16th birthday gift to myself, and have slowly been working on, hoping to save up the cash for a better stock with a bedding block in it, scope is a Leupold VX-III 3.5-10 with the B&C reticle which makes long range a whole heck of alot easier. Deadly on coyotes as far as i can get them to hold still long enough to hit, and great results on big game so far, hoping to take an elk withthe rifle this fall.

Our local game processors are donating processing on a few head of deer for me to go to the Student Food Bank at my college, so we took these critters in to give them a little paying business as a thank you, otherwise we would be butchering them ourselves. In fact, i am off to go butcher antelope with a classmate right now, after i teach a 4-H Meats ID meeting!

Don't worry Ric, i'll take good care of your bill for you[smilie=1:

As for Miss K, I suppose i could show a photo!
Her whitetail from our ranch last fall.
Sun River Game range after horn hunting two years ago.

10-07-2012, 01:15 PM
there ya go,,, now we know who you are talkin about.

10-07-2012, 07:17 PM
Hunting makes happy faces. Thanks for the pictures. Its almost like being there.
Well - not quite. ;)

10-07-2012, 07:17 PM
Good job on the family hunt.

10-07-2012, 08:36 PM
Yeay, Speedgoat!! Great job. I just love antelope steaks. I like them even more than whitetail. You ever want to sell some jerky, lemme know!

Idaho Mule
10-07-2012, 09:28 PM
Good job!! nice goats and I LOVE seein' cowboy hats in the pics.

10-11-2012, 03:36 PM
Nice Goats I have been hooked on them for years.

Fun to glass, fun to stalk, and just plane fun their is never a dull moment with them you never know what there going to do.

10-11-2012, 04:12 PM
GREAT photos of family fun ! :)


10-11-2012, 06:35 PM
Yeay, Speedgoat!! Great job. I just love antelope steaks. I like them even more than whitetail. You ever want to sell some jerky, lemme know!

SELL jerky? Get your butt up here and shoot your own! I got a spare bedroom, and antegoats, 15 minutes from my house!

Great writeup about the hunt. Congrats. My family doesn't hunt with me, but they sure enjoy the fruits of my excursions! We just finished cutting up the doe I got last weekend with my FA454. Going back out on Sunday for another one with the shortgun...

MT Gianni
10-11-2012, 09:29 PM
Nice write up and hunt.

10-11-2012, 10:39 PM
Great hunt, great post, nicely done!
Thanks for sharing.