View Full Version : Reminton's 1911--thoughts?

10-06-2012, 11:28 PM
I looked at several Remington 1911s at the gun show today. I first saw some advertised in my last edition of the The American Rifleman, and then I remembered actually firing some way back in the service.

Really liked the ones I looked at and handled today.

Anyone have any experience or thoughts on them?


tomme boy
10-06-2012, 11:36 PM
The ones you fired were Remington Rand were they not? Different company.

10-06-2012, 11:52 PM
remington. Has aways be a copycat so what you see is a copycat of a colt but not as good
Every gun that remington has made is a cheaper copy of someone's gun . I am not saying its a bad gun, but a cheaper COPY

10-07-2012, 12:40 AM
remington. Has aways be a copycat so what you see is a copycat of a colt but not as good
Every gun that remington has made is a cheaper copy of someone's gun . I am not saying its a bad gun, but a cheaper COPY

I handled some Sig Sauer 1911s and just flat didn't like them. I do like the S&W 1911, but that Remington 1911 felt more solid than the Sig and S&W.

We had some Remington M40s in the service that were some of the finest shooting accuracy (read: sniper) rifles anyone had ever fired. Not sure what they were a copy of, let alone a cheap copy of.


10-07-2012, 02:53 AM
i have a remington r1 .. i like it . seems well made to me and so far has been very reliable .
my only issue was it shot about 6 inches low but a phone call to remington and a few days wait had a new sight in my mail box that fixed me right up .

the price was right to. at $675 out the door

10-07-2012, 08:49 AM
i have seen some of the new remingtons. if i did not already have some 1911's i would by one. i have a pre ww1 colt a rem.rand a 70 searies colt and a argentine colt.

remember the sig s&w ruger and all the others are only copies also.

10-07-2012, 10:27 AM
One of the last write ups I read on the Colt versus the S&W had a comparison chart of several 1911's. The Remington Enhanced had better accuracy than any of the others including the Combat Commander Colt. A handloader magazine awhile back tested one and it was a very good report. Shooting over 10,000 rounds without a malfunction.

I haven't shot one either but have picked up a couple at the gun shop and it feels good. I liked the Enhanced model the best.

10-07-2012, 11:24 AM
The Rem 1911s that I have handled (have not shot one yet) seem to be well
put together.


10-07-2012, 11:47 AM
the rem 700 is a copy of the mauser push feed same as the 91 argie.

what i can't believe is it has taken so long for everybody to make a 1911.
i mean china was importing them 25 years ago [good ones too]
remington,ruger,taurus,ed brown,kimber,colt [i think they make one], auto-ordinance [thompson] which i have,a couple of guy's in wyoming in thier garage make one too.
i'm sure there are others.
but how hard is it to make a 1911?
if it don't rattle when you shake it or slop all over the place when you pull back the slide and the bbl fits the front bushing it will shoot pretty well.

Chicken Thief
10-07-2012, 11:52 AM
remington. Has aways be a copycat so what you see is a copycat of a colt but not as good
Every gun that remington has made is a cheaper copy of someone's gun . I am not saying its a bad gun, but a cheaper COPY

Who did they copy the Rolling Block from?

10-07-2012, 12:00 PM
the rem 700 is a copy of the mauser push feed same as the 91 argie.

As is the Winchester Model 70.

10-07-2012, 01:20 PM
the older model 70 is from the other one mauser made,as are the 0-3 springfields, rugers,kimbers etc..
the 93/95/98's
thier push feed is a closer copy of the 89/91 models.
don't really matter though, they all do the job.

10-07-2012, 01:33 PM
On the 1911.com forum the Remington is pretty well thought of. There is some confusion as to where the slide and frame are cast/made. Remington claims that the pistol is "Made in America". Apparently the slide and Frame is at least cast in the Philippines.
There are 3 or 4 companies that are competing for the $600-700 market for 1911. The Ruger ,S&W ,Remington seem to all be well liked.

10-07-2012, 01:35 PM
I have never considered the 1911 a Colt gun. Colt was just the contractor building the Browning design gun. They DID make some very fine examples though until the 80 series. I saw a Rem 1911 in satin nickel that I really liked, and I don't like nickel guns. They appear to be well built - especially for the price. enjoy Mike

10-07-2012, 01:41 PM
I recently bought a Rem. R-1 and I like it, have no problems. It shoots well, even handload store bought bullets and more recently cast boolits I made myself!Its the least expensive 1911 made in the US that I could find.

10-07-2012, 02:49 PM
Has anyone experienced fit issues with the grip safety on the R1? I read on the Internet (so it MUST be true!) that the fit is rather poor where the grip safety goes into the frame - to the point of actually being sharp. Just wondering if it's an actual issue, or a 'some guy on the web said...'

DIRT Farmer
10-07-2012, 03:36 PM
The one I shot seemed fairly tight, ran well and ate up a lot of the Lee 452-200 SWC, shot to the point of aim.

Definatly not a "built" gun but better than several that I have shot

10-08-2012, 08:35 PM
Remington R1 is on my short list.

10-09-2012, 11:25 AM
I've shot a RO a fair bit and really like it.

Alan in Vermont
10-09-2012, 12:48 PM
I want one in about the worst way. Handled one at a LGS and, other than needing an arched housing to work with my hand shape, it sure felt "right".

10-09-2012, 03:06 PM
I havre handled and shot 5 of them one of my own for duty carry and 4 others for customers who liked mine. All have had exceptioal accuracy and have proven to be solid reliable working guns. I also have a remington Rand that belonged to my Dad, he bought it from the NRA in 1952 for $17.50 and it has served the family well since then and is still a good gun.

As to copies of Colt, if Colt had gotten off the mark and built what the customers wanted at a reasonable price they would still be a major player in the market. I wouldn't waste money on a REAL Colt anymore.

10-09-2012, 03:15 PM
As to copies of Colt, if Colt had gotten off the mark and built what the customers wanted at a reasonable price they would still be a major player in the market. I wouldn't waste money on a REAL Colt anymore.

It looks like they pretty much sell all the 1911s and SAAs that they make. I'd say they are a major player.

10-09-2012, 06:09 PM
I have never considered the 1911 a Colt gun. Colt was just the contractor building the Browning design gun. They DID make some very fine examples though until the 80 series. Mike

+1 Couldn't agree more. Springfield and Kimber make fine examples as well. The S&W seems to be a quality 1911 as does the SIG. I've only handled one Remington and did not take it apart. I found all kinds of uglies inside another popular brand of 1911 that touts a forged frame and slide. Unfortunately, all of the hidden parts appeared to be MIM or cast. I've broken too many MIM parts in competition 1911s to want any more.


10-09-2012, 07:29 PM
The remington 1911 is a well bilt gun .For the price it is well bilt and i like mine